

Piriot’s Chinese Translation of the Bible

【作者】 王硕丰

【导师】 张西平;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 比较文学与跨文化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 《圣经》是全世界流行最广的一本书,它在中国的翻译发展史源远流长。现存最早、最完整的《圣经》汉译本是《古新圣经》,而且它也是最早的汉语官话《圣经》译本。此书成书于嘉庆年间,根据哲罗姆《拉丁通俗本圣经》翻译而来,共三十七卷,一百四十多万字,除《雅歌》及部分先知书未曾译出外,翻译了其余的《旧约》以及全部《新约》,作者是一位法国传教士——贺清泰。这部几近完整的《圣经》对今天的《思高圣经》产生了不可忽略的影响,至今鲜有问津,实为可惜。在国内,研究《圣经》汉译的学者多从马世曼译本及马礼逊译本入手,而更早期的著作却被忽视。当下对于汉语神学的梳理,若忽略早期《圣经》的译介工作、不从源头做起,则根本无法理清基督教在中国的发展脉络;不回到根本,就不可能重建中国基督宗教史。因此应弥补这部分盲点,以扎实的态度回归原点,进行最根本的探索。更何况今天天主教的权威《圣经》——《思高圣经》,是在其编者翻阅贺清泰《古新圣经》的基础上完成的。目前对于《圣经》的研究,尚未从对勘角度入手的案例,而校勘在我国有悠久的历史,从汉代发展至今,学术意义甚远。此外,佛经对勘的研究愈来愈多,近年来佛经研究者们频频从该角度着手,将汉文佛经与梵文、藏文等版本进行对勘,效果颇丰,对勘法在佛经研究中已受到相当大的重视。在此基础上,《圣经》研究者们大可将日光投入该领域,学习、借鉴对勘法,吸取其智慧,从扎实的字句校对中,拓宽经文研究的广度与深度,开辟新的研究领域。过去对于汉语《圣经》的研究,多以译本为主,进行任意解读与诠释,未从对照角度,将译本与源本进行对勘研究,而只有从最基础的对勘研究中,才可还原作者的翻译原貌,得出最扎实有力的论断。本文从哲罗姆《拉丁通俗本圣经》入手,与《古新圣经》的四福音书部分进行逐句对勘,以第一于原始资料为本,在语句的翻译中探索贺清泰翻译策略,从顺应性翻译、北京土语方言、语气助词、明清用语等角度,窥探贺清泰的翻译特色,从而归纳、总结出贺清泰在《古新圣经》的翻译、写作中采取的译经策略,以重现《圣经》翻译史的源头。全文第一章总结前人研究结果,介绍方法论意义,即对勘研究的运用,从我国校勘史入手,梳理早期汉语《圣经》翻译史、介绍汉语《圣经》研究史以及对勘法对十汉译《圣经》研究的意义;第二章对贺清泰其人及《古新圣经》版本、结构、内容、注解部分、序言等进行介绍,以及源本哲罗姆《拉丁通俗本圣经》;第三章为翻译策略,分别从西方《圣经》翻译史、利玛窦路线等方面进行研究,进而介绍贺清泰译本的翻译背景,以及《古新圣经》中的具体翻译现象;第四章在对勘基础上,从新词、神学词汇两方而分别予以探讨,从外来词角度、概念史角度将对勘做一研究,梳理部分神学词汇在早期汉语《圣经》中的流变情况,分析神学概念在基督教与中国文化中的不同含义。《古新圣经》作为现存最早的汉译白话本《圣经》,在《圣经》汉译史、中西文化交流史、语言史等多方面深具价值,值得从不同领域进行深入研究。由于时间、能力有限,本文将《古新圣经》与《拉丁通俗本圣经》、《思高圣经》的四福音书部分进行了对勘,希望日后能在此基础上做出更多有意义的研究,并在对勘基础上,从多角度进行更进一步的深层次探求。

【Abstract】 The Bible is one of the world’s most popular books, the translation of which has a long history in China. The earliest and the most complete Chinese version of the Bible is Gu Xin Sheng Jing, which is also one of the earliest Chinese Mandarin Bibles. This thirty-seven volume book has more than1,400,000words and was accomplished during Jiaqing Period of the Qing dynasty, translated from the so-called "Sixto-Clementine Bible",which including the entire Biblewhth the exception of Song of songs and most of the prophetic books, based on SUerome’s VulgataThis Bible is nearly complete and had a great influence on all later Chinese translations, thus, it is really a pity that until now was almost ignored and hardly mentioned. In China, the research on Chinese Bible usually focuses on the Bible of Joshua Marshman and Robert Morrison, or in recent years on the eight verses works of the Nestorian tradition,no mention the great influence of Gu Xin Sheng Jing on the contemporary Catholic translation, the Studium Biblicum Version. Yet the earlier works of Poirot are ignored.Until now there is no research on the Bible is from the way of Parallel Text and Translation Methodalthough this method has a long history in China.also in the research of the Buddhist Scripture,which using this method more and more recently and made great achievements. On the basis of this, we really should focus on this aspect and draw lessons from the Buddhist Scripture research to make basis reference and then get credible results. It is impossible to study in a scientific way the development of Christianity in China if we ignore those early translations of the Bible. Those translations are a basic source for the history of Chinese theology and they represent the foundation for a history of Chinese Christianity. My dissertation makes up this part and covers a blind spot by exploring this fundamental part offering a solid scientific inquiry to go back to the origin. My research used a "Parallel Text and Translation Method",which comparing translations has a long history in China, and a significant meaning in the academic world. Moreover, this research method is much used on the Buddhist Scriptures. Especially in recent years the researchers focus on this comparative analysis of the Chinese Buddhist classics, the Sanskrit, and the Tibetan versions, with great results. Following this method way, the researchers of the Bible can use the "Parallel Text and Translation Method" to expand the breadth and depth of Scripture study from the solid base of words-analysis and open up new areas of research. My dissertation starts from four Gospels according to the "Sixto-Clementine Bible", based on StJerome’s Vulgata and compares them with two Chinese versions of the Bible:Poirot’s and a contemporary one. In this way I can use the original data for the exploration of the writer s strategy in translation, Furthermore, I sum up the basic way of Jesuit’s missionary strategy and their translation method, in order to reproduce the historical sources of the Chinese Bible. The first chapter makes a review of previous research results and introduces the significance of methodology, that is the use of the "Parallel Text and Translation Method", starting from the China collate history, the second chapter introduces He Qingtai and the version of Gu Xin Sheng Jing, as well as the "Sixto-Clementine Bible" Latin one; The third chapter is about translation strategies, both in Western Bible translation history and Matteo Ricci’s strategy, then I introduce the background of He Qingtai’s translation; in the fourth chapter, on the basis of exploring, discusses four aspects of translation:new words, theological vocabulary, foreign words and the history of the concepts.Gu Xin Sheng Jing is the earliest Chinese vernacular Bible, and has a the deep value in Chinese Bible translation history, cultural history, history of language and other aspects, so it is worth in-depth study. Because of the limited time and ability, my work compares only the four Gospels according to the Gu Xin Sheng Jing, the "Sixto-Clementine Bible" and a contemporary Catholic translation, the Studium Biblicum Version, opening the door for futher and deeper studies in this basis.

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