

On Sports Geography in Southwest China in the Han Dynasty

【作者】 秦立凯

【导师】 黎小龙;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 历史地理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 汉代西南体育地理是区域性断代研究,是从地理空间角度透视汉代西南体育现象,分析汉代西南体育文化区形成与演变的规律。当前体育史研究呈薄弱状态,而以历史地理学的方法对汉代西南体育的研究相对阙如,所以,本选题的研究对于构建历史体育地理学的途径和方法具有探索意义。基于这样的思考,本文在大量占有相关考古材料的基础上,结合文献资料,本着“尽全时空”的理念,探讨汉代西南体育的空间分布、特征、区域差异及其影响因素,体育在地域文化系统中的功能等问题。本文除了绪论外,由五部分组成,主要内容如下:第一章《历史地理背景及汉代西南体育文化区的确立》。第一节,西南自然环境不仅决定该地区体育文化形态,而且影响到汉体育文化向西南地区的传播和交流。西南社会环境最大的特点是处于转型期,政治上,表现为开土列郡,大一统帝国形成,以汉体育文化为主体,少数民族体育为辅的格局初露端倪;经济上开发力度增强,为体育发展奠定基础,同时,体育发展水平的高低也体现了经济开发的程度;军事上,战略地位凸显,战争增多,促进军事体育的发达,尚武精神的弘扬;文化上,表现为夷汉体育文化的冲突与融合。总体而言,汉帝国体育文化处于主导统摄地位,西南各族体育趋于汉化。多民族分布使得西南体育文化丰富多样,独具特色,人口由北往南依次减少的分布格局决定了巴蜀地区体育文化最为发达,滇黔地区相对封闭落后。第二节,汉代体育丰富多彩,是我国古代体育格局基本形成的时期,已经初显地域分异现象。汉代西南体育主要分为军事体育、娱乐体育和养生体育三部分,每部分具有不同类别和表现形式。第三节,体育文化因子的确定关系到体育文化区的划分,汉代体育文化区划分的主导因子有体育项目、自然环境、行政区划等。汉代西南体育文化区具有层级结构,可以划分为巴蜀、滇东与黔、川西与滇西等三个亚文化区,每个亚区体育项目及特征各不相同。巴蜀地区文明起源早,靠近汉代政治经济文化中心,汉化进程早,战国秦汉时期社会转型,经济取得很高成就,并担负以此为基地向滇黔地区推进开发进程的重任,因此其体育项目最为丰富,分布最为广泛稠密,成都及周边可以视为西南体育文化区的核心区,对川西和滇黔地区具有很强的文化辐射作用。滇东与黔地区自然环境较为优越,文明起源也比较早,但相对封闭,其体育文化项目较为丰富,土著化色彩浓郁,体育文化分布呈点块状分布,主要集中在坝地河谷地带。川西滇西地区是华夏文化的边缘,也是农耕文明和游牧文明冲突的地区,经济较为落后,其体育文化项目较为单,军事体育发达,分布呈点状分布,主要集中在战略要冲。第二章《汉代西南武术与养生体育分布及特征》。第一节,巴蜀区项目多,分布广,汉化程度高,是武术文化发达区,举重、比武、剑术、斗兽等项目开展广泛,水平高。巴蜀武术移民性十分突出,影响深远。巴蜀地区的尚武之风和当时社会环境是紧密相联的。滇黔地区和川西地区兵器武艺发达,兵器的土著化色彩浓厚,兵器武艺文化交流频繁。总体看来,这些地区武术文化汉化程度低,落后于巴蜀地区。西南地区擅长使用短兵器,弓弩尤其发达,和地理环境有关。铁兵器的发展折射了西南兵器武艺的发展历程。第二节,在饮食、衣着、居住方面三地存在明显差异,但从预防保健发展水平上,以巴蜀地区最为发达。巴蜀地区是中国道教发源地,导引养生术由于受道家文化和地理环境等因素影响,十分发达,具有浓重的仙道色彩,体现了巴蜀民族的健康追求。第三章《汉代西南射御狩猎类体育分布及特征》。第一节,巴蜀地区的射箭活动形式多样,文化的意蕴更为浓厚,习射活动渗透着浓重的“射礼”文化,射鸟和猴则蕴含加官进爵,长生富贵之含义。巴蜀独特的自然社会环境决定这一地区弓弩文化发达,威武的蹶张武士体现了浓厚的尚武之风。巴蜀地区的马术、御术更多出现在等级森严的车马出行,折射了以“礼”为核心的汉文化对巴蜀地区的影响深度。胡骑的出现表明巴蜀地区文化交流频繁,而富有仙道色彩的骑马体现了巴蜀人士浪漫自由的追求。复杂的地形和庞大的车队,形式多样的车骑标志着巴蜀御术的发达和经济成就。滇东与黔射箭活动起源早,用于狩猎和军事斗争,出现了赛马和骑兵格斗,甚至出现了女骑手。而投壶和车马出行在这一地区的出现反映了汉文化对这一地区的影响。川西和滇西地区由于以游牧生产方式为主,骑马射箭文化发达。第二节,巴蜀地区随着开发力度加强,森林减少,人们狩猎活动频繁,弋射形式比较典型,奔跑运动则多出现在伍佰形象中,体现出巴蜀地区经济文化更为发达。滇东与黔地区狩猎活动多样,围猎形式尤发达。奔跑则出现在狩猎等日常生产生活中。川西滇西地区射猎活动频繁。第四章《汉代西南娱乐体育分布及特征》。第一节,巴蜀境内多湖泊河流,水上项目形式多样,龙舟竞渡活动开展很早,游泳技能高、划船技术好,很早就应用于军事斗争,巴人的游泳技能尤为突出。垂钓活动开展普遍和广泛,有的垂钓活动蕴含了汉代隐士之风。棋类运动活动流行,尤其是六博活动,且具有浓重的仙道色彩。滇东与黔区水上项目多,龙舟竞渡盛行。流行磨秋、斗象、弄蛇等富有特色的项目。川西滇西很早也出现了石球等游戏。第二节,巴蜀地区杂技类型多样,惊险刺激,富含身体技巧元素。巴渝舞更是声名远播,影响深远。滇东与黔出现了叠罗汉、踩高跷、缘竿等杂技活动,流行圈舞、盾牌舞、傩舞等舞蹈。川西滇西有傩舞、弄丸等活动。总体来讲巴蜀地区经济发展水平较高,汉化程度高,水上项目、宴乐舞蹈、杂技活动等娱乐体育更为发达。第五章《对汉代西南体育区特点及其功能的认识》。第一节,探讨了汉代西南体育的特征:一体和多元、封闭和开放、尚文和尚武、原始和发展等四个方面。认为由于社会转型及大一统帝国的影响,体育具有尚柔主静、身心一元、缺乏竞争的文化个性,又由于民族成分多,生产方式多样,体育类型多样;地理环境的封闭性和交通的发展、移民活动,使体育具有封闭和开放的特性;由于以礼为核心的汉文化影响,体育文化尚文,但军事形势的需要,尚武之风盛行;生产力落后,地理环境的封闭,体育巫文化色彩浓厚,具有原始性,但由于社会转型和经济大开发,汉体育文化的传播,体育文化又具有发展性。第二节,巴蜀地区社会转型早,汉化程度高,经济发达,文化交流频繁,娱乐体育发达,尚武之风盛行。“巴出将、蜀出相”的人才格局具有诸多影响因素;滇东与黔,自然条件较优越,娱乐体育和军事体育较发达,体育土著化色彩浓厚:川西滇西地区体育类型单一,军事体育发达。第三节,影响区域特征的因素有自然环境、社会转型、军事活动、交通贸易、移民活动、宗教等六个方面。自然环境是区域分异的基础,社会转型和移民活动等影响甚大。第四节,汉代西南体育在地域文化系统中具有社会功能、传承功能、教育功能、健身娱乐功能等四个方面。体育在增强民族认同、促进民族团结、提高文化自信等方面具有重要作用。学术研究贵在创新。本文主要在以下几个方面做了探索:一是首次综合运用多学科方法系统梳理了汉代西南体育地理现象;二是率先提出“汉代西南体育地理”命题,是对历史艺文地理的一个充实,对于体育学科建设具有一定价值;三是以自然环境为基础,把体育这种社会文化现象置于汉代西南社会转型和经济大开发、夷汉冲突与融合的大背景下进行考察,以期客观全面地总结汉代西南体育文化发展规律,为当前传承民族体育文化服务,为西南文化建设提供借鉴。

【Abstract】 The exploration on sports geography of Southwest China in the Han Dynasty belongs to a regional cohort study from the perspective of geographical space, in which the regularity of its formation and evolution has been analyzed. The present days are seeing the study on sports history caught in the bottleneck. The study on sports in Southwest China in the Han Dynasty by means of history geography is blank in particular. The dissertation, thus, is of significance in exploring the approaches to the history of sports geography. The author thereby has discussed the spatial distribution, characteristics, regional differences and influencing factors of the sports in Southwest China in the Han Dynasty, as well as its physical function in the regional culture system and other related issues on the basis of the archaeological data, together with literature, with the concept of "to the best of all time and space".This article, besides the section of introduction, consists of five sections, of which the main content is as follows:The first chapter is titled as Background of History Geography and Establishment of Sports of the Southwest China in the Han Dynasty. First, the natural environment not only decides cultural forms of sports in the region, and also effects to the Han sports culture spread to Southwest China. The biggest characteristic about the social environment lies in the fact that it was in a transition. Politically, the sports pattern is formed, with the Chinese sports culture as the main body, minority national sports as complementary parts, for the county soil is increased, and the unified empire is formed. It lays the foundation for sports development that the economic development is enhanced. At the same time, the level of sports development also reflected the degree of economic development; in military, the developed military sports are promoted, with the martial spirit carried forward, for the strategic position, increasing wars. The sports culture is characterized by the conflict and integration between the Han sports culture and the ethnic sports culture. Overall, the sports culture of the Han Empire is in a dominant position, all the ethnic groups sports in Southwest China tend to be united by the Han sports culture. The multi-national distribution in the Southwest China abounds the sports culture, and makes it unique. The population distribution pattern that the persons decrease by the turn from the north to the south determines that the Bashu sports culture is the most developed, the Dianqian sports culture is relatively backward. Second, the author thinks that the Han Dynasty is basic formation period of our country ancient sports. The Han sports has been showing regional differentiation phenomenon. The sports in Southwest China of the Han Dynasty can be divided into three parts: military sports, entertainment sports, sports of keeping good health, each part has different categories and forms. Third, the author thinks that sports culture factors determine the division of the sports culture area. The factors are sports categories, natural environment, administrative districts, etc. The sports culture area, which has hierarchical structure, can be divided into three subregions, such as the Bashu culture area and so on. Each subregion sports and the characteristics are not identical. The Bashu civilization origins early, close to the political, economic and cultural center. So it is united earlier by the Han culture. The social transformation was finished during the Warring States period, the Qin and Han dynasties, in which the economic achievement was high. Then Bashu was a base to promote the important task of the development process in the Dianqian region. So the sports is the most abundant, the most widely and densely distributed, and Chengdu and the surrounding regions can be regarded as core in the Southwest sports culture area, with a strong radiation effect to the western Sichuan and Dianqian region sports culture. The natural environment in the Eastern Dian and Qian region is superior, the civilization originated earlier, but relatively closed. The sports culture is relatively rich, with rich native color. The distribution of sports culture is conducted with point and block, mainly concentrated in the closing and river valley. The Western Sichuan is the edge of the Huaxia culture. The western Yunnan area is also the area in the conflict between the farming civilization and nomadic civilization. The economy is relatively backward, so the sports culture project is relatively single, military sports is developed. The sports culture is dot distributed, mainly concentrated in the strategic position.The second chapter is titled The Regional Distribution and Characteristics of Martial Arts and Keeping Health Sports in Southwest China in the Han Dynasty. First, the author thinks that the Bashu area is the martial arts culture developed area where there are many projects, wide distribution, high degree of the Han culture, especially weightlifting, jousting, fencing and beast beating are widely distributed and developed. Immigration is important to the martial arts in Bashu Region. The warrior fashion in the Bashu area and the social environment are closely linked. The weapon skills are developed, more native, cultural exchange being frequent in the Dian and Qian. Overall, the weapon skills in the Dian and Qian are behind the Bashu area. The people are good at using short weapon, especially archery. All this is because of the geography environment. Except the sports culture, the development is reflected in the iron weapons. Second, the diet, clothing, living place in the Southwest are obvious different, but it is the best in the Bashu Region. The Bashu area is the originated place of Taoism in China. The keeping health skills which has the important status in the history of Chinese is very developed, with heavy Sendoh color, reflects the pursuit of the Bashu national health, because of the Taoist culture and the environment.The third chapter is titled The Regional Distribution and Characteristics of Archery, Horsemanship and Chariots Skills in Southwest China in the Han Dynasty. First, the author thinks that the archery activities in the Bashu area have stronger cultural connotation. Shoot learning activities permeate a "jet ethical" culture. The shoot of birds and monkeys means the promotion of careers, longevity, riches and honor. Bashu unique natural social environment decided to the region culture developed crossbow. The fashion of strong warrior is showed by the powerful archer. Horsemanship and chariots skills are often appeared in the hierarchical chariots and horses travel, which explains that the culture in the Bashu area is more developed, reflecting the depth of influence that Chinese culture as the core of the "ethical" to the Bashu area. The ride of Hu persons shows that the Bashu region cultural exchanges frequently. But the horse riding full of sendoh color embodies the Bashu people romantic pursuit of freedom. Complex terrain and large teams, various forms of motor marked the development and economic achievement of the Bashu. The archery activities in the eastern Dian and Qian originated early, being used for hunting and military struggle. The wrestling, horse racing and riding, even the female riders appeared in the region. While the ruby and travel by the chariots and horses appeared in the region that reflecting the influence of the Han culture. The riding and archery culture in the western Dian and western Sichuan region is developed, because of the nomadic way of production. Second, the author holds that the hunting activities are closely related to the development in Southwest China, which brings forest decrease and frequent hunting. The running is often seen in the image of serving officials of "wubai", which manifests the economic in the Bashu area is more developed. The diversity of hunting form, especially developed around Hunting appeared in the eastern Dianqian region. Running is appeared in the hunting of daily production and life. The hunting activities are frequently in the western Sichuan and Dian region.The fourth chapter is titled The Regional Distribution and Characteristics of the Recreational Sports in Southwest China in the Han dynasty. First, the water sports in Southwest China are very much developed. The dragon boat game is carried out earlier. There are many good swimming and high boating skills, which are used in military. The swimming skill of the Ba persons is more outstanding. Fishing activities appear widely and widely, which contain the wind of the hermits in the Han dynasty. Chess movement mainly concentrated in the Bashu area, which the main form is "liu bo", which having strong sendoh. Water sports in eastern Dianqian area is abound. The dragon boat race prevailed. The sports of Moqiu, elephant bucket and snakes playing are popular and distinctive. The ball games and other sports appeared earlier in the western Sichuan and Dian. Second, the acrobatics activity in Southwest China is more developed, which has more technology diversity and adventure. The Ba people of is more famous for their "Bayu" dance. The pyramid, walking on stilts, edge rod and other acrobatics activity, the circle dance, Nuo dance, shield dance and other dance are popular in the eastern Dian and Qian region. The Nuo dance, pills playing and other activities appeared in the western Sichuan and Dian. Overall the Bashu region economic development level is higher, and the Han culture is more developed. The water sports, dance, acrobatics activity and other entertainment sports are more developed.Chapter V is titled Awareness of Characteristics and the Function in the Southwest sports area during the Han Dynasty. The sports characteristics of unity and pluralism. closed and open, hsiao and warrior, the original and development, and so on is discussed. Think the sports culture is still one yuan, lack of competition personality of body and mind because of the influence of the social transformation and a unified empire. The mode of production is diverse form. These are various types of sports because of the ethnic composition. The seal of the geographical environment and the development of transportation, migration activity, make the closed and open characteristics of the sports. The martial wind prevails because of the military situation. The hsiao physical culture prevails because of the influence the Chinese culture. The open and closed sports culture prevails because of the backward productivity and geographical environment. The sports is primitiveness because of the backward productivity, but the sports culture is developed as a result of social transformation and economic development, the spread of Chinese sports culture. Second, the entertainment sports developed, martial wind prevails in the Bashu area, for the social transformation, early localization, developed economy and frequent cultural exchanges. The talent pattern of "the general of Ba and the prime minister of Shu" has many influence factors. In the eastern Dian and Qian, the entertainment sports and military sports is relatively developed because of the superior natural conditions. The color of the native sports is thick. In the western of the Sichuan and the Dian area, the sports type is single, the military sports is developed. Third, factors which affect the regional characteristics are natural environment, social transformation, military activities, transit trade, immigration, religion and so on. Natural environment is the foundation of regional differentiation, social transformation and migration, etc., are also important. Fourth, the sports in the Southwest during the Han Dynasty among the regional culture system has social function, transfer function, education function, fitness entertainment function and so on. The sports plays an important role in strengthening the national identity, promoting national unity, enhance cultural self-confidence.Innovation is advocated in the academic research. The author makes an exploration in the following several aspects. First, the sports geography phenomenon in the Southwest during the Han dynasty is discussed by use of multidisciplinary approach for the first time. Second, the proposition of "the sports geography in the Southwest during the Han Dynasty" is proposed for the first time, which is helpful to the construction of arts culture geography, to the construction of sports subject. Third, based on the natural environment, the sports phenomenon is studied among the background of social transformation and economic development,conflict between the Han sports culture and the ethnic sports culture so as to comprehensively and objectively summarized the Southwest sports culture development rule, aiming at servicing the national sports culture inheritance, providing the reference for the southwest culture construction.

【关键词】 汉代西南地区体育地理
【Key words】 the Han Dynastythe Southwest Regionsports geography
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】K234;G812.9
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】787