

Research on Multiband/Wideband/Circularly Polarized Printed Antennas and Arrays

【作者】 王宸

【导师】 鄢泽洪;

【作者基本信息】 西安电子科技大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着现代通信技术的快速发展,通信电子设备日益小型化,处理信息的能力也日益智能化、宽带化。因此,开发高性能小型化天线是天线技术发展的迫切需求。在近三十年,微电子技术和电路板印刷工艺的不断进步,使印刷天线成为小型化天线领域中发展最快的分支之一。为了适应多种无线通信设备的需要,印刷天线就必须不断创新与发展,开发研制出与之相适应的多频带技术、宽频带技术和宽频圆极化技术等。本论文结合各种无线通信系统的需求,对印刷多频带天线、印刷超宽带天线、印刷圆极化天线及阵列进行了深入的研究。作者的主要研究成果可概括为:1.对印刷多频带天线进行了研究。针对无线通信设备要接收多个频段信号的要求,设计了三种印刷多频带天线。包括(1)在三叉形原型基础上增加改良枝节和顶加载结构,得到可覆盖PCS和WLAN的双频印刷单极天线;(2)多枝节与改良地板相结合的可覆盖WLAN和WiMAX且具有良好全向辐射性能的三频印刷单极天线;(3)结合寄生贴片、弯折枝节及改良地板的小型化三频印刷单极天线。2.对印刷超宽带天线及实现陷波特性的方法进行了研究。(1)针对超宽带通信的要求,设计了具有扇形结构的印刷超宽带天线。(2)为了抑制其他通信设备存在的潜在干扰,在扇形印刷超宽带天线的基础上,设计了具有单陷波和双陷波特性的印刷超宽带天线。(3)在矩形印刷超宽带天线的基础上,设计了具有C形和U形槽的双陷波印刷超宽带天线,在上述研究的基础上,进一步设计了具有I形缝隙缺陷地板的可同时抑制超宽带无线通信系统与WLAN、WiMAX以及C波段卫星通信系统之间潜在干扰的三陷波印刷超宽带天线。3.对印刷四臂螺旋天线及馈电网络进行了研究。针对传统谐振式四臂螺旋天线带宽较窄以及馈电网络尺寸过大不能满足现代圆极化无线通信系统需要的问题,设计了一种渐变螺旋金属带线和增加短路寄生螺旋带线相结合的宽带印刷四臂螺旋天线;设计了一种基于双面平行带线反相功分器与威尔金森功分器相结合的小型化馈电网络。该四臂螺旋天线及馈电网络扩展了天线的工作频带,减小了天线的占用空间。4.对印刷平面圆极化天线进行了研究。(1)针对现代无线通信设备对圆极化天线阻抗带宽和轴比带宽更高的要求,设计了一种具有基于阿基米德螺线的渐变弯曲辐射带的印刷平面圆极化天线;(2)将基于阿基米德螺线的渐变结构应用于缝隙型印刷平面天线中,设计了一种渐变缝隙型印刷平面圆极化天线,实测结果表明,上述圆极化天线具有较宽的阻抗带宽和轴比带宽。5.对应用于卫星通信系统的印刷圆极化天线阵列进行了研究。提出了工作于UHF频段的印刷双臂阿基米德螺旋天线。并在此基础上,设计了27元矩形圆极化相控阵天线。针对如何提高极化纯度,抑制交叉极化电平展开讨论。提出了一种较好的排布方式,有效的降低了相控阵的交叉极化电平,最后给出了该27元相控阵的不圆度和增益。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of modern communication technology, the sizes ofcommunication electronic equipments are increasingly miniaturized, and their abilityto process information is also increasingly intelligent and broadband. So, the designof an antenna with compact size and high performance is the active demand of theantenna technology development. In recent thirty years, the printed antenna hasbecome one of the fastest growing branches of miniaturized antenna field due to thecontinuous improvement of the microelectronics technology and circuit boardprinting process. In order to adapt to a variety of wireless communicationequipments, there is no doubt the multiband, broadband and broadband circularlypolarized technique for printed antennas must be developed. In this paper, combinedwith the requirements of all kinds of wireless communication system, printedmultiband antenna, printed ultra-wideband antenna, printed circularly polarizedantenna and array antenna have been studied intensively. The author’s majorcontributions are follows:1. Printed multiband antennas are studied. According to the requirements ofreceiving multiple frequency signals by wireless communication device, three kindsof printed multiband antennas are designed.(1) A trident-shaped dual-band printedmonopole antenna with improved branch and top loading structure is designed,which can cover PCS and WLAN bands;(2) A tri-band printed monopole antennawith branches structure and improved ground plane is investigated, which can coverWLAN and WiMAX bands and have good omni-directional radiation patterns;(3)Also, it is given a compact triple-band printed monopole antenna with parasitic patch,bending branch and improved ground plane.2. Printed ultra-wideband (UWB) antennas and method of achievingband-notched characteristics are investigated.(1) Aiming at requirement of UWBcommunication systems, a printed UWB antenna with fan-shaped structure is designed.(2) In order to restrain the potential interference on UWB system from the others, Basedon the fan-shaped printed UWB antenna, two printed UWB antenna respectively withsingle and dual band-notched characteristics are proposed。(3) Meanwhile, Based on therectangular printed UWB antenna, a dual band-notched printed UWB antenna withC-shaped and U-shaped slots is given; After that, it is presented that a tripleband-notched printed UWB antenna with I-shaped slots defected ground structure,which can restrain the potential interference on UWB wireless communication systems from WLAN, WiMAX and C-band satellite communication systems.3. Printed quadrifilar helical antennas and feed networks are presented andstudied. In view of conventional resonant quadrifilar helical antennas with narrowerbandwidth and ordinary feed networks with big size can not meet the need of themodern circularly polarized wireless communication systems, a broadband printedquadrifilar helical antenna with tapered spiral metal arms and short circuit parasiticmetal arms is investigated; Moreover, a miniaturization feed network based onout-of-phase power divider with double-sided parallel striplines structure andWilkinson power divider is presented. The printed quadrifilar helical antenna and thefeed network expand the working frequency bands and reduce the occupied space.4. Printed planar circularly polarized antennas are proposed.(1) Inconsideration of higher requirements of modern wireless communication device onthe impedance bandwidth and the axial ratio bandwidth of circularly polarizedantennas, a kind of printed planar circularly polarized antenna with tapered curvedradiation stripes based on Archimedes spiral is designed.(2) After that, the taperedcurved structure based on Archimedes spiral is applied to the printed planar slotantenna. Thus, a printed circularly polarized tapered curved slot antenna is presented.The measured results show that these circularly polarized antennas have very wideimpedance and axial ratio bandwidth.5. Printed circularly polarized array antennas applied to satellite communicationsystems are studied. It is given a printed Archimedian spiral antenna working at UHFband. Based on these, a kind of rectangular circularly polarized phased array antennawith27antenna elements is investigated. The discussions are focused on how toimprove the polarization purity and restrain cross-polarization. Finally, it is presented atype of arrangement way which can effectively reduce the cross-polarization level ofthis phased array antenna. Then the scanned radiation out-of-roundness and the gain ofthe phased array antenna are given.
