

Firearms in the Formation of the Inner Asian Frontier of the Qing Dynasty

【作者】 张建

【导师】 常建华;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 火器与清朝内陆亚洲边疆的形成有密切联系。16世纪,以火绳枪为代表的西洋火器传入远东,成为日本、明朝主要的步兵火器。1592-1598年的“壬辰卫国战争”(文禄·慶长之役),两国火绳枪传入李朝,一变而成李朝重整军备的首选火器。1619-1636年,在与金/清冲突中,李朝鸟铳传入清朝。朝鲜附清后,清朝数次征调朝鲜鸟铳手,投入进军中原的战争。在欧亚大陆另一端,摆脱金帐汗国控制的俄罗斯利用火器优势,吞没多个伊斯兰汗国,迅速扩张至黑龙江流域,与清朝进行长达37年的武装冲突。清朝为取得火器优势,多次从京师、奉天、宁古塔调发火器、火器手至黑龙江,还一度征发李朝鸟铳手参战,终于将哥萨克逐出黑龙江流域。16世纪以降,奥斯曼帝国的火器流布中亚,直接影响该地区的历史走向,形成萨菲、莫卧儿两大“火药帝国”。在这一历史进程中,卫拉特蒙古(都尔本卫拉特)中的准噶尔(绰罗斯)依靠积聚火器脱颖而出,组织了准噶尔汗国,并在和清朝旷日持久战争中,将以“赞巴拉克”为代表的中亚火器传入清朝,成为18-19世纪清朝主要的轻型火器。为抵消准噶尔的威胁,清朝在1683年组建汉军火器营,督以专官,演练齐射战术,遂成17世纪末东亚最强大的火器军队,在与噶尔丹博硕克图的战争中起到关键作用。其营制为满洲火器营、八旗驻防和绿旗提供了蓝本。然而,清军在与装备火器,精于骑射的准噶尔军队作战时,并非无往不利。1731年,清军在阿尔泰山脉中的和通泊完败,阵亡率超过70%,在喀尔喀等处的统治一度动摇,亦可看出准噶尔军力的强劲,以及清朝开拓内陆亚洲边疆的艰辛。15-17世纪,亚洲大陆自西向东崛起奥斯曼、萨菲、莫卧儿、大清四个帝国,她们均由来自内陆亚洲,擅长骑射的游牧部落(塞尔柱突厥、土库曼、突厥-蒙兀、满洲)建立。在崛起过程中,火器都发挥了重要作用,被称为“火药帝国”。她们的衰落亦与火器落伍,难以抵抗外来势力有关。这究竟是历史必然,还是巧合。

【Abstract】 Firearms were closely linked with the formation of the inner Asian frontier ofthe Qing Dynasty. In16thcentury the matchlock as the representative of the Westernfirearms were introduced into the Far East, and became the main infantry firearms ofJapan and the Ming Dynast. The matchlock of the two countries transformed into theLi Chao during "Imjin Patriotic War" from1592to1598and soon became thepreferred firearm of the Li Dynasty rearmament. The matchlock of Li Chao wasintroduced into the Qing Dynasty during the conflict with the Aisin (Qing) from1619to1636. After Korea surrendering to the Qing Dynasty, the Korean musketeerswere moved several times into the war for the Central Plains. In the other end ofEurasia, the Russian getting rid of the control of the Golden Horde, with its firearmsadvantages, annexed a number of Islamic Khanate, and expanded rapidly to theHeilongjiang River valley, and conflicted with the Qing Dynasty for37years. Inorder to obtain the advantage of firearms, the Qing Dynasty delivered the firearmsand firearms soldiers many times from Beijing, Mukden, Ningguta to Heilongjiang,and moved the musketeers of the Li Chao to the war, finally expelled the Cossackfrom the Heilongjiang River valley. Since the16thcentury, the firearms of theOttoman Empire had been introduced into the Central Asia directly impacted thehistorical trend of this region and formed the two "gunpowder empire", Safavid andMogul. In this historical process, Junggar (Choros) of the Oirat Mongolian (DorbenOirat) stood out in rely on the accumulation of firearms, and organized the JunggarKhanate, and in the long-drawn-out war with the Qing Dynasty, the Central Asiafirearms represented by “dzambarat” transformed into the Qing Dynasty and becamethe main light firearms of the Qing Dynasty from the18thto19thcenturies. Tocounter the threat of the Junggar, the Qing dynasty formed the Ujen cooha firearmcorps in1683, which were governed by the specialized officers and drilled the volleytactics, and then became into the most powerful firearms army of the East Asia inlate17thcentury, and which played a key role in the war with the Galdan Boshoktu. The battalion system provided a blueprint for Manchuria firearms corps, the EightBanners Garrison and Green Flag. However, the Qing army was not without theirdrawbacks in the war with the Jungar army equipped with firearms and skilled inriding and shooting. In1731the Qing army was completely defeated in Khoton norin the Altai mountains with the death rate of more than70%. And the rule wasshaken in the Khalkha for some times, which showed the strong military power ofJunggar and the hardships of the Qing Dynasty to develop the inner Asian frontier.From15thto17thcentury, the four empire, Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal and the Qingdynasty rose in the Asian continent from west to east, all of them were established bythe nomads from inland Asia skilled in riding and shooting (Seljuk Turks, Turkmen,Turk-Mogul, Manchuria). In the process the firearms had played an important role,known as the "gunpowder empire". Their decline was related with the backward ofthe firearms and the outside forces difficult to resist. Is it a historical necessity orcoincidence?

【关键词】 火器大清火药帝国内陆亚洲准噶尔
【Key words】 firearmsthe Qing Dynastythe Gunpowder EmpireInner AsiaJunggar
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期