

Research on Legality of the Private Criminal Investigation

【作者】 欧阳爱辉

【导师】 黄明儒;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 诉讼法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 私人刑事调查作为普通私个体自发进行的各类查明刑事案件真实情况和犯罪嫌疑人之取证活动,从古至今一直乃私人捍卫自身正当权益及打击、遏制犯罪的有效手段。但同这种现象存续的悠久历史相比,系统全面的私人刑事调查法制化理论与实践探讨目前在我国仍属鲜有人问津的处女地。通过语义逻辑学的角度就私人刑事调查概念自身展开考察,然后正本清源逐次借用实证研究、比较研究等方法对私人刑事调查基本特征、主要类别、与侦查之关系进行分析。它基本特征包括调查主体的非国家公权力化、主要调查方式的非强制化和调查直接目的的私力救济化;主要类别则涵盖私家侦探刑事调查、律师私下刑事调查和其他私主体刑事调查三大类;与侦查相比较,二者既有着同质性,亦存明显异质性。私人刑事调查缘何要实现法制化在现实依据和理论依据两方面具备着深刻根源。在现实依据层面,它是政治国家与市民社会二元分野、平行发展之本质需要、当事人刑事诉权扩张与侦查权运作保持平衡协调之基本要求、刑事诉讼中基本人权保障的应有之义;理论依据层面,它在法学理论范畴符合了私力救济理论和当事人主义之要求,以主权在民理论为基础拥有了坚实的政治学依据。目前我国私人刑事调查相关法律构建普遍过于简略甚至存在缺失,而实践运作却处于蓬勃发展状态。这样带来的严重问题不少,一是诸多私人刑事调查缺乏法律依据,二是私人刑事调查的侦查化,三则是侦查的私人刑事调查化。为在我国完成私人刑事调查的法制化,设定了私人刑事调查法制化的实现目标与方案,围绕方案展开了宏观和微观两层面法律建构。宏观上强调私力救济入宪,微观上则要求设立专门的私人刑事调查相关法律。这种专门性立法又包括私人刑事调查基本指导原则、私人刑事调查的主体和适用范围、主要调查方式、私人刑事调查的监督救济程序、非法私人刑事调查的证据排除规则五方面。此外,为能令法制化建构真正得以落实,还进行了保障措施设计。这涵盖司法、守法和其它配套措施三部分。司法上,应要求在法院内设立专门司法审查机关和明确非法私人刑事调查具体法律责任;守法上,应提倡树立正确私力救济法律观、推进健康的刑事诉讼文化建设与提高普通受众法律认同度;其它配套措施上,应力主设计全社会范畴的多维监督约束体系、确立私人刑事调查行业专门性监管机制和强化私人刑事调查的道德教育及自我道德约束。

【Abstract】 As an obtain evidence activity that ordinary person used them spontaneously tofind out all kinds of the real situation of criminal cases and criminal suspects, privatecriminal investigation has always been an effective means for person to protect theirlegitimate rights and interests and crack down and control the crimes historically. Butcompare to the long history of this phenomenon, the systematic and comprehensivetheory and practice about the private criminal investigation legalization is a virginarea few people heeded it in our country now. At first studying the concept of privatecriminal investigation itself from the view of semantic logical, then analyzing the basicattributes, categories and comparing the investigation from the view such as empiricaland comparative step by step. Its basic attributes is including non-public power ofinvestigation subjects, non-force of main investigation methods and private help of theinvestigation direct aim. At the aspect of main category, we can divide it into three categories,including private criminal investigation of private detectives, secret private criminal investigationof lawyers and private criminal investigation of the others private subjects. By comparing theinvestigation, we can find both of them have the similar, but have the obvious differences too.The reasons of private criminal investigation needs legalization have deeply sources attwo aspects: concrete basis and theoretical basis. On the concrete basis aspect, it isbasic necessary for the political state and civil society diverges and parallel develops, thebasic need for the balance for enlarge criminal procedure right of litigant and the action ofinvestigation power, the basic meanings of basic human rights protection in criminal procedure.On the theoretical basis aspect, it adapts the needs of private help theory and the adversarysystem from law science theory scope, and obtain deeply politics basis from the view of popularsovereignty theory.The related law construction of private criminal investigation is generally too brief and evennonexistent in our present country, but practical operation is developing fast. They bring manyserious problems. Firstly, a large number of private criminal investigations lack of the legal basis,secondly, private criminal investigations become investigations, thirdly, the investigations becomeprivate criminal investigations. In order to achieve private criminal investigation legalization inour country, we must design it’s achieve aim and plan. From this plan, enforce the lawconstruction at two aspects: macroscopic and microcosmic. At the macroscopic ascept, we shouldemphasize to write the private help into the constitution. At the microcosmic aspect, we shouldestablish the special legislation for private criminal investigation. The special legislation including five aspects: the basic guiding principle of private criminal investigation, the subjects and applyscope, the main investigation methods, the supervise and remedy procedure, the exclusionary ruleof illegally private criminal investigation obtained evidence. In addition, in order to ensureachieve legalization construction indeed, we design the supporting measure too. It includs threeaspects: judicial, law-abiding and others supporting measures. On judicial aspect, we shouldrequire to establish special judicial review organ in the court and clear the specific legal liability ofillegal private criminal investigation. On law-abiding aspect, we should advocate establish acorrect idea of private help in law, promote construct healthy criminal procedure culture andenhance the legal identity of general audience. On the others supporting measures aspect, weshould stress to design the multidimensional supervision and restraint system among the wholesociety, establish special regulatory mechanism for the industry of private criminal investigationand strengthen the moral education and self moral constraint.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期