

Reserch on Notation and Words of Mao Zedong’s Reding Socialist Political Economics

【作者】 刘正妙

【导师】 李佑新;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪50年代末,毛泽东提出三面红旗,本意是要搞好经济建设。但是,三面红旗是一场脱离现实实际的理想主义“大试验”,试验伊始便出现不少问题。在理想主义碰壁后,毛泽东开始关注现实,试图纠正三面红旗大试验中出现的错误,为此他提倡领导干部读社会主义政治经济学。他认为,读社会主义政治经济学,可以减少工作中的事务主义,可以学习和借鉴苏联的社会主义建设经验,可以提高领导干部的理论水平,可以澄清人们头脑中一系列错误、混乱的思想。毛泽东本人在读社会主义政治经济学著作时,针对三面红旗试验中出现的问题,提出了一些富有价值的理论。如,社会主义可以划分为不发达的社会主义和比较发达的社会,后一个阶段可能比前一个阶段需要更长的时间;国民经济发展要统筹兼顾,公私兼顾;搞社会主义建设要波浪式发展;等等。毛泽东重点论述了社会主义商品经济问题和社会主义矛盾问题。关于社会主义商品经济问题,毛泽东揭示了我国商品生产和商品交换长期存在的重要性,阐释了社会主义商品生产和商品交换的性质,探讨了社会主义商品经济的活动方式,指出部分生产资料也属于商品,提出价值规律是一所伟大的学校,等等。关于社会主义矛盾问题,毛泽东正视社会主义社会矛盾的客观存在,对其产生的原因进行了揭示,对解决社会主义社会矛盾的途径作了多方面探讨。不过,毛泽东在读社会主义政治经济学著作时,他思维结构中,理想性的一面还是非常强。这影响了他对社会主义建设的探索。因此,读书过程中,在继续肯定三面红旗的同时,毛泽东又提出了一些脱离现实实际的错误观点。如,主张不断变革生产关系以促进生产力的发展,欣赏分配上的供给制,认为穷比富好。毛泽东对社会主义商品经济问题和社会主义矛盾问题的认识,也存在一定局限性。关于社会主义商品经济,毛泽东否认大部分生产资料属于商品;主张把一切资本家从商品流通领域中排挤出去,只允许国营商业和合作社商业,不允许个体商业的存在和发展;否认社会主义商业具有竞争性;只承认价值规律在经济核算中的重要性,没有注意到它对商品生产的调节作用;夸大和误解商品生产和价值规律的消极作用,等等。关于社会主义矛盾问题,毛泽东过于强调矛盾的斗争性而忽视矛盾的统一性;轻视平衡而推崇不平衡;重视思想政治方面的人民内部矛盾而忽视物质利益方面的人民内部矛盾;等等。毛泽东读社会主义政治经著作,是对社会主义建设道路的一次艰辛探索。他的这次探索,对1960年至1966年的探索产生了两方面的影响。一方面,毛泽东读书时形成的符合客观实际的观点,在现实主义的引导下,得到了进一步发展和完善,为制定正确的规章制度和政策方针等提供了理论基础。另一方面,在理想主义的引导下,毛泽东更加全面和系统的阐述了读书时形成的脱离现实实际的错误观点,误导了他的社会主义探索,最终陷入了文化大革命的悲剧境地。

【Abstract】 At the end of1950s, Chairman Mao put forward the policy of three pieces offlags, intending to improve economic construction. However, this policy was a "bigtest" of idealism which was far from reality, there were many problems as soon as itstarted. Mao Zedong began to pay attention to reality after idealism encountereddifficulties, he tried to correct those errors in the policy of three pieces of flags,therefore, he advocated leaders to read socialist political economics. He thought,reading socialist political economics could reduce routinism in work, could learn theconstruction experience of socialism from Soviet Union, could improve leaders’theoretical level, and could clarify a series of inaccurate and confused thought inpeople’s mind.Mao Zedong put forward some valuable theories against the policy of threepieces of flags when he was reading socialist political economics. For example,socialism can be divided into two stages, the first stage is undeveloped socialism, andthe second one is more developed socialism; The national economy developmentshould be overall consideration, both public and private; Socialism constructionshould develop in the style of wave upon wave. And so on. Mao Zedong discussedmainly on problems about socialist commodity economy and contradictions ofsocialism. Regard to socialist commodity economy, Mao Zedong illuminated thenecessity and importance of existence of commodity production and long-standingcommodity exchanges in our country, defined the character of socialist commodityproduction and commodity exchanges, explored the activity pattern of socialistcommodity economy, and pointed out that some production materials also belong tocommodities, put forward the law of value is a great school, and soon. With respect toproblems about socialist contradictions, Mao Zedong faced the social contradictionsand their objective existence squarely, revealed the reasons for the appearance ofsocial contradictions, probed into various methods to solve socialist socialcontradictions.However, idealism took a large part in Mao Zedong’s thinking structure when heread socialist political economics, and this affected his exploration on socialismconstruction. Therefore, Mao Zedong put forward some incorrect views which werenot from the actual conditions when he continued to affirm the policy of three piecesof flags. These views including advocating change the relations of productionconstantly in order to improve the developmentof production ability, appreciating theprovision of distribution and thinking poor is better than rich. Mao Zedong had somelimitations on understanding the problems of socialist commodity economy andsocialist contradictions. When come to commodity economy, Mao Zedong denied thatmost production materials belong to commodity, claimed to push all capitalists outfrom the circulation field of commodity, forbid the existence and development ofindividual commerce, only allowed state-run business and cooperative business;Healso denied socialist business was competitive, he just admitted the importance of thelaw of value in economy-accounting, but he didn’t notice its regulatory role in goods production; He exaggerated and misunderstood the negative effect of commodityproduction as well as the law of value, etc. Mao Zedong put too much emphasis onstruggle while ignored the unity of contradictions, looked down on balance whilepraised highly on unbalance, attached too much importance on ideologicalcontradictions while ignore the material aspects among people’s internalcontradictions, and so on.Mao Zedong’s reading socialist political economics was a hard exploration forsocialism construction, which had two effects on his exploration from1960to1966.On one hand, those views which were in line with reality formed when he was readinghad been further developed and perfected under the guidance of realistic, and theseviews in turn provided a theory basis for formulate correct rules and regulations; Onthe other hand, under the guidance of idealism, Mao Zedong described those viewswhich were out line of reality more systemic and comprehensively, these viewsmisguided his socialist exploration, and finally pushed him into the tragedian situationof cultural evolution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期