

Study on the Travel Books in the Ming Dynasty

【作者】 吴志宏

【导师】 李小林;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 旅游图书是指能够为游人及旅行者提供交通、食宿、地理、名胜、古迹、山川、园林、风土、物产等旅游知识及旅行信息指南的图书。由于受时代的局限,中国古代虽然尚未出现一部现代严格意义上的旅游图书,即或冠以“旅游”二字之名的图书,或集交通、食宿、购物、景点、风俗、气候等内容于一身的图书。但是,伴随着旅游活动的出现,介绍有关地理地貌、山川形胜、交通路程、风土人情等图书不断涌现,这些图书或多或少都为人们的出行提供了一定的信息,无疑可以归属于旅游图书之列。明代旅游图书应该说是进入了中国古代旅游图书发展的兴盛时期。这一时期的旅游图书无论在数量、种类上还是地域分布上均有了很大的拓展。因此,这是一个值得关注的重要课题。此前,学术界已有了一定的研究,并取得了一些成果。但是,这些成果大多只是从某一角度、某一侧面进行了考察,尚未从总体上对其进行系统、综合整理和研究。基于此,本文以“明代旅游图书研究”为题,分八个部分加以论述。第一部分为“绪论”。本部分主要对文章选题缘由及研究对象、以往相关的学术研究状况、依据的史料、运用的史学理论及研究方法、文章的结构与内容、研究价值、意义及创新等问题进行了阐述。第二部分“明代以前旅游图书的起源与发展”。该部分考察了明代以前旅游图书的发展状况,将明代以前旅游图书的发展划分为四个阶段:先秦时期——旅游图书的雏形时期,秦汉至魏晋南北朝时期——旅游图书的初步发展时期,隋唐时期——旅游图书的繁盛期,以及宋元时期——旅游图书进一步发展时期。第三部分“明代旅游图书的类型”。该部分分析了明代旅游图书的类型包括路程类、游记类、名胜古迹及风土人情类、地方志四类。其中,路程类图书有交通舆地图、路程书,分析了明代交通舆地图及路程书的发展状况,并列举了明代的舆地图和几部常见的路程书。本章还论述了明代游记图书的发展概况,并对明代的名胜古迹及风土人情类图书进行了详尽地介绍,考察了明代方志中所包涵的丰富的旅游信息资源。第四部分“明代旅游图书的地域分布”。本部分分析了明代旅游图书的地域分布,以南北直隶地区、江南地区、江北地区、西南地区、边疆少数民族地区、外国六个区域为纲,对明代各地区旅游图书的书目、作者、卷数、编修时间、版本、存佚情况进行了系统地整理及考辨,并具体分析了各地旅游图书的地域分布情况。第五部分“明代旅游图书的作者”。本部分将旅游图书的作者分为官修者和私撰者,分别指出了官修者与私撰者的作者群体特点。明代的官修者包括敕修图书的编撰人员及地方官修图书的编修人员,敕修图书的编纂者多为翰林人员,地方官修图书作者成分较复杂,有地方各级官员、学校教授及生员、地方名儒、士大夫及文学士。从总体上来看,这些官修者均具有较高的文学素养。明代旅游图书的私撰者大多来自于江南,以浙江、江苏籍为最多,他们的身份较复杂,有官员、商人、百姓、僧人。他们多为进士、举人出生,热爱文学、善诗书、工书画,具有文墨特长外,还喜爱游历山水。除此以外,本章还对明代著名旅行家徐霞客、王士性的生平及其旅游图书进行了介绍。第六部分“明代旅游图书的特点及价值”。本部分分析了明代旅游图书的特点及价值,明代旅游图书的特点主要有以下三点:首先,从时间上看,明朝前期、中期、后期旅游图书的发展呈现不平衡性。其次,从地域空间上分析,经济、文化发展程度较高的地区,旅游图书的分布就多,反之就少。再次,明代的旅游图书渐由大部头的知识型向便携、实用型转变。由于明代旅游图书记载的内容丰富,因此对史料学、旅游学、地理学方面的研究具有重要的价值。在史料学方面,图书中所保存的大量政治、经济、文化、军事资料,为这些方面的研究提供了大量史料;在旅游方面,一方面宣传了旅游景点,另一方面为游人提供了交通指南及导游,此外,还介绍了明代文人的旅游观及游道,对现代人的旅游观念仍具有启发性;在地理学上,对自然地理及人文地理方面的记载,反映了明人对自然地理现象的科学认识及地理环境的决定论的观念。第七部分“明代旅游图书兴盛的原因”。本部分探讨了明代旅游图书兴盛的原因,认为其原因主要有以下若干方面:第一,明朝中央及地方政府均支持编修旅游类图书。第二,明朝外交活动的频繁,促进了关于介绍外国历史文化、风土人情、交通地理类图书的发展。第三,明代中后期商品经济的发展为旅游图书的兴盛提供了一定的经济基础。第四,明代全国水、陆交通的发达,不仅成为明代旅游活动频繁的原因之一,而且推动了大量路程书的出现。第五,明中后期出现的旅游热潮,成为旅游图书兴盛的直接诱因。最后,明代刻书业及印刷业的发展,为旅游图书的兴盛提供了技术条件。第八部分“结语”,论述了明代旅游图书的现实意义。明代旅游图书所记载的旅行信息及旅游知识,不仅为当时的旅行者提供了旅游信息指南,而且其图书保存至今,还为今人了解古代的交通地理、山川名胜、风土人情、物产资源等提供了大量的文字资料,尤其对发展现代旅游业具有重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 Travel books is the kind of guide books which can supply travel knowledge andinformation about transportation, accommodation, geography, tourist attraction,historical sites, mountains and rivers, gardens, local conditions and customs, productsto the visitors and travelers.Due to the limitation of the age, the kind of travel bookwith the modern strict definition which means with "tourism" in the title of books orwith combining content including transportation, accommodation, shopping, touristattraction, customs, climate, and so on in one of the book has not appeared in ancientChina.However, with the emergence of tourism activities, the book introducing thegeographical landscape, mountains, transportation, customs, and so on are constantlyemerging. The kind of book more or less provides some information for travelling.And the books could be attributed to the travel book with no doubt.Travel books of the Ming Dynasty should be said that it has entered theflourishing period of in ancient China. Travel books of this period have a largeexpansion in terms of the number, type or geographical distribution. Therefore, this isan important subject which is worth studing. Previously, there were a certain amountof study in the academic, and achieved some study achievements. However, thesestudy mostly from a certain angle or one side to discusses, not from the wholesystems, integrated. Based on this, this thises in the title of “the Ming Dynasty TravelBook", and divided into eight sections to be addressed.The first part that is the “Introduction”, This part elaborate the cause of thetopics selection and the object of study about this doctoral dissertation, and analyzethe previous condition of the related academic study, and it is including the historicaldata based, the use of historiography and research methods, the structure and contentof the article, research value, significance and innovation about this dissertation.The second part that is the “The origin and development of the travel booksbefore the Ming Dynasty”. This section investigated the origin and development oftravel books before the Ming Dynasty,and before the Ming Dynasty travel books can be divided into four stages:The Qin Dynasty is The rudiment period of travel books,Between Qin and Han Dynasties to Wei,Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties,thepreliminary development period of travel books, The Sui and Tang dynasties isprosperous period of the travel books,and the Song and Yuan Dynasties is the furtherdevelopment period of the travel books.The third part that is” The type of travel books in the Ming Dynasty”. The Mingdynasty travel books including four types: the description of traffic and road books,the travel notes, the monuments and the customs, the local chronicles. the descriptionof traffic and road books is divided into maps and road books, this part of the articleanalyzes the development of the Ming Dynasty books about map and the road, andcited a few common maps and journey book. This chapter also discusses the overviewof the development of the travel books in the Ming Dynasty, and the monuments andcustoms books were detailed introduction, inspected the rich tourism resources in theMing Dynasty Chronicles.The forth part that is “The distribution of the travel books”. This chapterdescribes the regional distribution of the travel books, it systematic study thebibliography, the author, volumes, editing period, and its existing-losing situation ofthe travel books, which from6regions, including the north and south zhili regions,the yangtze river regions, the north area of yangtze river, the southwest region, andthe ethnic minority frontier region, foreign countries, as well as it makes a concreteanalysis of the region distribution of the travel book.The fifth Part that is “The author of the Ming Dynasty travel books”. That part ofthe author of travel books is divided into the official and private writings to discuss,and pointed out the characteristics of the official and private writings of the group.The official writing group including the writers who are come from Hanlin officialsappointed to edit books by the emperor, and the members of local officials are morecomplex, who are local officials, school professors and students members, localfamous confucianist, scholar-bureaucrat, literati. Generally speaking, the officialwritings have a higher literary quality. Private Writings of the travel books, mostlyfrom the south of china, most of them from Zhejiang and Jiangxi, the composition ofthe staff are complicated, officials, businessmen, common people, monks, the parentage of them are more jinshi and juren, they love literature, good at poems andcalligraphy, also have the experience of the travel. In addition, this chapter describethe the famous traveler Xu Xiake and Wang Shixing, and about them travel books.The sixth part that is the “Characteristics and Value of the travel books, in theMing Dynasty.” This chapter analyzes the characteristics and value of travel books inthe Ming Dynasty, the characteristics of the travel books of the Ming Dynasty aredivided into three points: First, in the time point of view, there are imbalance in thedevelopment of the travel books at the early Ming Dynasty, the medium-term, and thepost. Secondly, analysis from the geographical space,the economy and culturaldeveloping regions are distributed more travel books than the economic backwardareas. Thirdly, the travel book of the Ming Dynasty gradually becomes more portableand practical, from the voluminous and knowledge-based. Because of theContent-rich of travel books, it has an important value in the study of historicalmaterials, tourism, geography. In aspect of the historical materials, there are a lot ofmaterials about political, economic, cultural and military information, which providesa wealth of data for the study of these aspects of the Ming Dynasty. In the aspect ofthe tourism, the travel books on the one hand propagate the scenic spot, on the otherhand provide traffic guidance and guides to the visitors. to introduce the concept oftourism and travel Road of the Ming Dynasty. at last, the instruction about conceptof the tourism is still instructive to the modern tourism concept. in Geography, therecords of the natural geography and human geography reflected the scientificunderstanding of the natural geographical phenomena and concept of the determinismof geographic environment, by the people of Ming dynasty.The seventh part that is “The reasons for the prosperity of travel books in theMing dynasty”. This section discussed the reasons of the travel books flourished inthe Ming dynasty, and following several aspects of the reasons: firstly, the supportingof the central and local government to edit the travel books. Secondly, the frequentcommunication between the Ming dynasty and the foreign, which promote thedevelopment of the book about the introduction of foreign history, culture, customs,transportation, geography. Thirdly, the developed commodity economy during themiddle-latter Ming dynasty provide a certain economic base to the rise of travel books, The development of the national water and land transportation systems, notonly to be the one of the reasons of frequency tourism activities in the Ming Dynasty,and to promote a large number of the traffic and road books to appear. Fifth, thetourism boom of the late Ming, the direct cause of the travel books flourished. Finally,the development of the photo xylography and printing industry provide the technicalconditions for the rise of travel books.The eighth part that is "The conclusion," discusses the practical significance ofthe travel books of the Ming Dynasty. Recorded travel information and knowledge inthe travel books, not only supplies the travel information for the travel and traveler,and these preserved books still provide a lot of textual information to the modernpeople who are want to understand the ancient transport geography, mountains,attractions, customs, property, resources. it also has important practical significance tothe development of the modern tourism, especially.

【关键词】 明代旅游图书旅游
【Key words】 Ming dynastytravel booktravel
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期