

The Study of Landscape Visual Quality Assessments Based on GIS Technology

【作者】 裘亦书

【导师】 高峻;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 环境科学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 环境问题越来越引起各国重视,政府和机构开始关注环境治理和管理问题,但大自然赋予人类有限的景观资源也在不断受到污染和遭到践踏,景观管理是环境管理的重要组成部分,要求我们不仅要进行环境管理,更要进行景观管理。本文在大量阅读国外理论方法和实践经验文献的基础上,结合我们国家已有的研究成果,通过对景观视觉资源的系统调查、整理和分析,对景观视觉质量进行了重新解读。将景观特征分解为生物物理要素、形式要素和心理因素,建立景色质量、视觉敏感度和视觉吸收力三个方面结合的景观视觉质量综合评价的理论框架,扩展了质量评价的定义,制定指标和标准,结合GIS技术与常规评价方法,以九寨沟自然保护区为例,分区域-路段-样点进行多维度的评价,形成了完整的评价系统。论文从理论和实践两个方面探索了如何综合评价景观视觉质量的可行途径,最后对景观规划与资源管理提出了相应的意见和建议,从而为九寨沟的景观视觉资源保护和景观管理提供依据。本文通过研究得到以下结论:(1)基于景色质量的通用评价准则,从生动性、独特性、多样性、完整性和空间性5方面进行研究,在GIS技术中加入景观格局指数计算方式,得到景色质量评价结果最佳的区域分布在树正沟、日则沟、则查洼沟和扎如沟,面积占研究区总面积的14.8,最高等级的视觉单元集中在几条主沟的区域内。①树正沟整体景色质量表现良好,35号和47号视觉单元是整个树正沟的核心区域。日则沟景点分布较多的26号视觉单元,也成为整个日则沟的精华部分。则查洼沟3号和扎如沟42号视觉单元是最佳景色质量评价结果。丹祖沟整体景色质量评价结果较差,没有最佳的视觉单元。②近景距离带中深入扎如沟,景色质量变佳;树正沟整个路段景色质量评价较好,尤其是20-27号路段为景色质量最佳路段;则查洼沟32-34和4044号路段景色质量最佳。日则沟镜海、珍珠滩等景点分布的45-46号路段景色质量最佳。中景距离带中沟口路段景色质量一般;扎如沟8-12号路段景色质量评价等级较高;树正沟总体评价结果良好。则查洼沟上下季节海附近路段获得一级景色质量路段。日则沟51-54号路段景色质量较差,其余路段评价都较好。③采用SBE法对区域内若干乘车样点进行问卷统计,得到最佳的景点火花海,五花海等。应用数量化理论Ⅰ建立SBE值与各因子之间关系模型,确定对景色质量贡献最大的是地形地貌、景观丰富度和可见湖面个数3个因子。(2)通过选取相对坡度、视觉机率、相对视距和醒目程度四个评价因子研究九寨沟自然保护区景观视觉敏感度可以发现:①树正沟景观敏感度是整个研究区等级最高,应当作为重点保护区。日则沟景点均分布在一级敏感度区域内,则查洼沟情况类似;扎如沟公路右侧39号视觉单元敏感度高,跟其坡度变化有关,丹祖沟整个区域景观视觉敏感度普遍偏低。②从路段来看,近景范围中扎如沟郭都寨路段、树正沟的盆景滩路段、则查洼沟的上下季节海景点路段、日则沟的镜海路段是敏感度较高的区域。中景范围内各路段变化趋于平缓,总体情况小于近景范围内敏感度数值,这与中景范围内水景优势作用变小,植被优势变大有关。③九寨沟自然保护区盆景滩、火花海、犀牛海、诺日朗瀑布、五彩池、熊猫海和箭竹海的视觉敏感度最高,以自然景观为主,在旅游开发的过程中要注意生态环境的保护和协调。(3)通过选取坡度、坡向、地形起伏度、植被丰富度、植被格局和土壤稳定性六个评价因子研究九寨沟自然保护区景观视觉吸收力可以发现:①影响景观吸收力的最直接的因素是植被,植物群落成份越丰富、结构越复杂,吸收力也越高。区域内诺日朗游客中心附近的各大景区范围内吸收力很强,扎如沟的纳西寨和树正寨区域是景观视觉吸收力最高的区域。则查洼沟、日则沟和丹祖沟总体随着海拔增高呈现减弱的阶梯式。②从整个公路和栈道沿线来看,近景景观视觉吸收力综合评价较高,扎如沟呈现先降低再升高的趋势。整个树正沟路段吸收力随路段数的增加而降低。则查洼沟28-36号路段和日则沟49号路段、55号路段吸收力分值最高。中景范围内吸收力变化则较为稳定,吸收力数值较近景吸收力数值高,这与植被分布较多以及离开公路距离较远有关。③研究区内盆景滩、火花海、树正群海和五花海等景点区域景观视觉吸收能力最强。其他景点所见视域范围内景观视觉吸收力比较低,轻度或局部的人为活动都可能带来强烈的或大面积的生态和视觉冲击。(4)将以上三部分内容进行分值叠加后得到景观视觉质量综合评价结果。根据九寨沟自然保护区景观现状,确定了管理目标和未来发展建议。研究表明:①在区域范围内:树正寨、诺日朗游客中心和镜海范围内的区域景观视觉质量综合评价最高,是景观保护的重点区域。扎如沟景观规划潜力最大,要重视景观视觉质量评价在未来景观管理和开发中的影响。可进行大幅改造的是日则沟19号、则查洼沟24号和扎如沟39号视觉单元。未来可以接受发展的区域主要集中在三条主沟有景点分布的附近,这些区域的吸收力等级普遍较高。②500m近景距离带中扎如沟公路末端11-12号路段、树正沟13-14号路段及26号路段、则查洼沟32-34号路段、日则沟45-46号路段景观质量评价结果良好;三条主沟公路上没有需要大幅改造的路段,重点保护的路段主要分布在三条主沟交汇处,不能进行景观破坏。未来可以接受发展的区域在扎如沟口以及则查洼沟部分吸收力等级高的路段中。③1500m中景距离带扎如沟口4号路段和树正沟13-14号路段、则查洼沟下季节海景点附近34号路段和日则沟镜海景点附近46号路段景观质量评价结果较好。目前应重点保护的路段有树正沟13-14号路段,树正沟犀牛海附近24号路段及日则沟镜海附近46号路段。树正沟在近景距离带中不适宜发展的路段在中景范围内可以适当进行发展,则查洼沟五花海和长海附近的路段依然处于低吸收力状态,不适宜进行进一步发展。本文的创新点在于:(1)在国内外相关研究成果的基础上,确立了景观视觉质量评价的研究框架,将景观生物物理要素、形式要素和心理要素结合起来构建评价指标,扩展了以往只评价风景质量的景观视觉评价体系,提出景观视觉质量包括景色质量评价、视觉敏感性评价和视觉吸收力评价三个方面,建立景观视觉质量综合评价的流程和体系;(2)构建了符合实际情况的多元、开放型的评价方法体系和评价模型,将GIS空间分析技术和景观格局指数引入到景观视觉质量评价中,将抽象的视觉评价延伸到量化的层次,将所有指标的评价结果转化为1-5分的定量数值,并进行叠加分析,使评价过程更具有普适性;(3)开展了九寨沟景观视觉质量评价的案例研究,建立相关景观视觉资源数据库,使用点—线—面结合的研究尺度,使得评价更全面。本论文研究意义在于:(1)丰富了景观视觉评价的范畴。本文尝试在景观视觉质量评价中加入一些景观生态学的景观指数作为评价因子,以及对景观的稳定性进行评价,以丰富了景观视觉评价的范畴。(2)对视觉资源的规划与管理提供指导作用。作为环境规划和管理的重要组成部分,景观污染问题总会逐步引起人们的关注的,为了进行景观的保护、规划和管理,景观视觉质量评价显得尤为必要。(3)利用新技术为景观视觉评价研究提供新的思路。景观评价缺乏统一的评价标准和方法,比较难用科学的方法评价景观的视觉效果,结合GIS是一种非常好的尝试,累积视域分析、环境对比亮度提取、空间开阔度等新方法都为景观视觉质量评价提供了新的思路和方法,弥补了传统研究方法的不足。(4)本文将这些研究指标和方法运用到世界级自然保护区——九寨沟的实例中。建立景观视觉资源数据库,完成区域和三条主沟公路及多个样点相结合的点-线-面综合评价并对景观规划与管理提出了相应的建议,为该地区以及同类型景区的景观视觉评价工作和景观管理和旅游可持续发展提供了科学依据。鉴于本文作者能力和时间限制,所提出的景观视觉质量评价框架、方法还有必要进行更深入的研究。研究区域的评价指标的分级有待进一步的完善,多种评价方法的结合还需仔细推敲。另外,技术上还可以进一步挖掘GIS强大的空间分析技术来进行更深入的研究,这些方面还有待今后在实践中积累更多的资料后进行详细研究。

【Abstract】 Environmental problems are becoming increasingly attracted national attention, governments and institutions began to focus on environmental governance and management issues, but the limited natural aesthetics resources which the nature has given to human are constantly contamination and trampled, landscape management is an important part of environmental management, requiring us not only to conduct environmental management, but also to carry out landscape managementIn this paper, on the basis of a lot of literature reading of the foreign theoretical methods and practical experience, it combines with our country existing research results, tries systematic investigation, collation and analysis of landscape visual resources, re-interprets the visual quality of the landscape. The landscape features are decomposed into biophysical elements, form elements and psychological elements, the paper establishes the theoretical framework and evaluation process of landscape visual quality assessment which combine three aspects named the scenery quality, visual sensitivity, and visual absorption capability. It expands the definition of quality assessment, develops the indicators and criteria which combined with GIS technology and conventional evaluation methods, takes Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve for example, forms a complete evaluation system with multi-dimensional evaluation which combines sub-regional, sections and samples,The paper explores from both theoretical and practical aspects of how feasible way of comprehensive evaluation of landscape visual quality, and, finally, it gives the comments and suggestions to landscape planning and resource management, and thus provide the basis for Jiuzhaigou landscape visual resource protection and planning. This paper studies the following conclusions:(1) Based on the general evaluation standard, we research on vitality, uniqueness, diversity, completeness and spatiality, applying landscape pattern index calculation method into GIS technology. It figures out that the best evaluated lake areas of landscape quality assessment are Shuzheng Valley, Rize Valley, Zezhawa Valley and Zharu Valley, accounting for14.8%of the total research areas. And the visual units of the highest grade centralize within the area of main valleys.①The Shuzheng Valley performs well in general scenery quality. No.35and No.47visual units are the core area of the whole area. In Rize Valley, No.26visual unit which enjoys the most spots is superset of the area. No3visual unit of Zezhawa Valley and No.42visual unit of Zharu Valley are the best in terms of scenery quality evaluation. Danzu Valley overall evaluation results of scenery quality is poor, there is no best visual units.②Among close-range, scenery quality become better when going deep into Zharu Valley; the ways around Shuzheng Valley have good evaluation result of scenery quality, especially the No.20-27sections. While sections of No.32-34and No.45-46in Zezhawa Valley are the best. No.45-46sections in Rize Valley which scattered with the Jing Sea, Zhenzhu Beach, Zhenzhu Beach Waterfalls and other spots are best in scenery quality.③Among mid-range, the sections of entrance of valley have ordinary landscape quality. No.8-12sections of Zharu Valley have higher scenery quality. The evaluated result of Shuzheng Valley is generally good. Around Shangjijie Sea and Xiajijie Sea, the section of Zezhawa Valley has the first-degree scenery quality. But No.51-54sections of Rize Valley have relatively worse scenery quality, while other sections are good in evaluation.④It uses SBE method to evaluate the key point areas within the research range and discover that the best spots are Huohua Sea, Wuhua Sea and Nuorilang Waterfalls. By using quantification theory I to establish the landscape evaluation model of SBE value and the landscape category, we can confirm that the most contributive factors to scenery quality are topography, richness of landscape and number of visible lakes.(2) By selecting evaluation factors, relative slope, visual probability, the degree of relative line-of-sight and eye-catching, results of the research of landscape visual sensitivity in Jiuzhaigou Natural Reserve can be found as follows:①Landscape sensitivity of Shuzheng Valley is the highest level in the area, which shall be viewed as key protected areas. Spots of Rize Valley are distributed in the primary sensitivity area, and Zezhawa Valley has the similar situation; No.39section on the right side of Zharu Valley road has high visual sensitivity, which is associated with its gradient change. And the landscape visual sensitivity of the whole region of Danzu Valley is generally low.②From close-range area, landscape visual sensitivity evaluation results, road around Guodu Village of Zharu Valley, the section of Penjing Beach of Shuzheng Valley, road around the Shangjijie Sea and Xiajijie Sea of Zezhawa Valley, and road around the Jing Sea are sensitive. Section changes of mid-range areas are flat and the overall sensitivity is less than that of the close-range areas. This is due to the decreasing effect of water landscape and the increasing advantages brought by plants.③In Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, Penjing beach, Huohua Sea, Xiniu Sea, Nuorilang Waterfalls, Wucai pools, Xiongmao Sea and Jianzhu Sea have the highest visual sensitivity, with the priority in natural landscape. Accordingly, the protection and the coordination of the ecological environment should be paid attention to the process of tourism development.(3) By selecting the factors of slope, aspect, terrain degrees, vegetation richness, vegetation pattern and soil stability, results of the research of six evaluation factor of landscape visual absorption capability in Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve can be found as follows:①The most direct factors that affect the absorbability of the landscape are plants. If plants are dense and are of variety, and the structure more complicated, the self-adjustment ability of the community would be stronger, and the absorption capability higher. In the areas, spots around Nuorilang tourist center have strong absorption capability. The Naxi Village of Zharu Valley and Shuzheng Village have the strongest landscape visual absorption capability. Zezhawa Valley, Rize Valley and Danzu Valley have similar situations; the overall trend is that absorption capability is decreased as altitude increased.②From the perspectives of roads and plank roads around, close-range spots are better evaluated in comprehensive visual absorption capability. For example, the trend of result of Zharu Valley is descending first, then ascend. The absorption capability of Shuzheng Valley areas descends while the number of road section increases. No.28-36sections of Zezhawa Valley and No.49section and No.55section of Rize Valley enjoy the highest marks in terms of absorption capability. As for mid-range areas, the change of absorptive is relatively steady. They have higher marks than close shot areas in absorption capability as well. This is due to the dense distribution of plants and long distance from roads.③In this area, the best visual absorption capability belongs to Penjing Beach, Huohua Sea, Shuzheng Sea groups and Wuhua Sea. Other spots have lower absorption capability within visible areas, in which slight activities of human being would bring intense and extensive impact on ecology.(4) Overlaid the scores of above three part of the contents and then get the landscape visual quality assessment results. According to the landscape status to determine the management objectives and future development proposals in Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. Studies show that:①In the regional:The regional landscape of Shuzheng Village, Nuorilang visitor center and Jing Sea are the highest visual quality assessment areas which are the key protected areas. Zharu Valley has greatest potential on landscape planning; it should pay attention to the impact of visual landscape quality assessment in the future landscape management and development. The visual units which can substantially modify are No.19in Rize Valley, No.24in Zezhawa Valley and No.39in Zharu Valley. Acceptable future development areas are mainly concentrated in three main valleys which have attractions located near them, areas generally have higher level of absorption capability.②Close-range within500m distance, landscape quality evaluation results are good in sections of No.11-12in road ends of Zharu Valley, No.13-14and No.26in Shuzheng Valley, No.45-46in Rize Valley. Three main Valley roads are no need for substantial modified. Key protection sections are mainly distributed in three main Valley interchange area and landscape can’t be destroyed. Future acceptable development area is in the entry area of Zharu Valley as well as some road sections of Zechawa Valley with higher level of absorption capability.③Middle-range with1500m distance, landscape quality evaluation results are good in sections of No.4in entry area of Zharu Valley, No.13-14Shuzheng Valley, No.34near Xiajijie Sea attraction in Zechawa Valley and No.46near Jing Sea attraction in Rize Valley. It should focus on the protection of sections are the No.13-14in the Shuzheng Valley, No.24near Xiniu Sea in Shuzheng Valley and No.46near Jing Sea in Rize Valley. The sections which are unsuitable for development in close-range in Shuzheng Valley are now suitable for the properly development in middle-range. The sections of Wuhua Sea in Zechawa Valley and near Chang Sea Valley are still in the low absorption capability, unsuitable for further development.The innovation of this paper is to:(1) On the basis of relevant research results at home and abroad to establish landscape visual quality assessment framework. It establishes evaluation index by combining the biophysical elements of the landscape, form elements and psychological elements, and proposes landscape visual quality should include three aspects of the scenery quality evaluation, visual sensitivity evaluation and visual absorption capability for the establishment of landscape visual quality assessment processes and systems. It extends the landscape visual quality valuation system that the previous evaluation only takes scenic landscape visual quality evaluation.(2) It builds a pluralistic and open evaluation methods system and evaluation model which is in line with the actual situation. GIS spatial analysis technology and landscape pattern indexes are introduced into the landscape visual quality assessment, the abstract visual evaluation extends to the quantify level, the evaluation results of all the indicators are taken into quantitative values of1-5, and overlay analysis, make the evaluation process more universal.(3) It carries out a case study of Jiuzhaigou landscape visual quality assessment. It builds landscape visual resource database and makes more comprehensive evaluation by using binding studies scale of point--line-surface.In this paper, the theoretical significance is:(1) It enriches the scope of the landscape visual evaluation; The paper tries to add some landscape index of landscape ecology to the landscape visual as evaluation factors, as well as evaluating the stability of the landscape, in order to enrich the scope of landscape visual evaluation.(2) To provide guidance for scenic visual resources planning and management. As an important part of environmental planning and management, the landscape pollution will gradually aroused the concern of the people, so the visual landscape quality analysis and assessment is particularly necessary.(3) To provide new ideas for landscape visual evaluation studies by using new technologies. Because of the lack of uniform evaluation criteria and methods of landscape evaluation, it will become more difficult to use the scientific method to evaluate the visual effects of the landscape. Combined with GIS is a very good attempt, including cumulative viewed, brightness extraction, the space openness and other new methods provides new ideas and methods for landscape visual quality evaluation, making up the traditional research methods lack.(4) In this paper, these indicators and methods applied to the World-Class Nature Reserve-Jiuzhaigou example, it builds landscape visual resource database and completes the complex point-line-surface evaluation combining with the entire region and the three main Valley along the road and many sights,and then putting forward corresponding countermeasures for landscape planning and visual resource management, providing a scientific basis of landscape visual evaluation, landscape management and sustainable development of the landscape for the area and the same type of scenic areaHowever, due to the ability and limit time of the author, the research of visual quality is still preliminary, the proposed evaluation framework, methods are relatively simple, there is a need for more in-depth research. The classification of the evaluation of the study area needs to be further improved, the combination of a variety of evaluation methods need to be considered carefully. In addition, the technology also can further tap GIS powerful spatial analysis techniques to more in-depth research, these aspects have yet to accumulate more information for detailed study in practice in the future.

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