

The Reformation of Marriage Value:a Study on Divorce in Shanhe Town(1978-2012)

【作者】 陈讯

【导师】 贺雪峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以山河乡为个案,以离婚为研究对象,通过对离婚现象的研究来揭示和理解转型期农村社会中的婚姻价值变革。改革开放以来,在国家体制转型与社会变迁加剧背景下,农村社会中的离婚现象不断涌现,并成为社会日益关注的一个热点话题。究竟是什么导致了离婚现象不断涌现呢?从外部来看,国家法律制度从严到宽和村庄社会结构性力量的削弱,以及村庄社会舆论的逐步消解,为离婚现象的涌现提供了宽松的外部环境;从内部来看,婚姻自由权利意识崛起和当事人对婚姻幸福追求,催化了离婚现象的形成,从而导致离婚现象的不断出现。本文的研究主要从三个层面对离婚现象进行论述:一是从走向自由的婚姻形式视角切入并分析影响婚姻的外部因素变迁。在择偶变迁上主要阐述“包办型”择偶,“双向型”择偶以及“自主型”择偶的演变;在婚姻仪式变迁上主要阐述繁琐和庄严的婚姻仪式逐步瓦解,而简单快捷和象征性的婚姻仪式逐步形成;在婚姻制度变迁上主要阐述婚姻政策从严从紧逐步向从宽松转变;在婚姻行为变迁上主要阐述人们在结婚行为和离婚行为上的变化等,揭示婚姻外部因素变迁对离婚现象出现的影响。二是从维系婚姻稳定的纽带层面分析各要素之间的变化对离婚的影响。主要分析物质要素、情感要素、家庭要素和国家与社会要素在传统婚姻和自主浪漫型婚姻维系中的作用,以及在市场经济全面渗透下传统婚姻瓦解与自主浪漫型婚姻形成过程中这些要素之间的变化,从而揭示婚姻内涵的变化。三是从婚姻的内涵上分析婚姻的价值及其变迁对离婚的影响。主要分析婚姻的功能从“双系抚育”向“个体性生活体验”转变,致使婚姻的目的和婚姻的意义发生根本性的变化,导致传统婚姻逐步瓦解和自主浪漫型婚姻的形成,人们的本体性价值逐步削弱和社会性价值逐步增强。于是,人们追求个体性生活体验和生活享受的欲望逐步增强,从而使婚姻成为追求个人幸福生活的一种手段。同时,在婚姻传统伦理逐步被消解和婚姻的责任与义务逐步弱化趋势下,人们更加注重对当下幸福生活的享受和体验,更加注重社会层面上的价值,出现了婚姻的伦理性危机。因此,当人们的婚姻陷入困境后,离婚便成为对未来美好生活追求的一种选择,从而导致了婚姻的价值变革。因此,本文的基本结论是,人们在追求婚姻自由的过程中出现了婚姻形式自由和婚姻内涵自由的错位,在市场经济的全面渗透下,使维系婚姻稳定的纽带发生了变化,致使婚姻变得越来越不稳定,从而导致了离婚现象不断的涌现,而在这种现象的背后正是嵌入到本体性价值和社会性价值之中的婚姻价值变革。

【Abstract】 This is a case study on divorce in Shanhe Town, for the purpose to describe and comprehend the revolution of the marriage value during the transitional period in rural China.Ever since the reform and opening-up, the country is experiencing enormous system and social transformations. Under this circumstance, divorce occurs with an increasing rate in rural community, and becomes a hot topic in contemporary society. However, what should be responsible for this phenomenon? For one thing, the transition of national laws’ changing to a strict system from a relatively loose one, coupled with the weakening of social structural forces and the public opinion, provide an ideal external environment. On the other hand, the consciousness of freedom of marriage rights and clients’pursuing for a happy marriage life accelerate the formation of divorce, leading to divorce with higher frequency.This research discusses divorce mainly from three aspects:(1) Analysis of transformations of the external factors that might affect marriage from the perspective of marriage freedom, so as to reveal the relationships of such changes and the appearance of divorce. Specifically, transformations on mate selection which changes from "arranged marriage" to "bidirectional selection" and "independent decision by oneself; transmits on ceremony in which the cumbersome and solemn ceremony was gradually replaced by a simple, quick and symbolic one; changes on institution of marriage to a loose system from a more severe one; and changes in marriage behaviors, especially on marriage and divorce.(2) The influences of those changes on divorce from the perspective of marriage stability maintainance. This paper discusses the roles of factors such as material, emotional, family, national and social elements in the maintainance of traditional marriage and independent-romantic marriage. It also points out changes of these factors in the process of traditional marriage system disrupting and a new one formulating under the background of market economy fully penetration, and finally reveals the changes of marriage connotation.(3) Analysis on function of marriage and its transformation on divorce considering the connotation of marriage, mainly focus on the transmit from "double lineage parenting" to"individual experience", leading to fundamental changes of purpose and meaning of marriage, and resulting in increasing collapse of traditional marriage and formulation of independent-romantic marriage, and coupled with true value weakening and social value increasing. In this way, people’s desire for individual experience and enjoying one’s life are enhanced, even made marriage a tool to realize individual happiness. Meanwhile, traditional ethics of marriage is reduced step by step, coupled with the weakening of responsibility and obligation, enable people to pay more attention to present enjoyment and value at social levels, finally lead to the ethical crisis of marriage. Therefore, when entrapped into dilemma, people will easily make a decision to divorce and then pursuit for a better future life. In this way, a reform in value of marriage occurs.In the end, this paper makes a basic conclusion:obvious dislocation between the form and the content of marriage exists in the process of pursuing a free marriage, and changes occur in factors that used to maintain a stable marriage while the market economy penetrating increasingly, leading to instability of marriage. For a further step, resulting in high divorce rate. However, it is a reformation of value of marriage which has deeply embedded into the fundamental and social value in essence.
