

【作者】 孟庆吉

【导师】 王歌雅;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 民商法学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 形成权产生的深厚基础在于私法自治原则的贯彻和对交易利益的终极关怀与维护。民法赋予特定的民事主体以形成权,其目的就在于由当事人自己决定法律关系是否要发生变动,如果要变动,可以按照自己的意愿、以单方面的意思表示即可产生变动的效果,相对方只能被迫接受该变动的后果,而无需他的同意或介入某种行为。形成权是大陆法系中德国这一支流的特有产物,这也是潘德克吞法学发展的结果。形成权的体现了权利的强制性的一面,准确说,这是建立在对权利的“法力说”认可的基础上的,通过形成权与意思自治理论的关系分析,通过形成权存在的经济理由考察,我们不难发现,形成权概念的核心在于强制力的介入,形成权可谓行为人依法通过单方法律行为介入他人权利范围的权利。这与传统定义相比,更能体现形成权所独有的私法之利剑的品格。而就权利构成来说,形成权是权利人的自我救济和相对人屈从的融合。

【Abstract】 Civil law endows certain civil subject with the right of formation, in order that the party can decide whether to change the legal relation by themselves, and if he or she wants to make the change, he or she expresses unilateral will, then the change would be in effect right away. The opposite party would be forced to accept the consequences of this change, without his or her consent or involved in certain behaviors. The right of formation is a peculiar law systerm in Germany in the continental law system, which is also the result of the development of PanDeKten Law The essence of the right of formation is power, or to be exact, it is a concept based on the approval of the right of "Mana said". Through analyzing the relation between the right of formation and the local autonomy and investigating economic reasons for the existence of the right of formation, it is not hard for us to find that the core of the right of formation rests in the intervention of the force. The right of formation is the power performed by the actor through unilateral action in accordance with the law to force the opposite parties to change the possible power of law behaviors.Compared with its traditional definition, it can mor deeply reflect the unique character of the right of formation. As far as the constitution of the right of formation is concerned; it is can be regarded as the combination of rights of the self relief and the compliance of opposite parties. acutally, the right of formation is also one kind of the power, and as to the just claim for the procedural right of formation, it is nothing but for procedural problem.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期