

Research on Key Techniques and Performance Optimization of Hybrid Traction Power Equipment for Urban Rail Transit

【作者】 全恒立

【导师】 刘志刚;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 电气工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 牵引供电系统是城市轨道交通的核心系统之一。当前城轨牵引供电系统存在的主要问题是:列车再生制动能量无法回馈、非高峰时段功率因数偏低。由24脉波整流器机组和PWM整流器机组构成的混合式牵引供电装置是解决上述两个问题的优选方案。本文从提高城轨供电系统供电品质的角度,详细阐述了混合式牵引供电装置交直流侧的技术需求,进而重点围绕交流侧谐波电流抑制与稳定性分析、直流侧电压谐波抑制以及低直流电压条件下装置的容量提升等三个关键问题进行了深入研究。首先,围绕混合式牵引供电装置的交流侧谐波抑制策略和系统稳定性进行研究:针对交流侧的谐波抑制问题,通过深入分析各元件的取值配合对网侧滤波器多个约束条件的影响,提出了一种基于多约束条件寻优的网侧滤波器参数设计与优化方法,实现了网侧滤波器的参数取值优化;针对网侧滤波器的谐振问题,基于PWM整流器电流环的离散化控制模型,研究了控制器参数调谐对系统稳定性和动静态性能的作用规律,分析了阻尼电阻、谐振频率、网侧附加阻抗及附加时延环节对系统稳定性的影响,给出了提高系统稳定性和动态响应速度的改进方案。其次,通过深入分析混合式牵引供电装置的直流侧谐波特性,依据其直流侧小信号模型,提出了基于滤波电感取值优化的直流电压谐波抑制策略,提高了电压平稳度,减小了电压谐波:深入讨论了电网电压畸变和变压器移相误差等非理想因素对24脉波整流器直流电压特性的影响,提出了一种简单、新颖且物理意义清晰的电压谐波算法;推导了混合式牵引供电装置的直流侧小信号模型,提出了滤波电感的取值优化原则,并结合具体算例进行了说明。再次,针对现有控制策略下,PWM整流器机组无法在低直流电压条件下正常工作的问题,引入了有功、无功协调控制策略,提升了同等硬件条件下装置的有功输出能力,改善了装置功率突变时的动态性能和供电网络的功率因数:提出了改进型有功、无功协调控制策略,在不改变既有系统硬件参数的情况下,实现了低直流电压条件下装置输出功率的提升和性能的改进;通过交流网压幅值的优化设计和提出的优化型有功、无功协调控制策略,在改进型策略的优势之外,可进一步提升新设计PWM整流器的有功输出和无功补偿能力。论文各章均包含仿真和实验验证,用以证明理论分析的正确性。此外,兆瓦级混合式牵引供电装置已经成功应用于北京地铁十号线二期工程,文中给出了实际应用效果,验证了对城轨供电系统各组成部分负荷特性分析的有效性,展示了混合式牵引供电装置对城轨牵引供电系统供电品质的改善效果和装置投入运营后的节能效果。

【Abstract】 Traction power system is one of the core systems for urban rail transit. Now the main problems of traction power system are the regeneration energy absorption and low power factor at night. Hybrid traction power equipment composed of24-pulse rectifier and PWM rectifier seems to be the best solution. In this dissertation, for the purpose of power supply quality improvement, technical requirement of hybrid traction power equipment is described. And then AC harmonic current suppression strategy and stability analysis, DC harmonic voltage suppression strategy and the capacity improvement with low DC voltage are investigated in detail.Firstly, AC harmonic current suppression strategy of hybrid traction power equipment and its stability analysis are investigated:for the AC harmonic current suppression, the corporating criteria of LCL filter’s component is analyzed, then the design and optimization method of grid side filter to obtain optimum result is proposed; for the resonance problem of the filter, based on the PWM rectifier’s current control model in Z-domain, the action law of controller’s parameter-tuning for stability and dynamic performance is summarized, and the influence of damping resistor, resonant frequency, additional grid side inductor and additional delay is analyzed, then the solution is proposed.Secondly, the dc voltage spectrum of24-pulse phase-shifting traction rectifier under non-ideal conditions is analyzed, and based on the small-signal model of hybrid traction power system’s DC side, the DC harmonic voltage suppression strategy is proposed, which is mainly about the optimization value of the dc filtering inductor to eliminate the problem of resonance:the problems caused by negative-sequence voltages and the error of phase shifting are discussed, a novel method was proposed to solve the value of DC harmonic voltage; the small-signal model of hybrid traction power system’s DC side is derived, optimization method of dc filtering inductor is introduced, the examples to explain this method is also given.Thirdly, for the problem that PWM rectifier can’t work properly with traditional control scheme when the DC voltage is low, the active and reactive power unified control scheme is proposed to increase the capacity, improve the dynamic performance and power factor. The improved active and reactive power unified control scheme is introduced for the existing equipment; while through the optimized design of grid side voltage and optimized active and reactive power unified control scheme, the new equipment could further improve the capacity of active and reactive power.The validity of theoretical analysis is proven by simulations and experimental results in each chapter. Besides, megawatt hybrid traction power equipment has also been used successfully in subway Line10of Beijing, application effect is also shown to prove the equipment’s advantages at last.

  • 【分类号】TM922.3;TM461
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】556
  • 攻读期成果