

Factor Migration, Industrial Transfer and Regional Economic Development

【作者】 张辽

【导师】 宋德勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 西方经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 区域经济的协调发展需要在一定的区域空间结构形态基础上开展,各种经济活动的产生需要将一定时期内分散在地理空间中的相关要素组织起来,进而必须克服时空因素对集约要素活动的约束。若能够借助某种方式让生产要素在整个时间和空间领域得到最佳的配置,从而使得区域内的人流、资金流、技术流等充分发挥作用,不仅能实现区域空间结构的发展与优化,更能以此达到区域经济从不平衡向平衡发展的目标。所以本文试图将空间优化思想融入新经济地理学的分析框架中,从区域经济空间结构优化的角度探讨区域经济协调发展如何实现,而实现区域空间结构的优化则需要依靠地区经济持续增长、生产要素和产业空间重组、地区利益格局重塑来完成。本文沿着要素、产业的转移到经济增长、产业空间集聚及地区间利益再分配,再到区域经济协调发展的主线展开分析。将产业转移的增长效应(空间优化效应)视为劳动力流动、资本转移和技术扩散共同作用的结果。以新经济地理学为理论基础,通过引入多要素流动和改进冰山成本的假设条件,尝试构建空间经济的一般均衡模型,考察劳动力流动、资本转移、技术扩散和产业空间集聚水平的相互作用机制,以及从理论上阐述要素流动、产业转移经济增长效应的发生机制。进而建立地方政府与转出企业间的利益分配博弈模型,以进一步明晰要素、产业的转移对地区利益分配格局重组产生的影响。研究发现,(1)我国1997-2011年期间要素流动与产业转移在不同的阶段呈现了不同的特征。其中劳动力的地域流动呈现出了明显的由中西部向东部流动特征和趋势,资本要素转移的省际差异较大,而技术要素在不同地区间的扩散并没有呈现出明显的规律;广义视角下东中西部地区间的产业转移的规模并不显著,而狭义视角下产业转移最开始普遍呈现从中西部向东部沿海转移的趋势,后期才逐渐演变为由东部沿海向内地转移。(2)单就要素流动而言,如果具有一定素质的劳动力从落后地区流入发达地区,将有利于流入地经济的快速增长。相反却造成了流出地人力资本及生产效率的损失而不利于经济的发展。资本流动的区域经济增长效应表现为提高经济增长的质量和总量。而技术扩散对区域经济收敛过程的影响应该是双重的。因而,产业转移的经济效益无论是对转出地还是对转入地,影响到底如何,不能一概而论,应由具体情况决定。(3)在坚持新经济地理学关于劳动力要素的跨区域流动引起产业空间结构的变化这一理论判断基础上,引入多要素流动和企业区位再选择相关假设的理论分析表明,要素转移会引起企业(产业)更大程度的转移,要素集中的地区将促进产业空间集聚的形成。实证研究发现东部地区对外产业转移的确会降低本地区产业空间集聚水平,而作为产业转移承接地的中西部地区则可以通过积极吸收来自于东部发达地区的人力资源、资本、技术的流入,并最终能够提高本地区的产业集聚水平。(4)在地方政府间的竞争行为博弈分析中发现,在要素流动与产业转移中,地方政府间竞争程度的增加既具有一定的正效应。但是也有如导致了产业结构趋同,重复投资等负效应。而转入地政府与转出企业间的博弈结果表明,要素、产业转移的利益分配均衡是一个不确定性问题,最终的地区利益分配格局与所处博弈阶段的利益系数有关。本文的最终研究结论告诉我们,空间结构优化是实现区域经济协调发展的重要途径,而实现空间结构优化需要通过生产要素空间配置的优化、产业空间结构的优化,以及地区利益格局的优化来最终实现。而在执行区域协调发展战略实现空间结构的优化的抓手则是依靠地区间的要素流动和产业转移。

【Abstract】 Regional economic coordinated development needs certain region space structure form, which based on various economic activities need to spread a certain period in the geographical space related elements are organized, and have to overcome the factors of time and space constraints of factors of intensive activity. If able to through some way for factors of production across time and space to get optimal configuration, so as to make the area of the flow, cash flow, technology flow, such as give full play to the role, not only can realize the development of the regional spatial structure and optimization, to achieve regional economic never more balance to balance the development of the target. So this article attempts to optimize the space thinking integrated into the analysis framework of new economic geography, from the view point of regional economy spatial structure optimization of regional economic coordinated development of how to realize the problem, and the optimization of regional spatial structure, you need to realize regional economic sustained growth, the factors of production and industrial restructuring, regional interests pattern reshaping.This article along, transfer of industry to economic growth, industrial spatial agglomeration, and regional interests redistribution, and then to the coordinated development of regional economy of an analysis. Take transferring industry growth effect (space optimization effect) as Labour mobility, capital transfer and outcome of combined action of technology diffusion. Based on the theory of new economic geography, by introducing the multi-factor flow and improve iceberg cost assumptions and trying to build a space general equilibrium model of economic, labor mobility, transfer of capital, technology diffusion and interaction mechanism of industrial spatial agglomeration level, flow and theoretically in this paper, the elements, the industrial transfer effect mechanism of economic growth. Transfer and the local government and enterprise profit distribution between the game model, to further clarify the elements, the transfer of industry on regional interest distribution pattern of the impact of restructuring.Research found that (1) our country during1997-2011elements flow and industry transfer in different phase presents different characteristics. Which shows obvious regional flow of labor from the Midwest to the east flow characteristics and trends, and the great provincial difference in the transfer of capital elements, technical elements in the spread between different regions did not show obvious regularity; Between east central and western regions under the broad perspective of the scale of the industry transfer is not significant, and the special perspective of industry transfer started generally present the trend that moved from the Midwest to the east coast, later gradually evolved from east coast to the mainland.(2) in terms of element flow, If have a certain quality of labor force from the backward area into the developed areas, will be conducive to defined the rapid economic growth. Instead the human capital and the production efficiency of the water loss and unfavorable to the development of economy. Regional economic growth effects of capital flows is to improve the quality of economic growth and the total amount. The technology diffusion effect on regional economic convergence process should be double. The economic benefits of industrial transfer counter rotating out of the ground or to turn into the ground, affect how, cannot treat as the same, should be decided by the specific situation.(3) Adhere to the new economic geography theory on Labour elements of cross-regional flow causes the change of the industrial spatial structure the theory judgment, based on the introduction of many elements flow and enterprise location after select the relevant hypothesis theory analysis shows that elements transfer will cause enterprise (industry) to a greater degree transfer, concentration of elements in will promote the formation of industrial spatial agglomeration. And the empirical study found that the eastern region of foreign industry transfer does decrease the region industrial spatial agglomeration level, as the central and western regions of the industrial transfer to undertake, can through the way of absorbing human resources, capital, technology flow from eastern areas, and eventually be able to raise the level of industrial agglomeration in the region.(4) in local government competition behavior between the game analysis found that in elements flow and industry transfer, the increase of the degree of competition between local governments on the one hand, has a positive effect. But is also lead to the convergence of industrial structure, repeated investment and other negative effects. And turn to the government and turn out of the game between enterprise and the results show that the elements balance of interests distribution, industrial relocation is a matter of uncertainty, the final pattern of regional interests distribution and the coefficient of the interests of the stage of the game.This final research conclusion tell us, spatial structure optimization is an important way to realize the coordinated development of regional economy, and realize spatial structure optimization need through the factors of production space configuration optimization, optimization of the industrial spatial structure, the optimization of pattern and regional interests to achieve. And in carrying out regional coordinated development strategy optimizing the spatial structure of the gripper is rely on elements flow and industry transfer between regions.

  • 【分类号】F127;F129.9
  • 【被引频次】2
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