

A Study on Student Management in Universities During the Period of Anti-Japanese War

【作者】 王延强

【导师】 谢长法;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 学生管理是学校管理的重要组成部分,亦是学校培养人才的关键。抗战时期,为维持高等教育的正常运转,各高校形成了一整套相对成熟的学生管理制度,为该时期高等教育的恢复与发展奠定了基础,其经验与不足都为当前高校学生管理体制改革提供了借鉴与参考。招生管理是高等教育的重要组成部分,亦是学生管理的第一步。抗战时期,随着时局的变化,国民政府教育部在总结战前大学招生经验、教训的基础上,为规范、统一标准起见,展开了招生管理的改革与探索,从而使该时期成为近代大学招生史上的重要变革阶段,影响了之后海峡两岸高校招生制度的发展,实为中国高教发展史上的重要里程碑。教学管理是整个学生管理,乃至学校管理的核心,亦是衡量一所大学水平的关键指标。抗战时期高校课程的规范、统一教材的编订,使各校有了统一教学标准与内容。以学年制为基础的选修、学分制的实施,培养了学生广博、专精的扎实学术基础。严格的考查制度促进了优良学风的形成,极大提升了高校教学质量,为战时及以后社会各项建设培养了大批优秀人才。根据“德智体三育并重”的教育方针,训育在战时亦得以重视和加强。该时期,训育标准的制定、训育组织机构的成立及完善、训导人员的遴选,使训育制度最终确立并进一步强化。由训导处主持,以入学教育、课程教学、导师制、情景教育及党团活动为主要内容的训导网络亦在该时期形成。其实施,在一定程度上确实克服了战前一些高校“重智育、轻德育”的局面,且对战时高校学生道德品质、民族精神的培养与凝聚发挥了重要作用。但于此同时,国民党亦借机加强对高校意识形态的强行灌输,致使训育成为控制学生思想的工具,从而导致其功能异化,并因此遭到众多高校教师与学生的抵制而收效甚微。作为提高高校学生身体素质和国防意识及技能的体育、军事训练,是高等教育的重要组成部分。抗战爆发后,为培养国防后备力量,提高学生身体素质和进行国防教育,国民政府极为重视高校体育课程的开设与军事训练的进行,各校也努力筹备各种体育、军训设施,为学生提供锻炼机会。该时期高校体育、军训课程的设置及其要求的提高,适应了战时环境的需要,有利提高学生的身体素质,为学生在艰难情况下坚持学业提供了体质保障,同时也增强了学生的国防意识及技能,为造就后备军事国防人才做了准备。作为高校的重要文化现象,抗战时期,各大学的学生组织风起云涌,非常活跃,各校学生组织或以共同学习为目标,或因相同兴趣、爱好而结合,抑或为抗战建国一同走出校园,服务社会,从而成为该时期的一道靓丽风景线,为战时大学增添了活力,亦为战时学生发展提供了活动空间。为救济大批经济来源断绝的战区学生及非战区经济困难学生,战时各高校基本形成了由贷金制、公费免费、奖学金、勤工助学及其它辅助方式组成的学生经济资助体系,在尽量扩大受助面的基础上,为战时学生求学提供了最低生活保障,最大限度地解决了他们的后顾之忧。同时,为尽量给学生提供优良的学习环境和身体基础,该时期各高校亦积极重视对学生生活的管理,并极力将提供生活服务、加强学生管理和注重学生日常生活的养成教育相统一形成了具有战时特色的高校学生生活管理制度。学生就业管理,是高校学生管理的最后环节,其实施状况,直接影响高等教育及其它各项社会事业的发展。抗战时期,为促进大后方社会建设及前线各项事业顺利进行起见,国民政府着手对高校毕业生就业实施统筹规划,逐步形成了以检验分发、征调征选为主,融政府统筹分配、学校和社会组织介绍及个人谋生等形式于一体的就业网络,力图实现最大限度地就业安置,为抗战建国发挥了高等教育的独特价值。

【Abstract】 Student management is a very important part of school management and also a key point for personal training in school. During the Period of Anti-Japanese War, to maintain the normal operation of higher education, a set of relatively mature student management system had been formed in various higher institutes, which laid a good foundation for the recovery and development of higher education in that period. And its experience and deficiency can offer some reference for the structural reform on the current higher institutes.Enrollment management is an important part of the higher education and the first step of student management as well. During the Period of Anti-Japanese War, to standardize the higher education, the National Government, based on some experience and lessons from the university enrollment before Anti-Japanese War Period, carried out the reform and exploration on the enrollment management, thus making that period to be an important revolutionary stage in the modern enrollment history, which affected the enrollment system development of higher institute afterwards. It can be a significant milestone in the history of Chinese higher education development.Teaching management is the core of student management, even the core of school management. It is a key index to measure the level of a university. During the Period of Anti-Japanese War, the standardization of higher education courses and the unified compilation on teaching materials let each university have unified teaching standards and contents. Elective course based on scholastic school year and implementation of credit system can help the students establish an extensive and specialized academic foundation. Strict testing system can promote the forming of good learning style and greatly enhance the higher institute teaching quality thus to cultivate large groups of excellent talents for the Anti-Japanese War Period and various constructions in the society later on.According to the education policy of equal stress on morality, intelligence and physique, discipline education was stressed During the Period of Anti-Japanese War. At that period, the formulation of discipline standards, the establishment and perfection of discipline organization and the selection of discipline personnel can ensure that the discipline should be finally established and further strengthened. The discipline network, with major contents of entrance education, course education, tutorial system, scene education and party activities, had formed in that period. It was hosted by the board. Its implementation, in a certain degree, actually overcame the situation in which some higher institutes stressed the intellectual education and underestimated the moral education before the Anti-Japanese War Period and it could play an influential role in cultivating and gathering and giving full play to the moral quality and national spirits of college students. At the same time, The Kuomingtang would seize the chance to strengthen the instilling of ideology in universities, which made the discipline a tool for controlling the students’ thought thus causing dissimilation of the students. So it was resisted by the university teachers and students and obliviously it had a poor result.Sports and military training, which can be used to improve the physical quality and national defense awareness and skills of the university students, are important parts of higher education. Since the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War, to train the reserve force of national defense, to improve the students’physical quality and to conduct the national defense education, National Government paid attention to setting up the higher school institute physical courses and carrying out military training while various higher institutes) were making effort to prepare various sports and military facilities so as to provide the training opportunities for the students. In that period, the improvement of higher institute sports, military training course setting and the requirements could meet the needs of war environments and be conducive to improve the students’ physical quality. It could offer the physical guarantee for students to go on their study in the very hard conditions and strengthen the national defense awareness and skill of students and get prepared for cultivating reserve talents for military and national defense.As an important cultural phenomenon in the higher institutes, the student organizations in the universities were surging forwards vigorously During the Period of Anti-Japanese War. All the students organizations took mutual study as the objectives, gathered together for sharing the same hobbies, walked out of campus and served communities to fight against Japan and build a new country, thus forming a beautiful landscape at that period, which could add vitality for the students and offered activity space for student development in the Anti-Japanese War Period as well. To save large groups of students whose finance source was cut off in the war zone and who had financial difficulties in non-war zone, a financial-aid system for students, consisting of credit system, free public expense system, scholarship, work-study program and other associated methods(,) was basically formed in the higher institutes in wartime. Based on the possible expansion on the aid coverage, it could offer the lowest living guarantee for the student learning in the wartime and could solve their cares at home furthest. Meanwhile, greatest effort should be made to offer the students good learning environments and body conditions. Various higher institutes at that time had paid attention to the living management of students and mad greatest effort to offer life service and strengthened the unity of the students management and emphasis on forming the education habit in students’ daily life, thus a higher institute management system for students’ living with wartime features had been generated.Employment management of students was the final step for higher institute management and its implementation could directly affect the development of higher education and various social undertaking programs. During the Period of Anti-Japanese War, to promote the social construction in the rear area and the development of various undertakings at the front, National Government started to carry out overall plan on the students’ employment in universities. Employment network had gradually formed, in which the inspection, distribution, requisition and selection were given priority, overall plan and allocation by government and introduction by schools and social organizations and personal surviving had been integrated so as to furthest achieve the employment goals and made the higher education realize its unique value so as to strengthen our country especially in the Period of Anti-Japanese War.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期
  • 【分类号】G647;K265
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1066