

Chinese Medicine Nursing Studio

【作者】 陶莹

【导师】 姜安丽; 李丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 第二军医大学 , 护理学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 研究背景传统文化是一个国家和民族的灵魂所在,它能够为民族的兴盛繁荣提供源源不绝的精神动力。当前,文化传承已经成为新时代发展的重要议题。中医护理学作为传统医学文化的重要组成部分,其整体、辩证的医护观点在经历了中国悠久历史的澄沙汰砾之后,展现出贴合中国国情,符合国民需求的宝贵特质,因此它在满足国民养身防病方面的优势日益凸显。然而,近年来中医护理学的传承情况不容乐观,文化特色弱化、传承内容流于形式已成为阻碍其前行的诟病所在。高等中医院校作为中医护理传承的重要场所,理应肩负起传播中医护理理念,教授中医护理技能的教育责任,理清现存问题和困难,积极进行教学改革,探索多样化、有效的教学形式,促进中医护理文化的有效传承。工作室教学是一种融合理论与实践的教学形式,适用于实践性知识的传授和理念的传承。深入探讨并拓展其功能将对中医护理传承起到积极作用,目前中医护理教育领域尚未见该种教学形式的应用。研究目的本研究旨在改善参与本研究护理院校的现存中医护理教学问题,构建有助于中医护理文化传承的新型教学平台--中医护理工作室。研究内容主要包括:分析中医院校护理教育中,实现中医护理学有效传承所遇到的问题;构建新型教学组织形式--中医护理工作室;以工作室为载体组织中医护理工作室教学实践活动;在教学实践中不断评价、反思并改进中医护理工作室教学组织结构与运行模式;总结中医护理工作室在中医院校护理教育中所起到的作用及需要进一步完善的方面。研究方法本研究采用教师教学改革中常用的行动研究方法构建中医护理工作室,通过反思-行动-评价-反思的循环模式进行教学实践和改革。研究者通过质性访谈反思现存中医护理教学问题,通过文献研究分析工作室教学研究现状、选择工作室构建的理论基础。采用头脑风暴会议制定工作室构建行动方案,开展构建行动。研究者全程参与组织师生在工作室的学习活动,促进中医护理工作室的运作。一阶段行动完成后采用小组会议法、访谈法、观察法评价工作室运行效果,并反思存在问题和解决办法。然后制定下一阶段行动方案,展开下一阶段构建行动,并对效果进行评价和反思,形成完整的行动研究循环。本研究过程完成了中医护理工作室构建的两个行动循环,但是工作室的构建行动并未停止,它将在后续教学实践中继续按照行动研究循环,不断改进和完善。结果本研究构建形成了中医护理工作室教学形式,并运用工作室教学形式实现中医护理文化的有效传承,促进师生专业成长。1.构建形成的中医护理工作室教学组织形式包括明确的目标系统、合理的组织系统、丰富的活动系统和全面的评价系统。目标系统包括中医护理工作室总体目标和不同年级学生的分层目标;组织系统明确了学习小组的构成和活动要求;活动系统涵盖观学、做学、访学、自学和互学部分的具体活动内容;评价系统采用质性评价和量性评价相结合的方式进行评估。2.中医护理工作室在所有参与师生中实现良好的文化传承功能。质性评价显示护生通过工作室学习,在自身认知、专业认知和同伴认知方面具有改善,量性评价资料显示护生学习能力和学习态度在参加工作室后得到提高(P<0.05)。工作室教师也在构建工作室行动中得到专业发展。中医护理文化以理论知识普及、实践应用和有形成果产出的方式得到有效传承。3.归纳总结中医护理工作室显效机制:良好的文化环境激发学习热情、恰当的教学方式提高教学效果、积极的实践共同体合作促进专业发展。研究者对工作室未来发展的远景问题进行反思,对其发展的持续性、推广性和实效性问题作出考量。结论本研究构想并实践了中医护理工作室教学组织形式。展现了完整的工作室教学设计和实现过程。为解决中医护理院校教学问题提供解决途径,为实现中医护理文化传承的提供有效的教学选择和借鉴。

【Abstract】 BackgroundThe traditional culture is the soul of a country and nation, and it can provide anendless supply of spiritual motivation for the prosperity of the nation and country. Now,cultural heritage has become an important issue for the development of a new era. Thetraditional Chinese medicine nursing is an important part of the culture of traditionalChinese medicine. Its overall and dialectical health concept meets Chinese socialconditions and the demand of people. Thus, its advantages in self-cultivation and diseaseprevention are increasingly valued. However, in recent years, it is not so affirmative in thesituation of traditional Chinese medicine nursing’s heritage. Weakening of culturalcharacteristics, and superficial cultural heritage have impeded its development. Nursingschool is an important place to propagate traditional Chinese medicine nursing. Educatorsin nursing school should take the important task of imparting knowledge, find the existingproblems and difficulties, take education reform, and explore the diversity and effectiveform of teaching organization to promote the heritage of traditional Chinese medicinenursing. As a form of fusion of teaching theory and practice, studio is suitable forimparting practical knowledge and the cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicinenursing could benefit from the studio. The studio teaching organizational form have notbeen seen in the education of traditional Chinese medicine nursing.ObjectivesThe purpose of this study is to build a new organizational form of teaching for culturalheritage of traditional Chinese medicine nursing which is named traditional Chinesemedicine nursing studio. This study included problem-analysis of cultural heritage whichwere encountered in nursing education, studio construction--a new organizational form ofteaching for cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine nursing, traditional Chinesemedicine nursing practice in studio teaching organizational form, constant reflection inteaching practice of traditional Chinese medicine nursing studio construction, andsummarizing the function of traditional Chinese medicine nursing studio played in nursingeducation for future improvement. MethodsTraditional Chinese medicine nursing studio was constructed by using action researchmethod which means reflection-action-evaluation-reflection cycle mode. Researcheranalyzed the existing traditional Chinese medicine nursing problems through qualitativeinterviews, and reviewed literature to analyze studio study condition then selectedstudio-building theories as foundation. Researcher carried out construction action by usingbrainstorm meeting. The researcher engaged in the construction of the studio to organizedthe learning activities of students and teachers. After one action cycle of studioconstruction, the effect of studio education was evaluated through group meetings,interviews and observation. The second studio action cycle was designed. In this study, twoaction cycles of traditional Chinese medicine nursing studio construction was completed,and the construction of studio is not stopped yet. It will be continued in the teachingpractice in the future.ResultsIn this study, traditional Chinese medicine nursing studio was constructed and appliedin teaching. With this studio, teachers and students’ professional competence wasdeveloped, and culture of traditional Chinese medicine nursing was inherited.1. The organizational form of studio included clear target, rational organization, awealth of activities and comprehensive evaluation system. The target system containedoverall goals of studio and layered targets of students from different grades. Theorganization system defined the requirements of the study group’s composition andactivities. The activity system covered observation, practice, interview, self-and mutuallearning. The evaluation system includes qualitative and quantitative evaluation.2. The traditional Chinese medicine nursing studio contributed to the cultural heritage.Qualitative evaluation showed that nursing students’ self-recognition, professionalcognitive and companion cognitive abilities were improved. Quantitative evaluationshowed that nursing students’ ability to learn and learning attitude were enhanced afterjoined the studio(P<0.05). Teachers in the studio also improved their professionalcompetence. Traditional Chinese medicine nursing was inherited by the form of theoreticalknowledge broadcasting, practical application and tangible achievement exhibition.3. The mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine nursing studio is summarized asfollows: good cultural environment stimulates enthusiasm for learning and appropriate teaching method improves teaching effectiveness. The researcher took the condition ofstudio future development, including its development, generalization and efficacy.ConclusionIn this study, the new teaching organizational form-traditional Chinese medicinenursing studio was conceived and practiced. Completed studio teaching design andimplementation process were exhibited. This research offered an effective teachingorganizational form and successful reference to solve teaching problems and promotedcultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine nursing.
