

【作者】 王书艳

【导师】 朱易安;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 唐代文人争相构园,并亲自参与构园,从相地选址、布局立基,到叠山置石、凿池引泉、移栽花木、构置亭台每一构园细节都融入了主观情感,掀起了一股构园热潮。唐代文人在构园实践中积累了丰富经验,形成了一定的园林景观理念与建构体系,并且在构园的相地原则、因借艺术及对比手法的运用上也多有开创。“栽菊伴吟诗”,唐人一边构园,一边吟诗,用诗歌记录构园生活,吟咏园林景致,构园与诗歌交织在一起,构园拓展了唐诗的题材内容、体式风格及诗歌功能,诗歌吟咏对构园有了诗意的提升、情感的赋予,使园景物象与诗歌意象互存并生,园林意境与诗歌意境互通互融,并对后世园林的建构多有影响,诗歌与构园互相影响互相推进。本文从三个层面入手,首先对唐代园林的建构情形进行历史梳理,在史料梳理的基础上考察唐人构园生活对诗歌创作的影响,并且考察诗歌对唐人构园及后世园林建构的影响。论文主体分为上篇与下篇,上篇从整体上论述唐人的构园情形、构园与诗歌的互动关系;下篇以构园的四大要素山石、水泉、花木、建筑进行结构,具体详细论述唐人的构园生活以及构园要素与诗歌创作的互动关系,上篇与下篇既相互照应又互相补充。上篇分为三章,第一章概述唐人构园的社会风气与建构情形,呈现唐人构园的景观理念、构园原则与技艺手法,并在此安排第四节论述园林类唐诗的文献价值,既是对前三小节的总结又是对下面两章的总起。第二章论述唐人构园对诗歌创作的影响,园林的建构落成、游览品赏、离别忆念、荒废变迁拓展了诗歌的题材内容;闲适的园居生活形成了疏散诗风、游戏语言,促进了组诗形式的发展;同时,诗歌反映日常生活的功能、诗歌的交际功能与娱乐功能也多有拓展。第三章论述诗歌与构园的互动,园景物象走进诗歌成为诗歌意象,浸染了丰富文化内涵的诗歌意象又进一步物化为园林景观,园林景象与诗歌意象互存并生;唐代文人构园与诗歌创作讲求意境营造,两者在审美趣味、营造手法与审美追求上具有相通之处,诗境与园境互通互融。下篇以四大构园要素山石、泉池、花木、建筑进行组织安排,并依此共分为四章,第一章论述构园中的山石与诗歌,唐人的堆山置石使咏石诗在内容与形式上发生了变化,咏石诗又对构园的选石标准与构园堆山的写意手法、真假理念深有影响;第二章论述构园中的水景与诗歌,以池与泉为个案剖析池、泉的诗意内涵及其对园林景观设置与意境营造的影响;第三章论述构园中的花木与诗歌,唐人丰富的种植诗保存了唐代花木的种植历史,并对后世构园中花木的栽植原则、文人志趣多有影响;第四章论述构园中的建筑与诗歌,以亭与窗为个案说明建筑意象与诗歌艺术间的互动影响。在论述每一构园要素时都从园林中的建构情形、与诗人相关的行为方式、与诗歌的互动关系,以及在诗歌影响下的审美内涵这几个方面进行剖析。唐代文人堆山置石、凿池引泉、移栽花木、构置亭台,使园林成为一个蕴含了文人情操与志向的象征系统,园林的物质建构序列上升为精神建构序列。通过对唐人构园与诗歌之间互动关系的解读,可以发现园林不是孤立的静态的人工建筑,而是饱含了各种社会关系的动态空间,与唐代的社会政治、经济、文化以及唐人的生活方式、审美趣味、隐逸心态等都具有密切的内在关联。

【Abstract】 Poets in Tang Dynasty are scrambling to construct gardens,and personally involved in the construction.The subjective emotion is integrated into each detail of garden construction, from investigating and locating sites, layout and laying the foundation, to stacking hills and setting stones,chiseling pools and leading springs,transplanting flowers and trees,constructing pavilions,which sets off an upsurge of constructing gardens.The poets in Tang Dynasty accumulate a wealth of experience in the practice of garden construction,forming a certain concept of garden landscape and construction system,with many creation in principle of locating sites,art of yin jie,and the use of contrast methods."Reciting poetry while planting chrysanthemum."The Tang Dynasty poets recite poetry while constructing gardens.They record the life of constructing gardens and intone the view of gardens with poetry. As a result, the constructing garden and the poetry are intertwined each other. On the one hand, the garden contruction expands the subject and content, styles and poetry’s function of the poems in the Tang Dynasty. On the other hand, the intoning of poetry has a poetic enhancement and emotion ascension on the constructing gardens,which makes the garden scenery and the poetry imagery co-exist with each other, artistic conception of the garden and poetry merge mutually,and affects the garden construction in the later generations.There is an interacting and promoting relationship between the poetry and garden construction.This paper consists of three levels:firstly,making a historical combing for the construction situation of the Tang Dynasty gardens;secondly,examine the influence of the constitutive lives of the Tang dynasty poets on the poetry on the basis of the historical data;lastly, and the influence of poetry on the garden construction in Tang Dynasty and in the later generations.The main body of the paper is divided into Part one and Part two. The Part one discusses the construction of the Tang Dynasty gardens and the interactive relationship between the garden construction and the poetry as a whole. The Part two is organized by the four elements of garden construction, hills and rocks, water and spring, flowers and trees and buildings, and specifically discusses the garden construction lives of the Tang Dynasty poet and the interactive relationship between the constitutive elements and the poetry. The Part one and Part two are coordinated and supplement with each other.The Part one is divided into three chapters. Chapter1outlines the social atmosphere of garden construction and the constructing situation in theTang Dynasty, presenting the landscape concept、constructing principle and craft technique of the garden construction in the Tang Dynasty.what’s more,there is a fourth section discussing the literature value of the poetry about the garden construction, that is, a summary of the first three sections and begining of the following two chapters.Chapter2discusses the influence of garden construction of the Tang Dynasty on poetry. Garden’s completion,and its tour and appreciation,parting and remembrance,abandonment and changes,expand the content of the poetry.The quiet garden life forms casual poetry style and playful language,promoting the development of the poetry’s compositing forms.At the same time,the poetry reflects the function of daily life,communication and entertainment.Chapter3discusses the interaction between the poetry and the garden construction.The garden scenery goes into the poetry and becomes poetry imagery,and the poetry imagery which is full of rich cultural connotation is further materialized into garden landscape.The garden scenery and the poetry imagery co-exist with each other.The garden construction and the poetry writing both emphasize the image creation.They have many similarities in aesthetic appreciation,creating techniques and aesthetic pursuit.The poetry and the garden construction influence and promote each other.Part two is organized by four elements of garden construction:hills and rocks,water and spring,flowers and trees,and buildings,and it is divided into four chapters.Chapter1discusses the hills, rocks and poetry in constructing gardens.The stacking hills and setting stones change the content and form of chanting stone poetry.In turn,the chanting stone poetry has a deep influence on the stone selection standards of constructing gardens,freehand brush work of hill design, and concept of true and false.Chapter2discusseswater features of garden construction and poetry. As the pools and springs as a case, it analyses the poetic connotation of pools and springs,and the influence on the garden landscape setting and the creation imagery.Chapter3discusses flowers and trees of garden construction and poetry.The rich planting poetry of The Tang Dynasty preserves the Tang Dynasty planting history of the flowers and trees,which has influence on planting principle of garden construction and poets’ interest in later ages.Chapter4discusses buildings of garden construction and poetry.and analyses interactive effects of building imagery and poetry art in the case of pavilions and windows. When discussing the elements of garden construction,this paper analyzes the situation of garden constrution,related behavior of poets,interactive relationship with poetry and the aesthetic connotation under the influence of poetry.The poets in The Tang Dynasty are personally involved in the construction of gardens from investigating and locating site,layout and laying the foundation,to stacking hills and setting stones,chiseling pools and leading springs,transplanting flowers and trees, and constructing pavilions,which makes the gardens become a symbolic systems of poets’ sentiments and aspirations.As a result,the material construction sequence of garden sublimates to the spirit construction sequence.Through the interpretation of interactive relationship between garden construction and poetry,we can perceive that the garden is not an isolated artificial building,but a dynamic space full of many kinds of social relations,which has a close relationship with the politics、economics and culture of the Tang Dynasty,and also with the lifestyle、aesthetic taste and hermitic mentality of the Tang Dynasty poets.
