

On the Rational Thinking of China Model

【作者】 李江新

【导师】 姚润皋;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “中国模式”是在改革开放新的历史条件下,中国共产党人团结带领全国人民对于中国社会主义现代化建设基本经验的总结、提炼与概括。“中国模式”的提法,既有其明确的意识形态界定,同时又不局限于意识形态层面;既以社会主义发展史为参照系,又以人类现代化一般进程为参照系;既有其内在逻辑的规定性,又呈现出开放性与动态发展性特征。研究“中国模式”,不仅对于中国自身的下一步发展具有积极的启示意义,有利于进一步提升中华民族科学发展的自信自觉,而且在一定程度上为西方发达国家现代性问题的解决、为发展中国家的现代化建设提供来自东方社会主义中国的经验,为人类走向现代的进程提供多样化选择。论文围绕“中国模式”进行思考,选取其中关系全局的几个问题展开分析。除“引言”和“结语”外,全文主体部分由七章组成。引言部分首先介绍了本课题国内外研究现状,讨论了问题的缘起及其生成机制,介绍了国内外在此问题研究中涉及到的主要内容、基本内涵及其前途命运分析。然后对“中国模式”与“中国特色社会主义道路”等提法进行了初步的概念辨析,认为两者在根本性质、基本内涵和主要内容方面是同根同源、互相交集的,如有不同,主要体现为在侧重点和参照系各有特色,前者侧重将中国问题置于人类现代化总体进程之上,后者侧重将中国置于国际共产主义运动和社会主义发展史的背景之下。从历史的进程来看,“中国模式”形成的历史起点可以确定在1978年前后,它覆盖改革开放全过程,明确指出“中国模式”是改革开放30多年实践经验的总结,而贯穿其中的思想解放和渐进改革奠定了“中国模式”的前提和基调。论文的第一章,着重介绍部分发达国家、发展中国家和苏联关于发展模式的理论与实践。主要围绕以下三个方面展开考察和研究:首先,在分析世界发达国家的发展模式的历史必然性和合理之处的同时,强调要直视其在当下进一步发展过程中所面临的困境。诸如,环境问题、气候变暖问题等全球性问题,单凭西方国家一己之力无法从根本上解决这些问题,因而“中国模式”的作用愈益凸显。其次,通过对发展中国家发展模式的分析与考察,历史的结论是,照搬照抄别国建设经验或者寄希望于他人、他国为本国的发展制定一整套“治病良药”的想法是荒谬和幼稚的。必须从本国国情出发,独立自主探索适合本国具体实际的发展道路或发展模式。最后,论文分析了“苏联模式”在特定历史条件下的合理之处,认同在其形成初期,为苏联社会主义建设做出了重要贡献。但同时“苏联模式”亦存在严重弊端,必须进行不断的改革。论文的第二章,对近代以来中国探索社会发展道路的理论与实践进行了简单的回顾和梳理。建国以来,中国共产党带领广大人民为寻求社会发展之路进行了艰苦卓绝的探索,这为“中国模式”的建立奠定了坚实的基础。改革开放以后,“中国模式”开始逐步展开并日益丰富,其中思想解放是开启“中国模式”的理论先导。“中国模式”突破了经典马克思主义理论和传统社会主义建设模式,其根本点是重新恢复了实事求是思想路线,坚持把马克思主义基本原理与中国具体实践相结合,进一步推进马克思主义中国化。论文的第三章、第四章、第五章、第六章和第七章,分别阐述了“中国模式”在经济、政治、文化、社会和外交等方面的特色、优势、问题与不足,以及未来发展可能的趋势、思路和对策。第三章主要研究中国特色社会主义经济发展模式。中国特色经济发展道路和模式的主要内涵是坚持以公有制为基础,强有力的宏观调控,计划机制与市场机制的有机结合。通过对经济危机中中国克服经济危机所做努力与对策的研究中,进一步凸显“中国模式”的内在优越性。中国特色经济模式在未来发展过程中所面临的机遇与挑战是:从中国制造到中国创造——建设创新型国家,从“转变经济增长方式”到“转变经济发展方式”,从出口导向到扩大内需。第四章主要研究中国特色社会主义民主政治发展模式。中国特色政治模式最基本的特征就是在正确政治方向下实行渐进式民主改革。中国特色社会主义政治模式的主要内涵包括:坚持与改善中国共产党领导有机统一,坚持社会主义的本质属性,人民当家作主是中国特色民主政治模式的本质。加强和改善党的执政能力建设是完善中国特色政治模式的关键。第五章主要研究中国特色社会主义意识形态和文化模式。马克思主义意识形态理论的内容特征及其中国式发展是中国特色文化模式的本质特征。当前我国意识形态领域和文化建设面临的挑战主要有:新自由主义对改革开放的恶意歪曲和误导,民主社会主义思潮的影响,封建主义残余思想的影响。必须进一步深入推进马克思主义中国化、时代化、大众化,以捍卫马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位。第六章主要研究中国特色社会主义社会建设模式。中国特色社会模式实现了从经济发展到社会发展的转型:重归整体性。社会公平和正义是当前社会建设面临的主要问题,需要从如下方面进行努力:继续解放和发展生产力,警惕平均主义回潮;初次分配是解决社会公平正义问题的关键;建立健全保障社会公平正义的制度和全社会利益调节机制;以包容性增长为切入点,彰显全民共享理念。第七章主要研究中国特色对外关系模式。中国特色对外关系模式就是走和平发展之路。正确把握全球性问题与大国责任之间的关系,既可以发挥“中国模式”在解决全球性问题中的作用,也可以回应西方的所谓“大国责任论”。结语部分系统总结了论文基本内容和主要观点。“中国模式”作为一种分析问题的范式,有其存在合理性。正确的态度是在科学发展观指导下理性接受、科学使用。“中国模式”在本质上与中国特色社会主义道路是一致的,但“中国模式”的参照系较之于“道路”更为宽广,它彰显中国特色社会主义与资本主义的对话,彰显中国特色社会主义在人类面向未来的现代化征途中,对共同关心问题的探索与解答,因此有着更加宽阔的理论视野与现实意义。对于其在探索前进中的问题,要坚持以科学发展观为指导,通过深化改革加以改进。面对西方资本主义的经验,我们不盲目崇拜,而要学习借鉴;面对“中国模式”所取得的成就,我们不盲目自大,而是要谦虚谨慎;面对中国特色社会主义的未来,我们既坚定信念、乐观自信,又冷静清醒、兢兢业业,以焕发“中国模式”的魅力与风采。

【Abstract】 Three decades since the adoption of the reform and open-up policy, china has scored great achievements in politics,economy,culture,society and diplomacy Etc, and this has caused the western countries deeply concerned about the unique Chinese development model.When the economic crisis sweeping the globe in2008, China’s strong performance in the economic crisis was the direct cause that western countries warmly discussed "china model"."China model" is a summary of the experience of the reform and open-up, however, when talking about the "China model", China can not ignore the struggle history of the first thirty years,and can not separate the first thirty years with "China model", because "China model" is not a negation of the latter."China model" is the same with the road to socialism with Chinese Characteristics in essence, although there are also some differences."China model" is a comprehensive concept system which includes political, economic, cultural, social and diplomatic meanings,From an economic perspective, the main content about the road and model of economic development with Chinese characteristics as follows:persist in basing on public ownership, strong macro-control, organic combination of planning mechanism and market mechanism."China model" further highlights the inherent superiority through the research on the relationship between the economic crisis and the economic model with Chinese characteristics, and the research on China’s efforts and countermeasures to overcome the economic crisis. Despite the economic model with Chinese characteristics has made great achievements, but we must clearly recognize the opportunities and challenges it faces. The economic model with Chinese characteristics will face the following opportunities and challenges in the process of future development:from made in China to create——Building an innovative country, from "shift in the mode of economic growth" to "change the model of economic development", from the export-oriented to expand domestic demand. Against reality that China has become the "second economy" of the world, China must have dialectical understanding and a comprehensive analysis of the status of "the second largest economy", not only to see its inherent deficiencies and the need for further improvements (discard the mood of blind arrogance, pride and revel), but also to see its achievements and strengths (not generate pessimism because of its inherent deficiencies), and then has calm observation, careful thinking, scientific analysis, and comprehensively grasps of the "second economy" status.Seeing from a political perspective, the most basic feature of political model with Chinese characteristics is gradual democratic reform under the correct political direction. The main content of political model of socialism with Chinese characteristics as follows:adhere to and improve the leadership of the Chinese communist party with organically, adhere to the essential attribute of the socialist, People are the masters which is the nature of the political model of democracy with Chinese characteristics. Strengthen and improve the Party’s governing capability is the key to perfect the political model with Chinese characteristics, so facing challenges for the party’s ability in the context of globalization, we propose several recommendations to strengthen Party building and improve the Party’s governing ability.From the cultural and ideological perspective, the content of features and Chinese development model of Marxist theory of ideology is the essential characteristics of culture with Chinese characteristics. China must clearly understand the challenges that the current ideological and cultural construction are facing: neoliberalism maliciously distorts and misleads reform and opening up, the influence of ideological trend of democratic socialism, the impact of feudal residual ideology. For the above, China must further promote Marxism to Chinese conditions, to the call of our time and to the popular. From the perspective of social construction, social model with Chinese characteristics achieves the conversion from economic development to social development:return to entirety. Of course, it must clearly understand that the current social equity and justice are the main problems which the social construction faces. The problem of unequal distribution and social justice will affect the social and political stability, affects the reflects of the essential attribute and the play of the superiority of socialism, and affects economic sustainable developing. For the above, We make the following recommendations and thinkings for realizing social fairness and justice:continue to emancipate and develop productive forces, guard against a resurgence of egalitarianism, primary distribution is the key to solve the problems of social equity and justice, establish and perfect the guarantee of social fairness and justice system and the adjustment mechanism of the interests of the whole society, highlight the idea of universal access relying on inclusive growth for the lease point. From the perspective of foreign relations, by reviewing the development of the diplomatic strategy in China since reform and opening up, pointed out that the model of foreign relations with Chinese characteristics is the path of peaceful development, and the choice of China’s peaceful rise to power and the impact of international political and economic order."China model", global issues and the responsibilities of big power mainly explain the role of "China model" in resolving global issues, and respond to the responsibility of big power proposed by the Western.Finally, the scientific attitude of the treatment of "China model" is rational to accept and careful to use it. Must be rational attitude towards the "China model". Accept the "China model" with confidence not arrogant attitude, and must be prudent use of the "China model". Must be clear that "China model " is still in the further exploration, and the contest with "Washington Consensus" is still ongoing. we must still have an open mind to learn the experience of western capitalism, can not hold the blindly arrogant attitude; At the same time, we can not act servilely, blindly worship of western capitalism and loss the confidence of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Not only to be self-confident but also to remain modest, show a mature "great power mentality."

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 01期
  • 【分类号】D61;D820
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】3411