

Study on the Effect of Mining and Excavation on the Mechanical Propetries of Coal Seam and the Gas Occurrence

【作者】 李传明

【导师】 谢广祥;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 采矿工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用现场实测、数值模拟和理论分析等综合研究方法,系统深入研究了采掘扰动影响下煤层力学特征和瓦斯赋存特征。研究表明:采动影响下侧向实体煤力学特征受控于采场围岩应力壳的发展演化,应力壳壳基的力学状态对其应力场、破坏场、位移场有决定性影响。实体煤巷道开挖后,周边围岩中形成连续包络的应力集中区,呈“盲管”状向掘进工作面前方延伸,掘进工作面处于其包围下的低应力区。沿空巷道掘进扰动应力与应力壳壳基处高应力交互影响,呈现明显的动静应力场耦合效应,并导致沿空巷道围岩力学特征的非对称性。掘进工作面推进速率与周边围岩受扰动影响程度成反比,适当提高巷道推进速率,有利于改善围岩力学状态及其稳定性控制。掘进工作面煤层瓦斯压力变化受控于采动应力,呈现出随采动应力增大而增大、减小而减小的耦合作用规律,通过实施煤层降压措施可以有效改善采掘扰动下的煤层应力分布与瓦斯赋存状态,有效消除煤与瓦斯动力灾变隐患。研究成果丰富了掘进巷道矿压理论,为掘进巷道矿压控制及煤岩瓦斯动力灾害防治提供了理论依据,对实现煤炭安全生产具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 In this paper, compositive research techniques including of in-situ measurement, numericalsimulation and theoretical analysis are carried out to investigate the effect of mining and excavationon the mechanical properties of coal seam and the gas occurrence. The results show that,mechanical properties of gob-side coal are controlled by geometrical morphology of the stress shell,the stress field; destroyed field and displacement field depend on the mechanical state of the stressshell base. The continuous concentrated stress appears ringwise in the surrounding rock of roadwayin coal mass, and extends to the front of heading face, appearing as blind tubular shape. Withgob-side roadway driving, the interaction between excavation disturbance stress and gob sideabutment pressure result in the coupling effect of dynamic and static stress field, and theasymmetry of mechanical properties of surrounding rock. Before heading face, coal seam gaspressure is controlled by coal stress, and proportional to it. The surrounding rock is disturbed byexcavation, which is proportional to the roadway driving. The mechanical properties and stabilityof surrounding rocks can be improved by enhance the roadway driving speed suitably.Dynamicdisaster prevention can be realized by controlling coal stress and improving the state of the gasoccurrence. The results provide important references on the coal mining safety, the undergroundpressure control and dynamic disaster prevention of heading face, and the theory of undergroundpressure of heading face.

  • 【分类号】TD712;TD32
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】407
  • 攻读期成果