

Research on the Sinicization Process of Marxist Views of Women(1921-1949)

【作者】 赵小波

【导师】 杨先农;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义妇女观,是运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的世界观、方法论,对妇女社会地位的演变、妇女的社会作用、妇女的社会权利和妇女争取解放的途径等基本问题做出的科学分析和概括。马克思主义妇女观中国化包含了两层含义:第一,“马克思主义妇女观中国化”是指正确运用马克思主义妇女观的基本原则、立场和方法来分析解决中国妇女问题的实践过程;第二,“马克思主义妇女观中国化”还指科学运用马克思主义妇女观解决中国妇女问题进程中形成的新理论和新经验。因此,马克思主义妇女观中国化是一个系统工程,既包括了具体实践又包括了在实践基础上的经验总结和理论升华。马克思主义妇女观在中国的早期传播为其中国化提供了基础。无政府主义者对马克思主义妇女观进行了较早的宣传。但其不能正确理解马克思主义关于妇女解放的思想,且对马克思妇女观的介绍极其零散,在当时的思想界影响甚微。十月革命后,伴随着马克思主义广泛传入中国,加之新文化运动的洗礼,中国先进的知识分子逐渐成为马克思主义的信仰者。对马克思主义的接受也是对马克思主义妇女观的接受。早期马克思主义者开始用马克思主义妇女解放思想分析、探讨中国的妇女问题。早期马克思主义者的探索,为马克思主义妇女观在中国的确立奠定了坚实的基础。中国共产党第二次代表大会以政党的名义通过了关于妇女运动的决议。《决议》批判了资本主义私有制剥削和压迫妇女的本质,明确提出了只有无产阶级获得了政权才能真正解放妇女,发出了“妇女解放要在社会主义的社会,才得完全实现”的呐喊。这是对马克思主义经典作家妇女解放思想的遵循,是在用马克思主义妇女观分析中国的妇女问题,标志着马克思主义妇女观在中国的确立。从建党初期到大革命失败的几年间,马克思主义妇女观开始了中国化的历程,并取得了一定的成果:第一,找到了妇女运动的主体力量,即广大的劳动妇女;第二,找到了妇女运动最现实的途径,即动员妇女参加国民革命。土地革命战争时期,中国共产党在坚持马克思主义妇女观的基础上,更多的是将其发展,促进其本土化、中国化。这一时期,马克思主义妇女观中国化的过程中主要解决了三个问题:解放谁?靠什么解放?担负什么角色?在“解放谁”这个问题上,发现了妇女运动新的主体力量同时也是中国受压迫最深的群体——农妇。在“靠什么解放”这个问题上,中国共产党找到了最好的政权形式——苏维埃。苏维埃政府通过颁布相关法律来保障妇女权益,使广大农村妇女走出了家庭,走入了革命、走向了解放。苏维埃成为了解放妇女的利器。在“担负什么角色”的问题上,农村妇女运动的蓬勃开展表明:妇女已经成为决定革命胜败的力量。实践已经证明了让妇女走出家庭、走向革命是妇女解放的必由之路,而让妇女回到家庭,回去充当“贤妻良母”则只能是倒退。抗日战争时期,只有求得民族解放,妇女才能得到解放是妇女运动的核心思想。国共两党在此问题上一度达成共识。国共两党的再次合作促进了全国统一的妇女组织的建立,形成了妇女运动的合力。在中国共产党领导下的抗日根据地,妇女运动遵循了马克思主义“参加社会生产是妇女解放的先决条件”的思想。广大妇女在生产的过程中去求得男女的平等。生产求平等,既是对封建传统的颠覆,更是对妇女“回家论”的否定。反击妇女“回家论”的过程,反映了马克思主义妇女观中国化的艰巨性和曲折性。要完成马克思主义妇女观中国化的任务,自然少不了一批能干而专职的妇女工作干部。妇女干部培养思想的系统化正是在这一时期完成的。民主是中国妇女解放的应有题中之义。在苏区、在敌后抗日根据地,中国一部分妇女曾享受过民主带来的喜悦。但这毕竟是一部分妇女的、一定区域内的“小民主”。在民族解放已经完成的背景下,中国妇女呼唤实现真正的“大民主”。在国民党统治区域,妇女只能通过各种形式的斗争来争取和平和民主。而在解放区,妇女不仅享有民主,更为重要的是,她们用行动回答了“女人能干什么”。解放区妇女在土地改革中发挥了自己的巨大作用,再次证明了妇女作为“人”的价值所在。在此基础上,她们为着新中国的建立而奋斗着,继续回答着“该干什么”的问题。

【Abstract】 Marx’s view of women, which accords to dialectical materialism and historical materialism world outlook, methodology, makes scientific analysis and summary of some basic issues, such as the evolution of women’s social status, the role of women in society, women’s social rights and women’s Liberation way. Sinicized Marx’s view of women contains two meanings:The first," Sinicized" refers to the correct use of Marx’s view of women’s basic principles, standpoint and method to analysis to solve practical problems of Chinese women; Second," Sinicized " also refers to the scientific use of Marx’s view of women solve Chinese women’s successful experience and theory rising. So Sinicized Marx’s view of women is a systematic project, both practical and included on the basis of practice experience and theory of sublimation.The early dissemination of Marx’s view of women in China provided the basis for its Sinicized. In China, the earliest publicity about Marx’s view of women came from anarchist. But they could not correctly understand Marx’s ideas of women’s liberation, and the Introduction to Marx’s view of women was extremely scattered, At the time of the circle of thought had little effect. After the October revolution, with Marx’s widely spreaded in China, in addition to the severe test of the new culture movement, Chinese advanced intellectuals gradually became Marx’s revivalist. The acceptance of Marx’s is also the acceptance of Marx’s view of women. The early Marxist began to utilize Marx’s women’s Liberation to analysis and inquire into the problem of Chinese women. The exploration of early Marxist laid a solid foundation for the establishing of Marx "s view of women in China.In the name of the party, the communist party of China second congress through the resolution about women’s movement. The resolution criticized the exploitation of the capitalist private ownership and the nature of oppression, which clearly put forward that the regime the proletariat won can truly liberating women, Shouted out that the women’s liberation in socialist society can be fully realized. This was a follow for Marxist classical writers of women’s emancipation, was to analysis women’s issues of China by Marx’s view of women, which stood for the establishment of Marx’s view of women in China. From the early party to the defeat of the revolution, Marx’s view of women began the process of sinicization, and obtained the certain achievement:the first, to find the women’s movement of the main body strength, that is to say, the working women; Secondly, to find the most realistic way of women’s movement, that means to mobilize women to participate in national revolutionDuring the time of Agrarian Revolution, Communist Party of China has sinicized Marx’s View of Women on the basis of insisting the principles of Marx’s View of Women,which includes three questions:Who emancipate Chinese women? Which requirements do Chinese Women need to emancipate themselves? what do Chinese Women undertake role of emancipating themselves? For the first question, Communist Party of China realized that peasant women are the new main political power in Women Emancipation Movement,who are the most exploited; For the second question, Soviet’s Organizational Form of Political Power is the best way to solve this question. In other words,Soviet Government made peasant women to break family bondage to join Women Emancipation Movement, and finally liberate themselves by law-making. For the third question, women has became the critical power to decide whether revolution is successful or no7t.There is the best example of booming Peasant Women Emancipation Movement.It is the only way of Women Emancipation Movement to break family bondage and join Women Emancipation Movement. Or else,this is historical regressionOnly obtained national liberation, could the liberation of the women to get the core idea of the women’s movement. in the time of Anti-Japanese War. The KMT and the CPC once to reached a consensus on this issue. Again cooperation of the KMT and the CPC to promote the establishment of a unified national women’s organizations, and the formation of a joint force of the women’s movement. Under the leadership of the CPC of the Anti-Japanese Base Area, The women’s movement followed the Marx doctrine " to participate in social production is the prerequisite for women’s Liberation " thought. The majority of women in the production process to achieve equality between women and men. Production of equality, since the feudal tradition subversion, also for women " home of" negative. Against women " home on " process, reflected Marx’s view of women in China are difficulty and meandering. To complete the task of the Sinicized of Marx’s view of women, natural and ultimately, a group of talented and dedicated women working cadres. Women cadres training thought system was finished in this period.Democracy is the Chinese women’s liberation in the title meaning. A part of Chinese women had enjoyed the joyful that democracy brings at the Soviet area and enemy’s rear area anti-Japanese base area. But this was a part of the women and some of the "small democracy". Chinese women call true "great democracy" in the context of national liberation has been completed. In the Kuomintang areas, Women strived the peace and democracy only through various forms of struggle. In liberated area, women were not only enjoy democracy, more important was their action answered "woman what". Women played its great role in the agrarian reform in liberated area, once again proved the women as the value of "man". On the basis of, they are struggling for the new China’s establishment, to answer the question "what to do".
