

The Study of Classical Chinese Novels on Family Theme of Ming and Qing Dynasty

【作者】 朱星瑶

【导师】 胡元翎;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 家庭题材小说是世情小说中最具文化内涵的重要组成部分,近年来,几部章回体家庭题材小说研究已经取得了一些成果,但家庭题材文言小说领域的研究,却鲜有人涉足。本文通过对明清时期书写父子、夫妇、兄弟等主要家庭关系的文言小说进行文本和文化的分析,透视主流思想对家庭题材文言小说的影响,体察特殊时代文人的家庭理想,对明清家庭生活所折射出的世情探微发隐,结合时代背景挖掘小说作者对礼法和人情的哲理性思考。结合文本,对不同时代家庭题材文言小说在叙事方面的特征进行具体分析。比较家庭题材文言小说与白话短篇小说及章回体小说在叙事意图方面的异同,探讨家庭题材文言小说的思想深度和审美特征。第一章:概观明清时期家庭题材文言小说的文学和历史背景以及自身的发展状况。明前家庭题材文言小说虽然篇幅短小,叙事简单,却也为明清时期积累了素材和写作经验。从思想上看,宋代以前对家庭伦理关系有朴素的思考,宋代则多了理学气。明清时期是社会生活发生重大变革的时期,政治、经济和思想文化的时代特征,深深地影响着家庭题材文言小说的创作。明清家庭题材文言小说也因为时代文化的影响,而分成不同的发展阶段。第二章:在中国传统社会,父子人伦是家庭伦理中最重要的内容,儒家文化对父母子女关系的规范是父慈子孝,这种伦理规范,在明清时期亦为大力宣扬的主流思想。因此以孝义为主题的文言小说数量众多,对明前同类作品特别是《夷坚志》张扬孝义的主题予以发扬光大。在具体的叙事内容和叙事策略上表现出一些新的变化,力图使孝义故事更加感人。同时也融入了时代内容,如以孝义寓言忠义和士人节气,书写世情对父母子女关系的世俗影响等。第三章:夫妇之间不存在血缘关系,主要靠情感和礼法来维持,缺少恒定性,存在着很多变数,因此,夫妇关系会呈现出多种存在形态。明清家庭题材文言小说,一方面继承和发展了明前小说对夫妇情爱与负情负义主题的书写,宣扬传统节烈观,以激励士人,移风化俗;另一方面从明初“剪灯小说”开始,即表达了一种婚姻理想:婚姻内容不再仅仅是责任和道德,还有夫妇情感的琴瑟和鸣。在“忆语体”小说中表现得更为集中和典型,其婚姻理想和写作模式与《红楼梦》彼此借鉴,相互影响。同时进一步探讨自明末开始的在财货、名利、色欲等时代风潮的侵蚀下夫妇间情感被扭曲、至高无上的伦理规范受到无情挑战的种种现象。第四章:明清时期文言小说对兄弟关系的书写,基本上承袭明前兄友弟恭、兄虐弟敖的故事模式。不过,以传奇小说书写兄弟关系是前代所没有的。明清家庭题材传奇小说特别是清代传奇小说,更多地对现实中兄弟相争的利益关系进行了细致描摹,部分减弱了早期文言小说伦理劝诫的色彩,通过对兄弟失序的书写,反映出封建末世真实的世情世相。第五章:选取《古今谭概》、《聊斋志异》、《阅微草堂笔记》和《萤窗异草》中的家庭题材篇目作为个案研究,以揭示明末至康乾时期文人对家庭观念的深刻反思及在家庭叙事方面的新变化。《古今谭概》,作为“笑林体”的代表,以谐谑精神对传统的家庭伦理进行反思,并对后来的家庭题材文言小说有显著的影响;《聊斋志异》,在对人情和礼法的思考方面表现得更为近情,兼具文言和通俗小说的叙事技巧,令家庭题材文言小说从内容到艺术上升到一新的层级,并带动一批深得“聊斋”壸奥的传奇小说的涌现:《阅微草堂笔记》和《萤窗异草》,明确探讨情与理的矛盾,针对性更加鲜明。第六章:本章从叙事意图、叙事内容和审美特征几方面比较文言小说、章回体小说和白话短篇小说在家庭题材叙事方面的异同。白话短篇家庭题材小说重视“谐于里耳”,令其在对伦理道德观念的宣扬、对家庭生活中世情百态的暴露,以及对家庭中礼法和人情关系的反思中,常常充满了矛盾。章回体家庭题材小说,更多地凝聚了作者对各类人家庭生存状态、家庭观念、家庭关系、家庭问题的深刻思考,因此与家庭题材文言小说经典之作有相通之处。章回小说也有雅俗之分,那些有思想深度的章回体家庭题材小说,更多写心,而非射利,具有文言小说的审美特征。本论文从文本的相互继承和发展流变入手,分析明清时期家庭题材文言小说对三种主要家庭关系的书写,透视不同时代、不同作家笔下家庭伦理观念的变迁,家庭矛盾和家庭问题的新质,把握不同作家的写作心理,对不同文体家庭题材小说的审美特征加以分析。力图对明清时期家庭题材文言小说进行多方位的观照和从文本到文化的把握。

【Abstract】 Family novel is an important part which has most culture connotation. In recently years, several chapters on family novels have already made some achievements, but few people set foot in the study of family theme novels. Based on the writing of major family relationship about father and son, brothers and couples in Chinese classical novels of Ming and Qing dynasties, the paper will make some analysis about culture and text, perspective on the effect which the mainstream thinking have on family theme novels, understand literati’s family ideal in the special times, discuss the world thinking reflected from the family life of Ming and Qing dynasties, and mine the author’s philosophy thinking on etiquette and human with the background of times. With the combination of text, the paper will undertake concrete analysis for the narrative features of classical family novels of different times. The paper will compare similarities and differences in the narrative intention between family novels and vernacular short novels and chapter novels, and discuss the depth of thought and aesthetic characteristics of classical Chinese family novels.The first chapter:The chapter will overview literary and historical background as well as its own development status of Ming and Qing classical Chinese family novels. Before Ming,though the classical Chinese family novels are short and simple, they still accumulated material and writing experience for Ming and Qing dynasties.From the ideological perspective, before Song dynasty the novels had more simple thinking on family ethics, and in Song dynasty they had more theory. Ming and Qing dynasties is a time when the social life had great changes. The political, economic and culture characteristics of the times deeply affected the creation of classical Chinese family novels.classical Chinese family novels would be divided different stages because of the impact of contemporary culture.The second chapter:In the traditional society of China, the human relations of father and son are the most important content in the family ethics, and confusion culture on the relationship between parents and children is a loving father and faithful son, which are also mainstream ideology vigorously promoted in Ming and Qing dynasties. Therefore, the classical Chinese novels with the theme filial piety are numerous, which are carried forward on the similar work especially "YiJianZhi". They showed some new changes on the narrative content and narrative strategies, trying to make the story more moving. At the same time they contained the content of era, such as using filial piety saying loyalty and scholars, and discussing the world’s secular effect on the relationship between parents and children, and so on.The third chapter:The couple does not exist blood relations, mainly rely on emotion and etiquette to maintain, lack of certainty, and there are a lot of variables. Therefore, the couple relationship will show a variety of forms. The family theme novels, on one hand, inherited and developed the writing of the couple love and ingratitude before Ming dynasty, and promoted the traditional chastity view, to motivate scholars and shift custom; on the other hand, the family novels from "Cut Light stories" expressed an ideal of marriage:Marriage is not just the responsibility and the moral content, but also the couple emotion harmony. In "Yiyuti" novels it performed more focused and typical, and its marriage ideal and writing pattern learned from each other with "A Dream of Red Mansions", and mutual influence. At the same time, the paper will have a further discussion with the phenomena since the late Ming dynasty that the couple emotion were distorted, and the supreme code of ethics were merciless challenged for the erosion of the wealth,fame, lust and other trend of times.The fourth chapter:In classical Chinese novels of Ming and Qing dynasties, the writing of brotherhood basically inherited the previous story mode in which brothers are friendly or abused brother and bad little brother. However, the former novels didn’t descript the brotherhood with the legendary novel. The legend novels with family theme,especially legend novels in Qing dynasty, descript more on the competing interests among brothers in reality, partially attenuated ethical preach color of early classical Chinese novels, through the description of out-of-order brothers, to reflect the reality of the end feudal world.The fifth chapter:Select the family theme contents of "GuJinTanGai"," LiaoZhaiZhiYi","YueWeiCaoTangBiJi" and "YingChuangYiCao" as a case study, to reveal the scholars’ reflection and the new change on family narrative from the late Ming dynasty to KangQian period."Ancient and modern overview", as the represent of "XiaoLin ti", reflected the traditional family ethics with the spirit of banter, and had the significant influence on later family novels." LiaozhaiZhiYi" are more sensible in the human and law thinkilng, with the narrative techniques of classical and popular fiction, making family novels up to a new level from content to art, and drove a team legend novels appeared which were affected by " Liaozhai";"YueweiCaoTangBiJi" probed the contradiction between emotion and theory, and the pertinence is more vivid. Though no talent work, it is natural and wonderful in a few words.The sixth chapter:Concerning on the narration and appreciation of the beautiful of novel written with classical Chinese in Ming and Qing dynasty. Vernacular short family novels pay attention to the popular acceptance, which were often full of contradiction in ethical preach, family life, as well as family law and human relationship. Chapter novels had more profound thinking on family problems, so it had more similar character with classical novels. Chapter novels also had differences with elegant and popular, the profound chapter novels descript human’s heart more, and little with interest, and embodied the aesthetic character of classical Chinese novels.Through analyzing the version, the text stresses on three type family connection of novel written with classical Chinese in Ming and Qing dynasty, which reflecting the vicissitudes of family ethics in different time and different author. The text reveals new property in novel written with classical Chinese concerning family theme, analyzing it’s narration and appreciation of the beautiful in order to grasp these novels through diverse pattern.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 黑龙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期