

Nature, Ecology and Politics

【作者】 耿晓谕

【导师】 汪剑钊;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 比较文学与跨文化研究, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 加里·斯奈德是当代世界诗坛中一位卓越的诗人。他被称为“真正的诗人”、“最有思想的诗人”、“最有才华的诗人”,是“当代的梭罗”,他“创造了一种新型的文化”……真正了解斯奈德之后,我们发现所有这些赞美之词用在这位诗人身上都是那样恰如其分。斯奈德年轻时正逢美国青年的反文化运动,他不但参与其中,而且很快成为青年人的领袖和偶像。他思想上主张多元文化,积极而深入地研究亚洲尤其是中国文化;他也是这样做的,在26岁时即远赴日本,修习佛禅。这位自称“儒释道社会主义者”的诗人提倡“太平洋周边意识”,是亚洲文化与美国文化结合的推手及先行者。正是斯奈德自幼培养起来的自然意识,以及来自印第安人、来自东方、来自佛教的对待自然的态度,促成了他的与自然和谐相处的思想,直至他的深层生态思想。国内对斯奈德的研究一般集中在如下几个方面:与佛教禅宗的关系、与中国山水画的关系、与中国古典诗歌(其中寒山是重要的一部分)的关系,还有他的生态思想。对于前几部分的研究,赵毅衡、钟玲、区鉷等学者已经有了不少著述;对其生态思想的研究,高歌、陈小红等也有出色的成果。对于上述几个方面,本文不再着更多的笔墨,而是在简述当今斯奈德研究方向及研究成果之后,重点论述其诗歌中自然物的象征意义,及其生态诗学的政治涵义。他的诗歌中有一些与中国古典诗歌的主题相近的关于自然物象与行为的描写,比如山(观山、登山)、水(观水)、火、望月等。他提供了独特的看与听的方式,描写了与他的观看和倾听相关的环境、地方和独特的个人生活。他的诗不同于西方的田园诗和中国古典的山水诗,他的诗不是文人化的、经典的风格,他企图接续一种更复杂更深远和多元的“民族诗学”传统。他说:“口传之学、民谣、民间传说、神话与歌谣——民族诗学的主题——一直都是人类主要的文学经验。”对斯奈德而言,山野不仅是没有驯化的自然,也是人的无意识的物质性延伸,是未经垦殖的内心景观。“山即是心”;水更被其赋予复杂的寓意,它是能量转化的一个可见的形象,是意识与潜意识自身的象征,是身体、欲望和生命的象征。诗人继承了浪漫派诗歌的主题,对自然物象的描写中注入了现代社会背景下的内涵,赋予浪漫派诗歌以新的活力。斯奈德所提的政治及其诗歌中所蕴含的政治伦理是一种生态批评语境中的政治理念。通过生态学的观念,斯奈德将政治批评的范围从人类社会内部的考察扩展至对人与整个生态系统关系的批评。他所关心的价值核心在于维系生物与文化多样性及生态系统的稳定性。

【Abstract】 Gary Snyder is a notable rarity among the contemporary poets in the world. The present thesis starts with a synopsis of the current researches on the poet and his works, and their findings, before embarking on an in-depth exploration of the symbolic meaning that nature embodies in the poetry of Snyder, and of the political implication that Snyder represents in his ecological poetics.In his various works, Snyder describes what nature presents to us and how nature acts, in much the similar way as was shown in the Chinese classic poetry, including mountain climbing or observing, water meditating, fire and moon-gazing. The way he sees and listens to nature is peculiar in that he combines the relevant environment with the locality and personal experience.Snyder differs from either the western genre of pastoral or the Chinese classic poetry of landscape. By deviating from intellectual and classic style, he attempts to follow the tradition of ethnopoetics, and bring it to a more complicated, more insightful, and multi-dimensional level.In his vision, the wildness is not only an uncivilized nature, but also a physical extension of human unconsciousness. As an uncultivated mental landscape, mountain is the mind. Water carries deeper sense, as it is a tangible form after the energy transformation, a symbol of both conscious and unconscious self, and an image of body, libido and vitality.In the wake of romantic poetry, Snyder instills into nature what modern society provides, broadening the scope of romanticism in the expression of poetry.The politics and political ethics in Snyder’s works are largely ecologically-oriented. Through the interface of ecology and society, Snyder expands his political critique from inside the human society to the whole wild system which encompasses human kind and nature. At the core of his concern lies the sustenance of ecological and cultural diversity as well as the stabilization of eco-system.

【关键词】 斯奈德自然象征生态政治
【Key words】 SnyderNatureSymbolEcologyPolitics
  • 【分类号】I712.072
  • 【下载频次】469