

Research on CPC’s View of Marxism Since the Reform and Opening up

【作者】 冯德军

【导师】 寇清杰;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 科学社会主义, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 作为马克思主义创始人之一的恩格斯曾经强调:“社会主义自从成为科学以来,就要求人们把它当作科学看待,就是说,要求人们去研究它。”①就是要求人们在实践中必须树立科学的马克思主义观。所谓马克思主义观就是人们对马克思主义的基本观点和基本看法。马克思主义观既是一个重大的理论问题,关系到马克思主义的生机与活力;又是一个在实践中必须长期关注的重大问题,关系到党和人民事业的发展。中国共产党是以马克思主义为指导思想的中国工人阶级和中华民族的先锋队,自诞生之日起就把马克思主义写在自己的旗帜上了,党的全部理论与实践都是以马克思主义为理论基础的。所以,对“什么是马克思主义、怎样对待马克思主义”的回答在党诞生之时,以至于在以后的实践中都是要必须回答的重大问题。对这一课题的回答正确与否,直接关联着党的事业的兴衰成败。本论文以中国共产党的马克思主义观为研究对象,以改革开放以来为时间起点,较系统地梳理了改革开放以来中国共产党的马克思主义观的形成条件、基本内容、发展规律、重要意义以及现实回应等重要问题。论文序言部分作为第一章介绍了论文选题的缘起,阐述了开展改革开放以来中国共产党人的马克思主义观研究的理论意义与现实意义,在充分掌握并正确分析以往大量研究成果为素材的基础上,综述了国内学术界对马克思主义观研究的现状,归纳出以往研究已经取得的成果以及存在的不足;同时,阐明了文章的写作思路、新意和不足之处,介绍了论文在写作过程中所采用的主要研究方法。论文第二章阐述的是马克思主义观的相关基本问题。本章以马克思主义观是对马克思主义的根本认识和基本观点为基础,对马克思主义观的两个层次“什么是马克思主义”、“怎样对待马克思主义”进行理论探讨,从狭义和广义、一般原理和个别论断等层面分析马克思主义的内涵,提出科学地对待马克思主义就是要做到坚持与发展的统一;在理论上廓清马克思主义和马克思主义观的区别与联系,认识二者之间的辩证关系;着力分析在对待马克思主义问题上的几种错误做法,包括虚假式地对待马克思主义、教条式地对待马克思主义、否定式地对待马克思主义,提出这些错误做法侵蚀着中国共产党树立科学的马克思主义观。论文第三章着重论证了改革开放以来中国共产党人的马克思主义观的形成条件。通过理论与实际的结合、历史与现实的结合来进行分析和探讨。一是梳理马克思主义经典作家(包括马克思、恩格斯和列宁)的马克思主义观,将其定位为改革开放以来中国共产党马克思主义观形成的理论源泉;二是归纳了作为马克思主义中国化开创者的毛泽东的马克思主义观,提出毛泽东的马克思主义观是改革开放以来中国共产党的马克思主义观的直接理论来源,同时阐明毛泽东在马克思主义观既有成功的经验,也有失败的教训,无论经验还是教训都是我们党的宝贵财富;三是通过结合中国特色社会主义实践分析,新时期中国共产党人的马克思主义观的生成是现实的需要,建设中国特色社会主义实践呼唤着中国共产党树立科学的马克思主义观,中国共产党通过理论自觉转化为建设中国特色社会主义实践自觉,推动中国特色社会主义健康向前发展;另外,中国特色社会主义实践发展程度也客观地检验了中国共产党的马克思主义观科学性的实现程度。论文第四章在方法论上以历史分析法来研究改革开放以来中国共产党的马克思主义观历史演进,通过分别研究邓小平、江泽民和胡锦涛的马克思主义观的形成背景,总结他们的马克思主义观的主要内容。通过分析看到改革开放以来中国共产党人的马克思主义观是一脉相承的,并依据客观条件的变化,正确应对挑战,做到与时俱进,不断深化对马克思主义的认识,实现对马克思主义的理论自觉。论文第五章揭示了改革开放以来中国共产党的马克思主义观形成与发展的一般要求和内在规律,以及树立科学的马克思主义观在推动中国特色社会主义理论体系的形成、中国特色社会主义道路的开辟、中国特色社会主义制度的完善,实现最广大人民群众的根本利益的重要作用;以及对其他国家的借鉴意义,对于在苏东剧变后推动马克思主义和国际共产主义运动发展发挥的重要作用。论文第六章从时代的角度出发,提出在推动中国共产党的马克思主义观的实现过程中仍面临着一定的困难和挑战,要以苏东剧变为戒,必须时刻把加强把马克思主义观的建设作为理论建设的重要环节。以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央应对挑战,提出不断推进马克思主义时代化、中国化、大众化,建设马克思主义学习型政党的政策措施,对于未来进一步夯实中国共产党的马克思主义观,具有重要的时代意义。结束语部分是对全文的总结。改革开放以来中国共产党树立科学的马克思主义观,是推进中国特色社会主义顺利发展的理论前提。结合苏联党和国家的历史说明马克思主义观是一个需要持续优化的过程,我们在建设中国特色社会主义进程中要继续坚持科学的马克思主义观,在继承前人已经取得的理论成果的基础上,同时要超越历史,这就是历史和现实带给人们的深刻启示。

【Abstract】 As one of the founders of Marxism, Engels has stressed: people should takesocialism as a science since becoming science, that is to say, it needs studying. whichmeans that requires people to have to build up the scientific view of Marxism. Theso-called view of Marxism is the basic ideas and basic views of Marxism. Marxistview is not only a major problem in theory in relation to Marxism vitality and vigor;but also important issues to be focused on in the long-term in practice, which is inrelation to development of the cause of the party and the people.The Communist Party of China, taking Marxism as the guiding ideology, is thevanguard of the Chinese working class and of the Chinese nation, Marxism is writtenin his own flag since the date of birth. The party’s all theory and practice are based onthe basis of Marxism. So,"what is the Marxism, how to treat Marxism" are majorissues to be answered since the party was born, so much the practice in the future.Whether the task answer is correct or not directly relates to the party’s enterprise’sprosperity or decline, success or failure. This paper takes the view of Marxism of theCommunist Party of China for the research object, does reform and opening up fortime starting point, systematically combed such important issues as the formationcondition, basic content, development law, the important significance and realisticresponse etc. of Marxist view of the Chinese Communist Party since the reform andopening up.The preface as the first chapter introduced the origin of the thesis, andsummarized the theoretical and practical meaning of the research of view of Marxismof the Communist Party of China, on the basis of a large research material, inmastering and analyzing a large of research results, summarized the domesticacademic research situation of this problem, summarized the research achievementsand shortages having been achieved, expounded the writing new ideas and deficiency,introduced the main research method in the process of writing.The second chapter of this paper described basic problems of view of Marxismrelated. This chapter took the fundamental knowledge and basic point of Marxism asthe basis, theoretically discussed two levels “what is the Marxism”,“how to treatMarxism”, analyzed the connotation of Marxism from narrow to broad, from general principle to individual thesis, put forward the scientific standpoint to Marxism is tokeep the unite of adhering and development; clarified the differences and relations intheory between Marxism and view of Marxism and understood the dialecticalrelationship between them; focusing on analyzing several wrong practices in thetreatment on the issue of Marxism, including the false type to Marxism, the dogmaticstyle to Marxism, the negative type to Marxism, put forward these wrong practiceseroding the Communist Party of China to set up the scientific view of Marxism.The third chapter demonstrated the forming conditions of Marxist view of theCommunist Party of China since the reform and opening up. It analyzed anddiscussed this through the combination of theory and practice, history and reality. Thefirst is combing the view of Marxism of classic Marxist writers (including Marx,Engels and Lenin), locating the theoretical source for Marxist view formation of theCommunist Party of China since the reform and opening up; the second issummarizing MAO Zedong’s view of Marxism as sanitization of Marxism’s founder,put forward the MAO Zedong’s view of Marxism is Marxism theoretical sourcedirectly of the Communist Party of China since the reform and opening up andexpounded both successful experience and failure lesson of MAO Zedong in creatingMarxist view, and whatever experience and failure is our party’s precious wealth; thethird is analyzing through the combination with Chinese characteristic socialismpractice. The Marxist view generated of the Communist Party of China in the newperiod is real need, the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristicscalling the Communist Party of China to set up the scientific Marxist view, From thetheoretical awareness into practice consciously of the Communist Party of Chinapushes forward the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics; In addition,development degree of Chinese characteristic socialism in practice tests realizationdegree of the scientific nature of the Marxist view of the Communist Party of China.The paper of the fourth chapter, with historical analysis in methodology, studiedthe historical development of Marxist view of the Chinese Communist Party since thereform and opening up. Through the forming background of the Deng Xiaoping,Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao’s Marxist view, the main content of Marxist view issummarized. Through the analysis it shows that the Marxist view of the CommunistParty of China is the same strain since the reform and opening up, and on the basis ofthe objective conditions change, and it correctly deals with challenges, keeps pacewith the times, deepens the understanding of Marxism, and to realize the Marxist theoretical consciousness.The fifth chapter of the paper reveals general requirement and the internal rulesof the formation and development of Marxist view of the Communist Party of Chinasince the reform and opening up, and the important role in building up the scientificview of Marxism in aspects of helping creating the Chinese characteristic socialismtheory system, opening up the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics,perfecting the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, achieving thefundamental interests of the broad masses of the people and significance to othercountries as well as the important role to push the Marxism and the internationalcommunist movement development after the Russian disintegration.From the era of Angle the sixth chapter of the paper puts forward some difficultiesand challenges facing on in the process of promoting Marxism implementing of theChinese Communist Party. With the Russian disintegration to quit, we must be thetime to strengthen the construction of the Marxist view as the important segment oftheoretical construction. There is important era significance to meet the challenge ofThe central party with comrade Hu Jintao as general secretary, put forward policiesand measures continuously pushing Marxism era, China, popularity, building Marxistpolitical party learning for further solidify the Marxist view of the Communist Partyof China.Closing part is to summary the full text. Since the reform and opening up that theCommunist Party of China set scientific Marxist view is theoretical premisepromoting the smooth development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Combined with the history of the party and state of the Soviet Union, it shows that theMarxist view is a need to continue the process of optimizing. In the process ofconstruction of socialism with Chinese characteristics we’d continue to adhere to thescientific view of Marxism. On the basis of inheriting theoretical results having beenmade, and at the same time we’d be beyond history, this is our profound lesson ofhistory and reality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期