

A Study of Modern French Linguistic Thinking(1865~1965)and Its Influence on Chinese Linguistics

【作者】 段满福

【导师】 姚小平;

【作者基本信息】 北京外国语大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文从学科史角度,运用语言学史的研究方法,将法国语言学放在广阔的西方语言学发展的大背景下与法国的思想文化传统中,通过深入挖掘和剖析历史文本,系统梳理和总结了1865~1965年间法国现代语言学的主要思想,介绍此时期的主要人物及其成就;并在此基础上分析了法国语言学思想在中国的引进和传播及其对中国语言学的影响。本文第一章为绪论,介绍选题的意义,综述现有研究文献,提出具体研究问题及研究方法。第二章介绍法国现代语言学创立的历史背景,概述1865~1965年问法国语言学的发展历程和学科建制,探讨索绪尔对法国语言学发展的影响。第三章归纳法国语言学主要研究领域及其成就,总结贯穿法国语言学百年历史的四种思想,考查房德里耶斯《语言》如何体现这些思想。第四章从三个方面探讨法国语言学思想在中国的引进和传播。第五章通过五个个案,分析法国语言学思想对中国语言学的影响。第六章概述法国语言学对中国语言学各领域的影响,并分析这些影响的特点。第七章为结论,对法国语言学及其对中国语言学的影响作整体评价,分析本研究的不足,指出日后的研究方向。研究发现,法国语言学(1865~1965)的发展不同于一般的西方传统:受理性主义思想的影响,历史比较语言学在法国的发展晚了五十余年,但法国很快跟进,并在研究材料和理论上都有突破;在梅耶的领导下,法国语言学一方面坚持研究语言演变的历史主义的思想,另一方面大力发展语言社会性的研究,普通语言学、方言学、地理语言学等学科都具有明显法国特色;随着语言学研究向多元化的发展,20世纪50年代于法国出现了“语言学研究的哲学转向”,语言问题成了解决哲学问题的途径。百年间法国语言学(1865-1965),群星璀璨,成果卓著,对世界语言学的发展做出了重大的贡献。法国语言学思想通过中国学者留学法国和法国语言学著作在中国的译介,对中国语言学产生过重大影响,主要体现在中国学者的语言学著作中频繁引用法国语言学著作的内容和观点,以及留学法国的中国学者回国后开展的各种语言学研究活动。本研究有两大创新。首先,本文首次对法国语言学思想(1865~1965)做了系统的梳理和总结,从学科史的角度理清了法国语言学思想发展脉络,对全面认识西方语言学史,促进我国西方语言学史的研究,具有重要的意义。其次,本文系统地考查了中国语言学家如何接受法国语言学思想并在中国语言学研究中加以运用和发展。这样的研究尚属首次。对这段历史加以梳理和考查,厘清中国的语言学在哪些方面,如何接受并把法国的语言学思想运用到汉语语言学理论,特别是汉语语法研究中来,这一过程中又有哪些创新和得失,对研究中国语言学史和提高中国语言学理论水平具有参考价值。同时,本研究有助于还原“西学东渐”时期中国语言学发展的原貌,为叙述中国现代语言学史提供佐证。本研究可以增进对法国语言学思想的了解,弥补国内对法国语言学认识的不足,从而全面认识西方语言学史,打破国内关于外国语言学史研究的单一局面,有利于引进多样化的研究理念、视角和方法,对本国语言学研究进行有益补充。同时有助于我们更清楚地认识法国语言学思想如何传入中国,对中国语言学又有那些具体影响,从而客观评述这一“影响和接受”过程的是非得失。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of historiography and by application of the research methodology of the history of linguistics, the present dissertation studies French linguistics (1865~1965) against the general background of Western linguistics and in the tradition of French culture and its influence on Chinese linguistics. The dissertation identifies and comments on major French linguists and their achievements in this period and elaborates on how French linguistic theory and research were introduced to and transmitted in China, and finally analyzes the influence of French linguistic thinking on Chinese linguistics.Chapter one of the dissertation is a general introduction to the significance of the research, a literature review of previous researches in the field and a proposal of research questions and research methodology. Chapter two is an introduction to the historical background for the establishment of modern French linguistics, an outline of the development of French linguistics in1865~1965and its institutionalization and an elaboration of Saussure’s influence on French linguistics. Chapter three elaborates on its major research fields and their respective achievements, presents a summary of French linguistic thinking and provides a case analysis of Vendryes’ Langage (1921) with the purpose of revealing how this thinking is realized in a particular work. Chapter four discusses three means by which French linguistic thinking was introduced to and transmitted in China. Chapter five conducts five case studies of nine works, aiming at finding out the elements of French linguistics in them and showing their influence on Chinese linguistics. Chapter six is an outline of the influence of French linguistic thinking on different branches of Chinese linguistics and an analysis of its characteristics. Chapter seven is conclusion, evaluating French linguistics and its influence on Chinese linguistics, pointing out the inherent defects in the research and proposing new research topics for the future.The research discovers that French linguistics developed in a different way from the general Western tradition. Influenced by rationalism, France lagged behind more than fifty years in historical comparative linguistics, but it caught up rapidly and made its due contribution by broadening the scope of languages studied and refining the theoretical foundation. Led by Meillet, French linguistics insisted on the historical thought in the study of linguistic change and concentrated on the research on the social characteristics of language. General linguistics, dialectology, and dialect geography all embrace flavor of Frecnh linguistics. With the diversification of linguistic studies in France,"the philosophical turn of linguistics" appeared first in France in the1950s of the20’century, with the result that linguistic issues became the means for resolving philosophical problems. From1865to1965, within the linguistic circle of France, many stars achieved outstanding results and greatly contributed to the development of world linguistics. French linguistic thinking was transmitted to China through Chinese scholars studying in France and the translation of French linguistic works in China, mainly reflected in the frequent quotation of content and ideas of French linguistic works in linguistic works by Chinese scholars and their linguistic research activities.The research boasts two innovations. First, it is the first elaboration of French linguistic thinking in1865-1965in China, helpful for our overall understanding of the development of French linguistics in particular and Western linguistics in general. Second, it is an initial systematic summary of how Chinese scholars accepted France’s linguistics and applied and developed it in their own linguistic researches, especially in Chinese grammar. The research is of practical value in investigating this period to find out the gains and losses in this process and in improving the theoretical level of Chinese linguistics. It can also help us recreate China’s linguistics in that period and provide evidence for writing the history of modern Chinese linguistics.The research can enhance our understanding of French linguistic thinking, make up for the insufficient knowledge of French linguistics, enable us to have an overall understanding of the history of Western linguistics, break the monotonous situation of researches on history of linguistics in China, and supplement Chinese linguistic researches by introduction of diversified research ideas, perspectives and methods. It is also of help for us to have a clear idea of how French linguistics was transmitted into China and what influences it had on Chinese linguistics, thus enabling us to evaluate objectively the gains and losses of the process of "influence and acceptance"

  • 【分类号】H0-09
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1099