

Studies on Cooperation Mechanism between Social Organizations and Government in Anduo Tibetan Area

【作者】 羌洲

【导师】 徐黎丽;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 行政管理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 上世纪80年代以来,一种新的公共服务提供模式成为不可阻挡的变革运动,也成为了国际潮流和必然趋势。这意味着政府虽然重要,但不再是社会管理的唯一权力核心。社会组织作为公共事务治理中重要的一级,与政府共同合作,分担管理公共事务、提供公共产品和服务的责任,弥补政府治理公共事务的不足和遗漏的“治理盲区”和“治理难区”。20世纪末,随着全球化的深度拓展,以及中国国内以市场化为导向的经济改革不断深入,社会调控机制发生了结构性的变化。在这个过程中,“社会组织”、“第三域”、“非政府组织”、公民社会在国内各个学科领域成为热门的学术话题。这些热门话题折射出中国社会结构的变化和社会调控模式的深度转换。与此相对应的是,各种非政府组织、包括社区自治组织在中国应运而生。诚然,现代社会的发展,需要一个全新的国家与社会的互动模式,需要一个善于调动、开发和利用各种社会资源及其能动性的社会管理新体制。特别是在转型时期,中国面临着政府与社会关系的变革。伴随着中国经济体制改革的不断深入,在从传统计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转轨的过程中,如何重新界定政府权限范围、规范政府行为、转变政府职能问题受到了极大的关注。从社会方面来说,如何提高社会自治能力、培育社会组织、建立社会对政府的监督也非常重要。随着社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立、公民社会的进一步发展,国家与社会的职能分化加速进行,政府和企事业单位长期承担的许多社会职能开始向社会转移,其中相当一部分职能开始由社会组织承担,社会组织在国家社会生活中必然开始发挥重要作用。在社会组织的类型中,有一类社会组织是不容忽视的——民族地区的社会组织,特别是藏区的社会组织。由于经济发展相对滞后、文化风俗和宗教信仰的差异以及地理区位等因素的影响,民族地区社会问题具有特殊性。社会组织的出现给政府以有力的帮助,对改善民族地区公共管理结构、推动经济发展,社会的稳定,具有重要的政治意义。当前我国民族地区社会管理体制存在的主要问题,既有市场经济的基本框架初步建立,并与之相应的社会管理和社会管理制度框架层面上的普遍存在的共有性,也有民族地区所特有的特殊性。这在一定程度上增加了当地社会管理的复杂性和艰巨性,要求采取有差别的思路来剖析和解决所遇到的问题。从根本上看,民族地区社会管理的主体是民族地区的全体民众,如何发挥他们的积极性,形成有序、合理的公民参与是当前迫切需要解决的问题。实践表明,社会组织在民族地区社会管理中是可以大有作为的,功能非同一般。它们可以在政府的引导和自身的努力下,在弥补政府和市场缺位方面发挥促进作用,尤其是在维护当地社会稳定等方面。社会组织将一些具有共同价值取向或利益需求的人聚合在一起,将分散的个体力量凝聚为团体的力量,使各种零星的、微弱的吁求转变成统一的、具有一定影响的社会舆论,将参与者对政府的要求、意愿、建议和批评等诉求进一步凝练和提升,为广大基层公民开辟一条有效影响政府决策的途径,从而实现国家认同与民族认同的统一,国家利益与民族利益的统一依靠社会组织的力量解决社会问题,是当今各国发展的必然趋势,促进社会自治,更是我国逐步推进民主政治建设的最佳选择。从目前的研究成果与管理实践来看,学术界和政府已经作出了许多有益的探索,但是其中大部分是关于非民族地区社会组织及其与政府合作互动的研究,对民族地区的相关研究较少,而研究藏区社会组织与基层政府之间良性合作和互动关系的文献就更为贫乏。民族问题是社会总问题的一部分,安多藏区民族的问题,是安多藏区社会总问题的一部分。对于不断发展的藏族地区,政府应当如何管理?政府对当地社会组织的管理范围和管理方式怎样才是适度的?社会组织如何合理、有序地参与当地的公共事务管理?政府如何发挥当地社会组织的积极作用,与之形成互动,以实现当地的稳定与发展?在藏区,如何在国家与社会组织的功能分化与功能互补之间寻找一种平衡机制?这些问题都值得我们去认真思考。研究和回答这些问题对于解决政府和社会组织的关系问题具有重要的实践意义和理论价值,也对丰富我国的民族地区行政管理学、民族学理论、社会组织理论,指导实践中的藏区民族工作、民族区域自治建设工作具有重要意义。因此,本课题选择以安多藏区的甘南藏族自治州为例,对安多藏区社会组织与政府的合作问题展开调查与研究。本研究试图更多地站在藏族学者的立场上,寻求尊重藏族社会特点和意志的治理模式,建设在中国共产党领导下具有藏区特色的和谐社会,实现国家各民族的繁荣富强。实际上,面对传统矛盾和现代化发展的冲击,汉族和藏族都在面临相似的问题,更需要惺惺相惜,需要彼此的借鉴和鼓励。透过本研究,中央政府以及藏区以外的中国人民能够加深对藏区社会变迁的理解,希望能够在互信的基础上建立真正健康、和谐的藏区。

【Abstract】 Since the1980s in the last century, a new public service mode has become an irresistible reform and it also becomes the international fashion and inevitable trend. It means that even though the government is still important, it will not be the only core of power in social management. As a significant part of public affairs management, social organizations share the obligations with the government in managing the public affairs, taking the responsibility of providing the public products and services and making up the deficiencies and omissions of government management in public affairs named as "blind management area" and "difficult management area"In different types of social organizations, one kind can not be ignored, that is the social organization of ethnic minority areas, especially the Tibetan area. Owing to the relevant backwardness of economic development, difference of cultural customs and religious beliefs, and geographical location, the social issues of ethnic minorities has its peculiar characteristics. The emergence of social organization has given strong help to the government. It has political significance in improving public management pattern, boosting economic development and achieving social stability of ethnic minority areas. At present, the major problems existing in social management systems in ethnic minority areas not only have the common features like the contradiction between the initial establishment of market economy and the relevant social management systems, but also the special characteristics of ethnic minority areas. To certain extent, it increases the complexity and arduousness of local social management, therefore, different thinking should be called to analyze and solve the problems encountered. From the fundamental point of view, the subjects of the social management are the entire population of ethnic minority areas. The urgent problems to be solved now are how to play their active roles, forming orderly and equitable civic participation. The ideal state of civic management and Tibetan democracy can gradually move toward the real democracy with active, autonomous and real public participation when citizens have a strong public awareness and public spirit in Tibetan grass-roots, especially the Tibetan local social organizations. Relying on the strength of social organizations to solve the social problem is the inevitable trend of development in most countries. Promotion of social autonomy is the best choice in propelling democratic and political construction. Ethnic issues are one part of the social issues, so the ethnic issues of Anduo Tibetan area are one component of Anduo Tibetan social issues. How should the government manage the continuously developed Tibetan area? What is moderate in terms of the scope and means of management of the government to local social organization? The level of attainment and benchmarking requirements seems to be very important. How do the social organizations participate in the public affairs management rationally and orderly? How does the government play the active role of the local social organizations and form the interaction with them in order to realize the local stability and development? How can a balanced mechanism be found between the function division and function complementation of state and social organizations? All these issues are worth thinking deeply.The research attempts to seek the management mode respecting the Tibetan social characteristics and willingness from the perspective of a Tibetan scholar, establishing the harmonious society with Tibetan area features under the leadership of the Communist party, achieving the prosperity and wealth of all nationalities in the country. I firmly believe that the government has distributed a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to Tibetan areas in order to maintain the stability. Although the government can solve the problems of current difficulty, it only inhibits the outbreak of some deep hidden trouble from the surface. But fundamentally it does not eradicate the unstable origins. Maintenance is not the real way; management is the key to solve the problem. In fact, all nationalities are facing the similar problems encountering traditional conflict and the impact of transition. Under the pattern of diversity and unity, more mutual understanding, learning and encouraging are necessary. I hope through my research, the central government and the Chinese people outside the Tibetan area can have further understanding of the phase of Tibetan social transition, I also hope that benign integration and mutual winning can be established based on mutual trust between Tibetan social organizations and local government for the purpose of building healthy and harmonious new Tibetan management mode.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】D630;D632.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1141
  • 攻读期成果