

【作者】 郭宁

【导师】 席恒;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 公共经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 我国现有的社会保障制度产生于计划经济时代,尽管经过改革开放以来的数次改革,目前社会保障制市场化程度逐步提高,保障程度和覆盖面稳步改善。但是,目前我国社会保障制度覆盖面窄,支出压力大,统筹管理层次不完善,社会保险险种结构失衡等问题也越来越严重。社会保障制度的建设实施主体是是各级政府,建立一个与政府新职能相适应、基于服务型政府的社会保障体系,对于为社会各群体提供高效、优质的社会保障服务具有重要指导意义,并且构成了今后我国进一步转变政府职能、实现政府转型、推进行政体制改革和社会建设的重要内容。本文在分析我国现行的社会保障体系基础上指出我国政府存在的职能偏差,并且指出了这种偏差存在的多方面原因。根据西方国家社会保障体系的构建经验和相关理论确立了服务型政府在社会保障体系构建中的责任。指出中国的社会保障的构建应当在必须要充分考虑服务型政府建设这一现实背景,切实发挥服务型政府在社会保障体系构建中建立“广覆盖、适度水平、统筹兼顾公平与效率”的公共服务模式;拓宽社会保障资金来源;加强社会保障体系的规划工作;实现社会保障与中国文化传统的有机统一的责任。着眼于综合统筹社会保障力量;理顺各保障主体的关系;健全社会保障资金财政体系;强化全国社保技术支撑的思路。遵循系统性、可持续性、国民导向性、法制性和权利与义务相结合的原则。并且要做好相关配套体系的改革工作,注意体系构建中所容易出现的问题。在第七章中,本文以人本主义为基础,以公平和效率为标准,以国家政策为导向,以满足公民需求为目标提出了对于社会保障体系的总体构想,即建立“一条主线两条支线三个层次”的新型社会保障体系,并且在社会保险险种设置上将原有的五大险种合并为四个。最后,本文分析了这一新型社会保障体系保障水平层次清晰、真正实现机会均等、大大提高保障效率的优势,并且进一步指出了该体系在实施过程中的要点。

【Abstract】 The generation and evolution of the Social Security Act, has its profound social and historical reasons. With the transition of China’s economic development, economic system and the original social security system has been unable to meet the needs of social development under the current situation. The current situation, along with the transformation of government functions, the establishment of a Rather than adapt, based on the perspective of service-oriented government under the social security system is necessary.This paper attempts to put forward the idea of building a social security system from the perspective of service-oriented government. On this basis, draw on the experience of the Western developed countries, and proposed the principle of the social security system in the perspective of building a service-oriented government, pointed out the deficiencies of the current social security system and give recommendations.The article pointed out that, under the perspective of building a service-oriented political and social security system should follow:the systematic principle, the principle of sustainability, customer-oriented principle and the principle of rule of law, and pointed out that in the construction of the current, the construction of a service-oriented government should pay attention to the social security system compatible with China’s national conditions, to comply with the difference betweenThe regional city and rural areas, focusing on the combination of efficiency, and fairness and the legal system construction and legal services to be synchronized with the construction of social security. In the end, according to the article described earlier, the expectations of future construction is given.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期