

Research of the Anti-drug Legal (1950-1952年)

【作者】 方勇

【导师】 张培田;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 新中国建国初期,中国共产党领导全国人民展开了轰轰烈烈的禁毒法制运动,成功地根除了近代以来吸食贩卖鸦片烟毒的陋习。其禁毒取得的成就,是有目共睹,彪炳史册,勿庸置疑的。但随着改革开放,社会上贩卖吸食毒品的现象死灰复燃。据《2010中国禁毒报告》公布,2009年我国公安机关共破获毒品犯罪案件7.7万起,抓获毒品犯罪嫌疑人9.1万名,缴获海洛因5.8吨。同时,各级公安机关进一步控制易制毒化学品非法流失,成功破获了制毒物品犯罪案件137起,缴获易制毒化学品及非列管物质649.1吨。面对如此严峻的毒情,我们不禁产生一些疑惑,相比于现代,为什么建国初期能够在短短的三年时间内完全禁绝鸦片烟毒?当时的禁毒法制是一种什么样的形态?其在实践中是怎样实施的?这种法制实施获得巨大成功的原因是什么?并对后来包括禁毒法制在内的法制发展有哪些可资借鉴的经验和引以为戒的教训?基于以上困惑,笔者产生了研究建国初期禁毒法制的学术兴趣。通过对当时历史档案史料的搜集、考察和分析,笔者选取云南作为考察对象,一则是因为云南解放较晚,禁毒法制的发展较为滞后。二则是因为云南历史上是中国烟毒泛滥最严重的省份之一,素有“以烟立省”的说法。以其为研究对象,一方面可以充分地展示出当时新中国禁毒之艰难程度,另一方面也可以较为全面地展现当时禁毒法制的各个方面。论文本着历史唯物和辩证唯物主义的态度,发掘云南省的相关档案资料,运用社会学、历史学、统计学及个案分析的方法,主要分三个部分展开,即引言、正文(六章)和结语,全景式地展现了建国初期云南省的禁毒法制发展状况。引言部分主要对本文的研究缘起、研究动因、研究现状以及研究材料与路径等进行了论述,以充分展示本文的研究主旨,论证本文的研究价值与意义。第一章,本章主要回顾了建国以前禁毒法制之沿革。鸦片在中国流毒甚早,早在唐朝中叶就已有史籍所记载,但那时鸦片并没有泛滥成灾,只是作为一种花卉或药材。其真正开始泛滥是在清代,因此,国家的禁烟法令也是从清朝开始的。从清雍正七年颁布中国第一个禁烟法令,至新中国建立,中间两百二十二年,历届政府对其进行了不断围剿,发布了众多的禁烟禁毒法规。中间还有共产党在革命根据地时期颁布的禁烟禁毒法令。这些禁烟禁毒法规都各具有其自己的时代特点。论文对其进行了充分的展现。第二章,建国初期的历史环境与烟毒情况。在讨论建国初期的禁毒法制之前,有必要对建国初期的历史环境与烟毒泛滥情况进行一番描述。本章首先审视了建国初的混乱的社会环境、空白的法制环境、破坏的经济环境以及险恶的国际环境,建国初的禁毒法制正是在这种复杂的历史环境中发展起来的。随后又描述了建国初的烟毒泛滥状况。因历史上的烟毒不净,导致建国初的烟毒泛滥到了无以复加的地步,特别是云南,烟毒泛滥的尤为严重,并且分析了其对社会带来的各个方面的危害。第三章,建国初期禁毒法规的制定与颁布。面对烟毒泛滥的严重现实,在复杂的历史环境下,建国初开展了一场大规模的禁毒法制运动。在运动中,颁布了大量的禁烟禁毒法规。本章首先对建国初期云南的禁毒法制运动进行一个全景式的展现。包括中国共产党在云南进行了的早期禁毒实践,以及在全国性的禁毒法制运动开始后,运动的两个阶段。然后对于建国初指导为云南禁毒法制运动所颁布最重要的几部法律法规进行详细的历史性解读。第四章,建国初期禁毒法规的宣传与实施。在建国初的特殊历史环境下,要想完全禁绝烟毒,制定和颁布禁烟禁毒的法规和政策是必须的,但这并不是最重要的一步,最重要的是所颁布的法规政策为民众所了解,并为民众所接受。因此,对于普通民众进行广泛的法律宣传就很有必要性了。就措施来讲,建国初对于毒品采取的是“断禁”的禁绝政策,对于鸦片的种植、贩运、制造、售卖以及吸食同时进行禁止,采用了各种各样的禁绝措施,并规定了不同的处罚方式。第五章,分析了建国初期禁毒法制实施成功的原因。肆虐中国两百余年的鸦片烟毒历届政府都没能彻底禁绝,但在新中国短短的三年内一扫而清,是有其深刻原因的。通过上述内容的分析,笔者总结出了建国初云南禁毒法制运动能够获得成功的几点原因,并进行分析。当时封闭的国内外环境是其实施成功的前提,政权的统一是其实施成功的保证,群众运动是其实施的主要方式,与其他社会改革运动相结合是其实施成功的特色,严肃的吏治是其实施的关键。第六章,对建国初期禁毒法制的评价与反思。单从禁毒上来讲,建国初期的禁毒成就是无可置疑的,其成就之辉煌、规模之宏大都是前所未有的,成就了中国三十年“无毒国”的美名。但如果我们从法制的发展上来看,此时的禁毒法制同建国初的其他方面的法制发展一样,还处在新中国法制发展的初期阶段。所颁布的这些法律法规,虽然有力地弥补了战后的法律空白,维护了战后的社会秩序。但却也留下了诸如运动式法制,以政策代法等失误。这是那个时代特殊的“时代病”,并且,更为严重的是,这些“时代病”在成功地奠基了新中国法制之路时,又遗留下严重的“后遗症”,为以后中国法制的发展埋下了挫折的种子。本章在总结建国初禁毒法制的成功经验时,还主要分析了其对法制的影响。包括革命与法制、运动与法制以及政策与法制。革命与法制对禁毒法制的继承问题进行了探讨,讨论了建国初废除旧法的主要根源及这种废除对禁毒法制的影响。运动与法制中首先分析了群众运动是建国初那个特殊时代的必然选择,在运动过程中深深影响了禁毒法制的发展,然后分析了出现这种影响的法制原因。政策与法制主要是对禁毒法制中的法律渊源问题进行的讨论。主要分析建国初的禁毒法制发展过程中为什么会出现政策代法的现象,以及这种现象的利与弊。对于这些问题的探讨,对于我们当今包括禁毒法制在内的法治建设来说都是值得思考的。

【Abstract】 In the Early Days of New China, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,the Chinese people launched out a vigorous nationwide campaign prohibiting drugs byperfecting legal system, which successfully eradicate the bad habits of opium smoking andtrade in recent times.It’s beyond question that this campaign got emphatic and splendid achievements inhistory. However, with the development of the opening policy, drugs abuse and trade isrising again. According to the Annual Report on drug Control in China of2010, in2009,China cracked down77,000drug-related criminal cases, arrested91,000criminal suspects andconfiscated5.8tons of heroins. Meanwhile, public security organs at all levels made furthercontrol of the illegal loss of precursor chemicals, cracked down137drugs-making criminalcases and confiscated649.1tons of illegal chemical products. The brutal facts raised somequestions: why the drugs control can achieve great success within three years in early days ofnew China instead of nowadays? What’s the exact situation of the drugs prohibiting lawssystem in that times? How were they carried out in practice? What’s the reason of its success?Is there any experience to be drawn on?The above-mentioned reasons raise my interest in the legal system of drugs control in theEarly Days of New China. Through collecting, exploring and analyzing the historicalbackground, this thesis chooses Yunnan Province as the example. The reasons are followed:Firstly, the liberation of Yunnan Province was relatively late and the development of the lawsystem of drugs control was relatively lagged. Secondly, with the name “No Drugs, NoYunnan Province”, Yunnan Province was one of the provinces which suffer the most severedrugs flooding in Chinese history. Investigating on its history, the difficulties in controllingdrugs in that times can be fully presented, on the other hand, all aspects of law system ofdrugs control can also be unfolded. Under the guide of dialectical materialism, exploding intothe related files of Yunnan Province, with the methods of sociology, history, statistics andrepresentative case analysis, this thesis includes three parts, namely, the introduction, themain body (six chapters) and conclusion, which takes and overlook of the development of lawsystem of drugs control in Yunnan Province in the Early Days of New China.The introduction mainly discusses the reasons, motivation, present condition, materials and methods of this research, aiming to outline the purpose and value of this research.Chapter one mainly reviews the law system of drugs control before the Founding of PRC.Opium owns a remote origin in China. Early in Middle Tang Dynasty, it was recorded.However, it wasn’t abused; instead, it was considered as flower or medicinal materials.Opium-smoking flooded in Qing Dynasty, so, the national law in opium prohibition was startfrom Qing Dynasty. Since the first law in opium prohibition issued in the Seventh Year ofYongzheng Emperor in Qing Dynasty, successive governments have been suppressingopium-smoking and issuing lots of laws and regulations in drug control. Till the foundation ofPRC, the campaign has last two hundred and twenty two years, including those laws andregulations issued by the Communist Party of China in those revolutionary bases in that time.All of these laws and regulations own their own characteristics of times, which are fullydemonstrated in this thesis.The historical environment and drugs abusing situation in the Early Days of New Chinaare introduced in Chapter two. It’s necessary to overlook the main environment before thediscussion of the law system of drugs control in the Early Days of New China. Firstly, thischapter gazes at the disordered social environment, the vacant legal system, brokeneconomical situation and dangerous international surroundings. The law system of drugscontrol was developed in this complicated historical environment. Subsequently, the floodingof drugs in that time was described. The incompletely drugs control in history leaded to thechaos of drugs flooding in the Early Days of New China, especially in Yunnan Province.Then this chapter analyses the harms it brought to society.In Chapter Three, the laws and regulations of drugs control in the Early Days of NewChina are presented. In order to control the drugs flooding, a large-scale legal campaignagainst drugs abusing was launched in that time and lots of laws and regulations were issuedduring this campaign. Firstly, this chapter gives and overview of drugs control in YunnanProvince, including the preliminary practice of drugs control in Yunnan Province carried bythe Communist Party of China and the two steps of the national-wide campaign. What’s more,this chapter also elaborates on those essential laws and regulations issued to guide the drugscontrol campaign in Yunnan Province in that time.Chapter Four lists the propagation and enforcement of these laws and regulations. Underthe special circumstance, it’s essential to issue related laws and regulations to control drugsentirely. However, it wasn’t the first priority. Instead, the most important thing is the laws and regulations can be understood and accepted by the people. Therefore, propagation is essential.As for the measure adopted in the Early Days of New China,“completely prohibit” was themain policy. The planting, trading, manufacturing, selling and smoking of opium was totallyprohibited by all kinds of methods and suffered various punishments.Chapter Five analyses the reasons why drugs control was successful in the Early Days ofNew China. Over two hundreds years, successive governments have failed in erasing opium,while in New China, the clean-up just cost three years. This chapter concludes several reasonsfor this success: the self-enclosed domestic and international environment in that time is acondition; the unified political power is a guarantee; the mass movement is the main methods;the combination with other social movement is its characteristic; the serious administration isthe key.Chapter Six is the value and reflection on the law system of drugs control in the EarlyDays of New China. Singly form the drugs control, the achievement is beyond doubt. Theglorious of the achievement and the vast of the scale are unprecedented. It made China hadbeen regarded as “Nation without Drugs” for thirty years. However, from the aspect of thedevelopment of law system, same as the development of other law system, it is still at thepreliminary stage. Although the laws and regulations issued at that time effectively fill in thelegal gap and maintain social order, it also left some mistakes such as “campaign-typed lawssystem” or replace laws with policies, which are typically the main problem in that times. Inaddition, it brings some serious “sequel” for New China. This chapter concludes thesuccessful experience in the drugs control in the Early Days of New China and analyses themain influence it brought to the law system, including the relationship between revaluationand law system, campaign and law system, policy and law system.Exploring on these issues is meaningful and illustrating in the construction of rule bylaws which includes law system of drugs control.
