

A Study about the Society and Literature Around the Reformation and Abatement of Ke-tsu of Late Qing Dynesty

【作者】 顾瑞雪

【导师】 陈文新;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文题目定为“科举废止前后的晚清社会与文学”,将清末社会与文学的转变与废除科举这一重大历史事件相结合,试图从科举废除的角度对这段时期士人与文学的发展变化加以阐释。文章尝试解决以下四个问题:科举废止前后,“士”阶层对科举改革的态度与反应;“士”的社会地位及心理的变化;晚清文人社会地位与精神状态的变化对文学创作的作用和影响;科举文体对晚清文学发展的影响;科举革废对晚清社会与文学转变影响与意义的价值判断。从这四个方面入手,探究科举革废的深层原因,剖开这个影响巨大的“文化的断裂,社会的转型”的真实面目,尽可能还原20世纪前后晚清中国士人与文学发展的历史真实,发掘清末政治历史的变化给中国传统文化与文学带来的影响。文章上编借鉴《史记》以“以‘本纪’为经,以‘列传’为纬”的结构布局方法,第一章以慈禧与光绪皇帝的政治活动为纲,梳理了晚清科举制度革废的基本发展状况,将其作为全文论述的整体文化背景。第二章论科举改革的上层士大夫,较为全面地观照了作为科举制度高层受益者对改革科举的态度,以及他们在废除科举后所做的善后与文化补救工作。第三章论述科举社会的中层士绅,先述康梁等激进改革者变革科举的呼声,再论严复、叶德辉、曾廉等人,以及科甲出身的翰林院学士等士人群体对改革科举的不同或同中有异的声音,试图在同一阶层士人的对比中,凸显科举改革的现实意义。第四章论述科举社会中以科第作为人生追求的下层知识者和主动疏离科举的知识阶层,他们(尤其是前一类)占据了中国旧式知识分子的大多数,形成了整个科举金字塔的庞大底座。在乡村教育的萎缩和中国教育制度艰难转型的大背景下,考察他们的生存状态及心理变化,能够最直接地触及到科举制度最真实的层面。下编以科举革废对文学的影响为论述中心。第五章总论晚清科举革废前后文人文学的发展情况。科举的革废使文学创作主体的生存状态、心理情感等方面发生变化,这种变化进而影响向到当时的文学创作,“革新”与“守旧”、“雅洁”与“通俗”的交锋贯穿了这一时期文学发展的整个过程。报刊、杂志等现代传播媒介的盛行,促使晚清文学的创作内容和创作方式等方面也日趋多样化,晚清小说也精粗杂陈、泥沙俱下,展示了转型时期文学与文化多元化发展的趋势。第六、七章重点论述晚清散文和诗歌,紧紧围绕二者与科举文体的密切关系而展开。作为明清文学最大的文学生态,科举对文学的影响不言’自喻。虽然八股文在晚清时期被指斥为国弱民贫的“根源”,时人必欲除之而后快,然而八股文对散文的影响仍然明晰可见。试律诗对诗歌的影响除了表现在对诗歌体制、语言、音韵等方面的规范外,对“雅”风格的追求仍然昭示着古典诗歌的强大魅力。古近体诗歌的创作一方面遵循着古典诗歌发展的内在规律,努力克服乾嘉以来的“轻脱”、“纤佻”诗风,同时又转益多师、熔铸百家,自成面目;另一方面则不断向外拓展,试图援引外国名词、景物入诗,形成了别具一格的“新诗”风貌。不同文体的文学创新,在文学发展过程中展示出不同的面目,经验足以给后人吸取,教训亦足以给后人借鉴。第八章回应全篇,揭示晚清以来西方“进化论”观点对中国传统社会文化的生硬切割与剪裁,反思清末以来“以西方为标准”的“现代”视角对中国文学与文化的武断与遮蔽,主张以冷静、客观的态度对待中国晚近以来的文学、文化事件。

【Abstract】 Combined the transformation of scholars and literature with historical events which was reformation and abolishment of Ke-tsu system in Late Qing, this thesis tries to give a cultural explaination about the influence of Ke-tsu, which was the largest cultural background of Chinese tranditional society and tranditional literature, and so as to find the ralationship between them since1905th. The thesis focuses on four aspects:a. How the Scholars, which were the fundamental component of Ke-tsu society, had expressed their views and attitute towards the refomation and abolishment of Ke-tsu? And whether their conditions and mentality had changed much or not after that? b. How the writers, which were the subjects of literature, had a living before and after the reformation and abolishment of Ke-tsu of Late Qing? And whether it influenced on the literature or not? c. How the stereotyped writing style(八股文) had influenced on the literature of Late Qing around the abolishment of Ke-tsu? How to value the importance of the abolishment of Ke-tsu on the transformation of society and literature at Late Qing Dynesty? From these four aspects, I want to explore the root cause of the abolishment of Ke-tsu, and reveal how political reformation had deeply influenced on Chinese tranditional culture and literature, and uncover the truth about the scholars and literature at that time.First of all, Chapter I expounds Empress Cixi and Emperor Guangxu’s political activities and makes it as a background when describing the basic situation of the reformation and abolishment of Ke-tsu system, the idea which is learned from the greatest historical classics--<Shih Chi>. Chapter Ⅱ discusses the scholars of the upper class--the upper officals of empeor which had been benefited from Ke-tsu. It makes a investigate to their attitude towards the reformation of Ke-tsu and their remedial measures towards the reality after its abolishment. Chapter III is talked about middle class, which is the gentry in the imperial society. Firstly it discusses the radical innovationists such as Kang You-wei and Liang Qi-chao; secondly is about Yan Fu, Ye De-hui, Zeng Lian and etc. And members of the imperial academy also be included. It tries to make it prominent by contrast and individual cases about the historical significance of Ke-tsu’s reformation of Late Qing. Chapter IV is about the lower scholars in imperial society, which is included the students(童生, Tong Sheng), the scholars who passed the imperial examination at the country level(秀才,Xiu Cai). and those provincial graduates (举人,Ju Ren)who had never participated in the officialdom, and those scholars who had determined not to take the imperial examination. All of them made up the majority of Chinese tranditional intellectuals, expecially the former. Make an expeditionary research about them is beneficial to recover the most real being of the imperial society in the background when the rural education had been shrinking and Modern educational system had in a embryonic form.The second part is about the Ke-tsu’s influence on literature of Late Qing Dynesty. Chapter V is eptomizes the writers and literature around the period of abolishment of Ke-tsu when great changes had been taken in the writers’ living condition, phychology and emotions, etc. And the change also had affected the literature. The theory of "Innovation"and "Conservative","Elegant"and "Popular" had been through the whole process of the development of Late Qing’s literature. New communication medias such as newspaper and magizines prevailed, and it brought great changes to literature from contents to the manners of composition. Numerous and shoddy novels of the Late Qing reveals the trendency of literature and culture in this period. The essay and poems in this period are the contral content of Chapter VI and VII. In this section, I want to discuss the relationship beteen Ke-tsu styles and literature. Though stereotyped writing(八股, Bagu) had been considered as the root of the nation’s poorness and weakness, and people wanted to abolish it long before, the influence of Bagu was still clearly on the tranditional essay. Not only from the structure, verbal and rhyme can we see the influence of Shilv(试律诗) poetry on "rhyme style"&ancient style poetry, but also its elgent style had still shown the strong attractivity of the classical poetry. On the one hand, the classical poets of the Late Qing had corrected the deviation of frivolity and flirty style since Qian-Jia period, and still innated the laws of poetry’s development and did their best to learn from many ways in order to form their pecularity in classical poetry history. However, on the other hand some poets had tried to carved out a place which was different from the past and quoted some nouns, objects, sceneries of alien that formed a more unique and exotic style-which was called "new poetry" at that time. Different styles of innovation displayed different features in various genres of literature, which its lessons can be drawn and its successes can be learned by late generations.Chapter VIII is a conclusion of the thesis which correlated with the whole details. In this section I announces we should introspect the simple and crude attitude to Chinese tranditional culture and literature, and disgree the prejudice using the western way and the theory of evolution as a supreme standard (which is so-called "Modern Angle") to select and judge it. We also can recover the veil that covered up the truth of it and keep a level head towards the national culture heritage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期