

【作者】 李楠

【导师】 许门友;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 自马克思主义思想传入中国以来,中国共产党人带领中国人民将马克思主义的普遍原理与中国革命和建设的具体实际相结合,产生了中国化马克思主义法律思想的理论成果:确立了毛泽东法律思想和中国特色社会主义法治理论体系。马克思主义法律思想的中国化,极大推动了马克思主义法律思想理论研究的进程。由此可见,毛泽东法律思想是中国共产党人在运用马克思主义法律观的一般原理来解决中国革命和建设过程中产生的;十一届三中全会以后中国进入全新的、加快民主与法制进程的社会转型期,并形成中国特色社会主义法治理论。本文主要论述改革开放以后中国化马克思主义法律思想的基本内容及其中国特色。文中指的中国化马克思主义法律思想,就是马克思主义法律思想在中国改革开放新时期的具体实践中形成的创新成果。采用历史与逻辑相结合的方式提炼中国化马克思主义法律思想的核心精神、基本内涵、主要表现等方面的基本问题,对中国化马克思主义法律思想的成果进行学术性的研究。基于以上认识,全文分为五个部分。第一部分,马克思主义法律思想的中国化路径。首先,总体介绍马克思主义法律思想在中国的境遇。第一,分析马克思主义法律思想自身特质及传入中国前的某些特点。第二,说明其在中国化过程中,与中国几千年的传统法律思想的相互关系。第三,经过中国革命的具体实践,逐渐形成马克思主义法律思想中国化的第一次伟大成果——毛泽东思想。其次,提出改革开放以来的三十年,中国化马克思主义法律思想发展规律及三个主要特点和标志:文革时期法律“虚无主义”的终结;从革命法制到改革开放后的社会主义建设法制;新时期形成的中国特色社会主义法治理念。第二部分,以人为本是中国化马克思主义法律思想的核心精神。以“以人为本”法哲学意蕴,说明其包括的法哲学内涵及特质,“以人为本”在人权、平等、自由、公平等方面的具体表现;阐释马克思主义对法与社会,法与人类解放以及人的全面解放发展等几者关系,从社会主义初级阶段的法与人、法与社会等关系入手,进一步阐述“以人为本”的内涵,强调人权、平等、自由、公平核心内涵;分析并归纳“以人为本”在中国化马克思主义法律思想中的集中表现,认为“以人为本”集中体现于保障人权、维护大多数人的根本利益、保障社会公平公正。第三部分,民主与平等是中国化马克思主义法律思想的基本内涵。首先,阐述马克思主义关于民主与平等的学说,马克思主义关于民主与平等的主要观点,中国特色社会主义民主对马克思主义的继承与发展;中国特色社会主义民主的表现形式,即基层民主、党内民主、协商民主与选举民主等;中国特色社会主义平等的表现方式,“法律面前人人平等”,包括法律面前公民都享有法律赋予的权利与义务,法律尺度统一。第四部分,加强法制是中国化马克思主义法律思想的主要表现。首先论述法制是实现民主的重要手段,法制与民主的重要关系;“一手抓经济,一手抓法制”;十六字法制建设方针的提出:有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必究。第五部分,法治与德治是中国化马克思主义法律思想的实践方式。法治道路是中国化马克思主义法律思想的实现路径。包括依法治国、以德治国两种中国化的成果形式,二者之间互为补充。总之,中国化马克思主义法律思想的理论成果,是马克思主义法律思想与中国具体实践结合的产物。本文研究的结论是:马克思主义法律思想在指导中国法治建设的同时必须与中国实际相结合,必须反对教条化、本本主义、错误倾向,必须实现中国化。马克思主义法制思想及其中国化的过程和理论成果,对中国特色社会主义法制建设仍将发挥重要指导作用。

【Abstract】 Since marxism was introduced into China, the people of the communist party of China led the Chinese people to the universal principles of marxism with the reality of China’s revolution and construction, the theoretical achievements of sinicization of marxist legal thought, Mao zedong’s legal thought and the Chinese characteristic socialism theory system of rule of law. The sinicization of marxist legal thought, promote the progress of marxism theory of legal thought. Thus, Mao Zedong’s legal thought is the Chinese communists in the use of the general principles of marxism moved to solve occurring in the process of Chinese revolution and construction.After the third plenary session of China entered a new, speed up the process of the democracy and the rule of law, the period of social transition, and formed the Chinese characteristic socialism rule of law theory. This paper mainly discusses the sinicization of marxist legal thought after the reform and open policy the basic content and the Chinese characteristic. The sinicization of marxist legal thought, that is, marxist legal thought in the new period of reform and opening in China formed in the concrete practice of innovation. This paper adopts the combination of history and logic, refining the core of the sinicization of marxist legal thought spirit, basic connotation, main expression of the basic problem, achievement of sinicization of marxist legal thought for academic research.Based on the above understanding, the full text is divided into five parts.The first part, the sinicization of marxist legal thought of path. First of all, the general introduction of marxist legal thought in the situation of China. First, the analysis of marxist legal thought their qualities and some of the features was introduced into China before. Second, in the process of sinicization, and thousands of years of Chinese traditional legal thoughts of mutual relations. Third, through the concrete practice of Chinese revolution, gradually formed the sinicization of marxist legal thought of the first great achievement-Mao Zedong thought. Secondly, put forward since the new period of reform and opening up30years, the sinicization of marxist legal thought law of development and three main features and logo:legal "nihilism" the end of the cultural revolution, from revolutionary legal system after the reform and opening up new period of socialist construction law, the formation of the socialist concept of rule of law with Chinese characteristics. The second part, the humanist spirit is the core of the sinicization of marxist legal thought. The author adopts the concept "people-oriented" core idea of sinicization of marxist legal thought, namely "people-oriented" philosophy of law meaning, instructions, which include legal philosophy connotation and trait of "people-oriented" in terms of human rights, equality, freedom, and fairness of specific performance:Interpretations of marxism and French society, and human liberation and the liberation of comprehensive development of people a few relations, from the primary stage of socialism and people, laws and social relations, this paper further expounded the connotation of "people-oriented", emphasis on human rights, equality, freedom, and justice core connotation; Analysis and summing up "people-oriented" the sinicization of marxist legal thought in the concentrated expression, believes that "people-oriented" embodied in protecting human rights, maintain the fundamental interests of most people, safeguard social equity and justice.The third part, democracy and equality is the fundamental connotation of sinicization of marxist legal thought. First of all, in this paper, the marxist theory on democracy and equality, marxism about democracy and equality, the main point of the socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics on the inheritance and development of marxism; Manifestation of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, namely, grassroots democracy, inner-party democracy, deliberative democracy and electoral democracy, etc.; The equal representation of socialism with Chinese characteristics,"everyone is equal before the law", including the citizens shall enjoy the legal rights before the law and obligations, legal dimension is unified.The fourth part, strengthen the legal system is the main performance of the sinicization of marxist legal thought. First discusses the rule of law is an important means of democracy, the relative importance of the rule of law and democracy;"Grasping economy, grasping the rule of law";16-character legal construction guidelines put forward:laws, the laws and law applied, the barriers.The fifth part, the rule of law and virtue is the practice of sinicization of marxist legal thought. Road under the rule of law is the realization of the sinicization of marxist legal thought path. Including the achievements of sinicization of governing the country according to law and managing state affairs by ethics two forms, both between complement each other.In a word, theoretical achievements of sinicization of marxist legal thought, is a marxist legal thought and the Chinese concrete practice combining with the product. The conclusion of this study is:marxist legal thought in guiding China’s rule of law must be combined with China’s actual at the same time, must be against dogmatic, bookishness and erroneous tendency, must be in Chinese style. The sinicization of marxist thought of legal system and its process and theory achievement, the construction of socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics will still play an important guiding role.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 02期