

【作者】 李红梅

【导师】 陈伟;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 文艺学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 早期都市流行歌曲是中国20世纪上半叶重要的音乐样式之一。在时代精神的感召下,传统文化与现代意识之间由对立、冲突,到最终走向融合,共同演绎了异彩纷呈的文化景观。面对突如其来的现代性潮流,早期都市流行歌曲融汇古今,博采中西,不仅具有强烈的现代意识,还实现了传统文化的浴火重生,使古老的审美范式焕发出更大的光彩。流行音乐在20世纪的兴起,是一种世界范围内的音乐文化现象,但由于中国开启现代性进程的特殊背景,早期都市流行歌曲因此呈现出“时代曲”和“救亡歌”两大重要组成部分。相比较而言,“救亡歌”反映了当时人们反抗殖民侵略、构建现代性民族国家的革命诉求;“时代曲”则反映了民国时期人们追求个性解放、独立自由的审美理想。由于中国的现代性是在西方殖民势力的侵扰下展开的,“救亡歌”所代表的认同机制以及构建现代民族国家的设想取得了现实合法性,而“时代曲”所代表的个性自由解放的一维却因为历史原因被长期遮蔽。“救亡歌”虽然曾经一度取得了现实合法性,但其建国后逐渐失去功用的历史命运也说明了现代审美认同机制的局限性。这也提示我们寻求一种更广泛的审美认同,来实现人的自由解放所追求的审美共通感。当我们把这些作为一种美学现象来重新审视这一段历史的时候,还要警惕意识形态的渗透对人的审美的作用,从而为人类自由解放事业的真正实现创造条件。同时还应该注意到,尽管西方现代性理论的发展为我们的研究提供了重要参照,但由于不同的现代性发展历程有着完全不同的历史背景和文化逻辑,所以美学现代性研究必须从中国现代性的具体境遇出发,才能给当下研究带来启示。中国开启现代性以来美学发展的曲折历程及存在的一系列问题说明,五四精神的美学要义还远未实现,中国美学现代性挑战与契机同在。无所不在的现代性认同有着特殊的价值规律和资本逻辑,它在带来社会现代化的同时,也把人变成时间轴上的变量,导致了弱肉强食的丛林法则,使不同民族国家卷入险象环生的现代博弈。对于全球化视野下的美学现代性来讲,寻求异质文明之间和谐相处的共同审美机制则是实现人类诗意栖居的关键所在。尽管现代性理论不应该缺少反思与批判,但它更应该是一个充满积极、欢乐气氛的过程,富有生命阳光的朗照,饱含深切的人文关怀。然而,由于现代人对物质追求造成了对生命自由时间的挤压和剥夺,这种时间观念的扭曲导致了现代性的实然与应然之间存在着巨大的鸿沟。现代性作为一个社会形态来讲,终将会过去,而作为人文关怀的“当下”之维会具有永恒的价值。早期都市流行歌曲中的乐感思维从时间的维度入手,以生命自由时间为基础的“物感”,来对抗由线性时间观导致的“物化”,对于现代人的自由解放的实现具有重要的启示意义。面对现代性进程中出现的文化现象,我们需要谨慎地作出合理的价值判断和相对公允的历史评价,正视传统文化在应对现代性挑战时所具有的巨大作用,对其中所蕴含的美学内涵进行细致的考查和衡量。现代社会出现的一系列问题和冲突表明,现代性还没有成为现代人的根本存在方式。早期都市流行歌曲自身存在的不足导致了其被边缘化的历史命运,但它在艺术上所取得的成就也为传统文化与现代意识的融合做出了表率。早期都市流行歌曲所蕴含的乐感思维对于生命体的尊重及其倡导的异质文明和谐共处的诗性智慧,对于解决美学现代性问题具有重要的启示意义。只有从代表生命自由时间的乐感思维出发,才能解构异化了的线性时间观,恢复生命体的自由,实现个性的解放,使现代人在享受高度发达的物质文明的同时,诗意地栖居在这个世界上。

【Abstract】 The early urban pop music is the first half of the20th century music styles. Inspired by the spirit of the times, by the opposition, the conflict between traditional culture and modern consciousness, eventually moving toward integration, the common interpretation of the colorful cultural landscape. Face of the modern trend sudden, early urban pop fusion of ancient and modern, the gathering of Chinese and Western, not only has a strong sense of modern, rise from the ashes of the traditional culture, so that the ancient aesthetic paradigm glow of a greater glory.The rise of popular music in the20th century, music is a worldwide cultural phenomenon, but because of the special background of the China Open Modernity, early urban pop therefore presented two important component of the "song of the times" and "Salvation Song" section. In comparison, the "Salvation Song" reflects the aesthetic ideal of the people against colonial aggression to build the revolutionary demands of the modern nation-state; era song "reflects the people of the Republic of the pursuit of individual liberation, independence and freedom. As China’s modernity is the intrusion of Western colonial powers expanded,"Salvation Song" represents the recognition mechanism, and the idea of building a modern nation-state real legitimacy era song "represents individual freedom liberation one-dimensional but because of" historical reasons have long been obscured."Salvation Song" was once a reality legitimacy, but gradually lost after the founding of the historical destiny of the function also shows the limitations of the mechanism of the modern aesthetic identity. This also prompt us to seek a broader aesthetic identity, to achieve aesthetic common sense in pursuit of freedom and liberation of the people. When we as an aesthetic phenomenon to re-examine this piece of history, but also be alert to the role of ideological penetration of the aesthetic, to create the conditions for the true realization of the cause of human freedom and liberation.Should also be noted that the matter, despite the development of modern Western theory provides an important reference for our research, but because of different modern development course has a completely different historical background and cultural logic, aesthetics of modern research must The specific situation of the modern way, in order to bring enlightenment to the present study. China the founder of modern aesthetic development of the twists and turns and a series of problems since the aesthetic essence of the May Fourth spirit is still far from achieving the same in the modern challenges and opportunities of Chinese aesthetics. Ubiquitous modern sexual identity has a special law of value and the logic of capital, it brings social modernization, also turned people into the variable on the Timeline, leading to the law of the jungle, the different nation-states involved in danger The modern game. In terms of aesthetic modernity in global perspective, seek common aesthetic harmony between heterogeneous civilization mechanism is the key to achieving human poetic dwelling. Although the modern theory should not be the lack of reflection and criticism, but it should be a highly motivated, joy, full of life the sun rays to shine, full of deep humanistic concern. However, due to the modern material gain the extrusion and deprived of life free time, the distortion of the concept of time cause there is a huge gap between the the modernity real Ought to Be. Modernity as a form of society is concerned, will eventually be in the past, and humane care "moment" dimension will have eternal value. The sense of music in the early urban pop start thinking from the dimension of time, the time of the life, liberty based on the sense of things, to fight materialized view caused by the linear time, important for the realization of freedom and liberation of the modern implications.Faced with the process of modern cultural phenomenon, we need to be careful to make reasonable value judgments and relative fair historical evaluation, face traditional culture has a huge role in responding to the challenges of modernity, the aesthetic connotation meticulous examine and measure. A series of problems and conflicts in modern society, modernity has not yet become the fundamental existence of the modern man. Early urban pop music their own shortcomings led to its historical fate of being marginalized, but it’s achievements in art and made an example for the integration of traditional culture and modern consciousness. Thinking of early urban pop inherent sense of music for the respect of life and its advocacy of heterogeneous civilized and harmonious coexistence poetic wisdom, has important implications for solving the problem of aesthetic modernity. Only from the sense of music of life and free time thinking way, in order to deconstruct the the alienation linear concept of time, to restore the freedom of life, to achieve the liberation of personality, enabled people to enjoy the highly developed material civilization, Poetically in this world.
