

The Antecedents and Consequences of Mentoring in the Chinese Context

【作者】 陈诚

【导师】 廖建桥;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为组织人力资本开发的重要工具,企业导师制已引起国内外理论界和实践界的广泛关注。企业导师通过向新员工(徒弟)提供职业支持、社会心理支持和角色榜样等功能,对新员工的职业成长提供了较大的帮助。尽管如此,我国关于企业导师制的实证研究甚少,而西方关于企业导师制的理论研究纵然有三十多年的历史,仍存在诸多不足。具体而言,首先,以往研究大多从导师、徒弟和组织单一的角度研究企业导师指导行为或知识共享行为的影响因素,而缺乏对三者间系统的、全面的思考;其次,导师制的作用机制(包括中介机制和调节机制)研究尚不充分;最后,除了能促进徒弟职业成功外,企业导师制其他的功效有待进一步检验。鉴于此,本文系统研究了企业导师指导行为的影响因素及其作用机制,并在此基础上提出了实施企业导师制的管理建议。本文共分为八章,可概括为五个部分:绪论部分(第1章)、文献综述部分(第2章)、实证研究部分(第3、4、5、6章)、管理对策部分(第7章)和总结部分(第8章)。实证研究部分由三个子研究构成,分别检验了导师知识共享行为的影响因素(第4章)、正式导师指导行为对徒弟工作态度的影响机制(第5章)和导师指导行为对徒弟偏差行为的影响机制(第六章),其主要结论如下:(1)徒弟学习意愿、组织奖励与导师个性会对导师指导(知识共享)行为产生交互影响。首先,研究结果发现徒弟学习意愿对导师的知识共享行为有显著的正向影响。进一步地,组织奖励对徒弟学习意愿与导师知识共享行为的关系并不具有调节作用,但分别加入导师开放性和导师尽责性后,徒弟学习意愿、组织奖励和导师个性的三维交互项对导师知识共享行为都有显著的影响。具体而言,当导师开放性与尽责性较高时,较高的组织奖励将弱化徒弟学习意愿与导师知识共享行为之间的关系,反之,当导师开放性与尽责性较低时,较高的组织奖励则会强化上述关系。(2)在我国,正式导师指导行为同样对徒弟工作态度存在显著的影响,其与徒弟情感承诺显著正相关,与徒弟离职意愿显著负相关。这一结论也表明西方相关研究成果具有普适性,可以推广到其他非西方文化的国家中。其次,徒弟感知的心理安全在正式导师指导行为与徒弟情感承诺和离职意愿的关系之间分别起到部分中介和完全中介的作用。此外,徒弟的权力距离导向会调节正式导师指导行为与感知的心理安全的关系,具体而言,当徒弟的权力距离导向较低时,正式导师指导行为与感知的心理安全两者间的关系将更强。(3)导师指导行为与徒弟的组织偏差行为之间显著负相关。这一结论表明企业导师制除了能有效促进徒弟的职业成功外,还可以有效遏制徒弟在组织中的负面行为。此外,本研究从认同理论和嵌入理论的视角,揭示了徒弟组织认同和工作嵌入在导师指导行为与徒弟组织偏差行为之间的中介作用。本研究发还发现组织的发展氛围是导师指导行为与徒弟组织认同和工作嵌入关系之间的一个重要调节变量。具体而言,当组织具有较高的发展氛围时,导师指导行为与徒弟组织认同和工作嵌入的关系会更强。根据上述结论和我国的现实情况,本文接着以ERG需要理论为分析框架,从生存安全动机、人际交往动机和成长发展动机三个层面,构建了企业导师指导行为的影响因素模型,并在此基础上,提出了建立师徒考核制度、合理搭配师徒、营造合作、信任的组织氛围等具体的管理措施。论文最后对全文进行了总结,指出了本研究的局限性,并对未来的研究进行了相应的展望。

【Abstract】 Mentoring as an effective measure to develop organizational human capital has been highly concerned by theorists and managers domestic and oversea. Mentoring is helpful for new employees (proteges) to increase their career successes through providing vocational support, psychosocial support and role modeling. Although previous research has made great progress during the past thirty years, there are some omissions. Specifically, little research has focused on the impact factors of mentoring or knowledge sharing behaviors of mentors from an integrated perspective. Furthermore, we still know little about the mechanisms and process by which mentors exerts their influences on proteges’ outcomes. Finally, we need to examine more functions of mentoring besides the positive effect on proteges’career success. Accordingly, the present research examines the antecedents and consequents of mentoring in the Chinese context and also aims to provide some implications for the management of mentoring.This dissertation consists of eight chapters and could be summarized into five parts: introduction (chapter1), literature review (chapter2), empirical study (chapter3,4,5,6), implication (chapter7) and inclusion (chapter8). Specifically, this research examined the antecedents of mentoring in chapter4, the mechanisms through which formal mentoring influences proteges work attitudes in chapter5and the mechanisms by which mentoring affects protege’s organizational deviance in chapter6. Main conclusions are following:Firstly, proteges’learning willingness, organizational rewards and mentor personality interactively influenced on the knowledge sharing behavior of mentors. Proteges’learning willingness was positively related to mentors’ knowledge sharing behavior. Results also indicated that organizational rewards, mentors’ openness, and conscientiousness would interact with proteges’ learning willingness and mentors’knowledge sharing behavior. Specifically, when mentors’ openness or conscientiousness was high, organizational rewards would weak the relationship between proteges’learning willingness and mentors’ knowledge sharing behavior.Secondly, formal mentoring was positively related to protege’s affective commitment and negatively related to turnover intention in the Chinese context. It indicated that the previous results in Western cultural context could be generalized to other non-Western countries. Moreover, perceived psychological safety of proteges partly and fully mediated the above relationships. Our findings explored a new mechanism (psychological safety) to develop a more complete understanding of the inner working of formal mentoring. Finally, protege’s "power distance orientation", a cultural value, moderated the relationship between formal mentoring and psychological safety. Some implications for research and practice of our findings are discussed.Thirdly, rare research considered the impacts of mentoring on proteges’negative attitude and behaviors, such as workplace deviance. This study found that perceived mentoring influences proteges’ organizational deviance. Both job embeddedness and organization identification partially mediated the relationship between mentoring with workplace deviance. There was also supported for developmental climates as a moderator of the relationship between mentoring and job embeddedness and organization identification such that the relationship is higher when the developmental climates are higher.Based on the above conclusions and ERG theory, the present research analyzed the three levels of mentoring motivation and proposed the integrated impact factors of mentoring. Then, it analyzed the influencing role of management system and organizational climate on mentoring and some management policies were proposed.Finally, we summarized the whole research and indicated research limitations and directions for the future study.
