

Research on the Evaluation and Optimization of Petrochemical Enterprise Logistics System

【作者】 杨东红

【导师】 孙彦彬;

【作者基本信息】 东北石油大学 , 石油与天然气工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 石化产品在我国国民经济中占有非常重要的地位,其销售计划性较强,长期借助政府的计划体系实现分配和流通,缺乏对其市场流通进行统筹规划和流程管理,因而石化企业的物流系统管理长期不受重视。同时,由于石化行业属于国有垄断行业,长期以来所产生的垄断利润基本掩盖了它们在经营管理上所存在的问题,因此石化企业在经营活动中,忽视了物流系统的优化。随着国家逐步放开石化行业市场的管制、国际竞争国内化、低成本和高效的产品和服务的流通渠道对国有石化企业的生存和发展产生了重要影响。此时,石化企业若仍然只重生产不重物流,会在竞争中被市场所淘汰。针对愈加激烈的全球化市场的竞争,以及客户群体中多样化的需求等因素,决定了石化企业必须根据自身的情况,适当的对企业的生产经营活动进行调整。石化企业物流是一个较大且复杂的系统,它涉及到石化企业的各个部门与运营环节,对其进行优化和改进研究与分析,有利于企业物流运作改善和经济效益提高,因此,石化企业经营者在寻求成本优势和差别化优势时,纷纷将关注重点投向其物流系统的运行,物流系统资源整合和优化成为石化企业的第三利润源和确立企业竞争优势的重要途径,本文以此为背景对石化企业物流系统展开研究。首先阐述了石化企业物流系统优化的研究背景、目的以及它的意义,总结了国内外在此领域的研究现状和成果,分别从研究方向、研究内容以及研究程度三个方面概括国内外学者对企业物流系统问题的研究现状,从而确定了本文的研究方法、主要内容和技术路线。并且本文还阐述了系统理论,物流系统理论以及石化企业物流系统等相关理论,在此基础上指出出石化企业物流系统优化的必然性,其中,创造性提出了石化企业物流系统内涵,重点介绍了本文研究的石化企业物流系统的结构,为后面的研究奠定了理论基础。在此基础上,分析了石化企业物流系统运行现状,遵循系统性原则、可行性原则、政府扶持原则以及绿色性原则构建了石化企业物流系统评价指标体系,并对每个指标逐个进行解释,并对石化企业物流系统进行了评价,评价指标权重的确定采用熵权法,评价方法的选择采用多级模糊评价法。根据评价的结果,指出存在的问题以及解决问题的途径。在指标的筛选过程中,引入粗糙集理论并通过市场调查,借助Rosetta软件对原始数据进行处理,筛选出具有代表性的指标,构建最终的石化企业物流系统指标体系。对石化企业物流系统的关键指标进行重要性归类排序,运用结构方程模型,前提是保证数据的可靠性和准确性,而数据的可靠性和准确性可以通过统计学软件SPSS来进行分析。在进行系统的探讨时,通过对其模型假设、算法原理、变量的设定、程序的设计和适应性进行的检验并借助LISREL软件来完成。通过软件的运行找出关键指标的PLS路径,这样在减小测量误差的同时也描述了潜变量之间的结构关系。由此将传统经济学方法拓展到石化企业物流系统评价领域,以新的视角来考察石化企业物流系统的运行。为实现对石化企业物流系统的优化,将石化企业物流系统优化问题转化成旅行商问题,在阐述旅行商问题的数学模型基础上,选用人工智能算法中的蚁群优化算法对结构方程模型结果进行旅行商问题求解,根据一定的研究假设设定蚁群优化算法中的相关参数并完成算法程序设计,使用MATLAB软件运行算法程序得到优化结果,最后对得到的优化结果展开分析。最后,根据石化企业物流系统评价与优化结果,以对系统优化的贡献程度为目标,进行任务及利益协调,针对重要指标提出石化企业物流系统优化的相关举措,为有效提升石化企业物流系整体效益提供理论依据和现实指导。

【Abstract】 Petrochemical products occupy a very important position in national economy in ourcountry.The sales have been tightly planned and the distribution and circulation have beencontrolled by government’s planning system for a long time. It lacks of overall planning andprocess management.Therefore,the petrochemical enterprise logistics system managementhas not been valued. At the same time,the petrochemical industry belongs to the state-ownedmonopoly industries,and the monopoly profits have made people overlooked the problems inthe operation and management. So the petrochemical enterprises in business activities haveignored the logistics system optimization. As the country gradually reduces the petrochemicalindustry market regulation,the international competition becomes a domestic one and low costand efficient products and services of circulation channels have produced importantinfluences on the survival and the development of state-owned petrochemical enterprises. Atthis point,if the petrochemical enterprises still attach great importance to production ratherthan to logistics,they can be washed out easily in the market competition. Facing the fiercecompetition in the global market and the diversification of customer needs,petrochemicalenterprises must timely adjust enterprise production and business operationactivities,according to the actual current situation of the enterprise itself. Petrochemicalenterprise logistics is a large and complex system,which involves the petrochemicalenterprise’s each department and operation link.The research and analysis of its optimizationand improvement is helpful for enterprises to improve logistics operations and increaseeconomic benefit.Therefore,upon seeking the cost advantage and differentiationadvantage,petrochemical business operators have to focus on the operation of the logisticssystem.The logistics resources integration and optimization has become the third source ofprofit and the important way of establishing enterprise competitive advantage.This paperstudies petrochemical enterprise logistics system based on the above context.It first illustrates the research background,purpose and significance of optimization of thepetrochemical enterprise logistics system,and summarizes the related research status at home and abroad from three aspects including research direction,research content and research levelof the domestic and foreign scholars in the field of petrochemical enterprise logisticssystem.Then it sets the research methods,main contents and technical route.It introducessystematic theory,logistics system theory,and petrochemical enterprise logistics systemtheory.On this basis,it points out the necessity of optimization of petrochemical enterpriselogistics system.Among them,it creatively defines the connotation of the petrochemicalenterprise logistics system and the structure of it,which lays a theoretical foundation for laterstudy.On this basis,the dissertation analyses the present situation of the operation ofpetrochemical enterprise logistics system,and constructs petrochemical enterprise logisticssystem evaluation index system,following the systematic principle,the feasibility principle,theprinciple of government support and the green principle.It explains the index factorsrespectively and evaluates the petrochemical enterprise logistics system. It uses the entropymethod to determine the weight of evaluation indices and the multi-level fuzzy evaluationmethod for evaluation.According to the evaluation results,it points out the existing problemsand the ways to solve them.It applies rough set theory to factors screening,processes the raw data by Rosettasoftware,gets representative indexes,and finally build the logistics system evaluation indexsystem of petrochemical enterprises.And it uses the statistical software SPSS to analyses the reliability and the validity ofdata in the index system,on the premise of ensuring the inventory data reliability andvalidity,and uses the structural equation model to classify the importance of the key factors ofthe petrochemical enterprises logistics system.And it introduces LISREL software to explorethe model hypothesis,algorithm principle,variables set,program designing and the adaptabilitytest of the system.It finds out the key indicators of PLS path according to the softwareoperation results,which can reduce the measurement error and can describe the structure ofthe relationship among latent variables during the analysis process.The traditional economicsmethod is expanded to the field of petrochemical enterprise logistics system evaluation,with anew perspective to examine the operation of petrochemical enterprise logistics system.To realize the optimization of petrochemical enterprise logistics system,it transfers theproblems of the petrochemical enterprise logistics system optimization into travelingsalesman problem,and then elaborates the mathematical model of the traveling salesmanproblem,uses artificial intelligence algorithm of ant colony optimization algorithm to solvethe traveling salesman problem of the structural equation model results.According to someresearch assumptions,it sets related parameters of the ant colony optimization algorithm and completes the algorithm programming,obtains the optimization results by running algorithmof MATLAB software,and finally analyses the optimization results.Finally,according to the results of petrochemical enterprise logistics system evaluationand optimization,aiming at the system optimization of contribution degree,it coordinates thetask and the interest.It puts forward relevant measures of petrochemical enterprise logisticssystem optimization in view of the important indicators,and provides theoretical basis andpractical guidance to effectively improve the whole benefit of petrochemical enterpriselogistics system.

  • 【分类号】F252;F426.722
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1626
  • 攻读期成果