

An Analysis of Zeng Guofan’s Confucian Scholar-bureaucratic Personality

【作者】 杨涛

【导师】 严正;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国哲学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 曾国藩是中国传统士大夫的典型代表,是儒家“内圣外王”理想人格的成功实践者。儒学讲求“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”。论修身,曾国藩高度自律,以近乎严苛的儒家道德律令要求自己,克己成人,成为世人的道德典范;论齐家,曾国藩注重对家庭成员的教育,不仅其生前家庭和睦,兄弟友爱,而且其后人也多有成就,《曾国藩家书》更是成为流传后世的著名家训;论治国平天下,曾国藩筹建湘军,平定太平天国,并以汉人的身份封侯拜相,权倾一时,晚年还以实际行动开启了中国近代史上的洋务运动,掀起了近代中国学习西方的序幕。总之,以儒家的道德标准来衡量,曾国藩绝对可以说是儒学史上的成功者。由此证明,“内圣外王”的儒家理想人格在传统社会是可以实现的。具体来看,曾国藩的成功主要与以下两个因素有关:一是建立在儒家道德价值体系下的个人修养以及由此养成的坚忍性格;二是团结在曾国藩周围的士大夫群体。但是如果上升到整个传统社会的高度来看的话,以曾国藩为代表的儒学士大夫之所以在传统社会中能够取得成功,主要与传统社会的整体特点有关。传统社会为儒学理想人格的实现提供了三个基本条件:第一,儒学思想中对天道的坚定信仰;第二,儒者精英阶层的存在;第三,传统社会的宗族制度。这三个基本的社会文化条件为儒者个体的自我实现提供了现实的保障。儒学士大夫所赖以生存的三个社会文化条件在现代社会都已经基本消亡殆尽,但是我们可以通过理论的转化使儒家的理想人格转变为现代知识分子而继续存在下去。当代中国社会需要构建自己的知识分子理论体系,并挺立当代中国知识分子的独立精神和独立人格。在这个过程中,我们可以借鉴传统的儒家思想理论,将其作为可以利用的理论资源之一。在儒学思想当中,现代知识分子最应该继承的是儒者的担当意识,我们应该以此为基础重建当代知识分子的价值观和信仰。正是在这个含义上,我们重新解读、诠释曾国藩的一生,通过曾国藩的理想人格分析,对于我们今天的为人处世、社会秩序的重建,必将具有重要的参考价值。儒学虽然在政治层面失去了其现实的价值,但是在广阔的社会文化生活中却依旧存在巨大的作用和影响。

【Abstract】 Zeng Guofan, a representative of the traditional Chinese scholar-bureaucrats, istaken as a successful example to practise the idealistic personality of “innersageliness and outer kingliness” proposed by the Confucianism, which advocates thethought of “cultivating oneself, running the household, governing the country, andbringing peace to the world”. As for cultivating oneself, Zeng imposed highself-discipline, and, approximately, severe moral discipline on himself, thusbecoming a symbol of virtue for the world. Speaking of running the household, Zengpaid special attention to the education of his family members, and not only was therea harmonious and brotherly relationship between them when Zeng was still alive, butthere are also great achievements made by his off-springs. The book, Family Lettersby Zeng Guofan, has become a popular well-known one for generations. And interms of governing the country and bringing peace to the world, Zeng built up anarmy in Hunan, suppressed the Taipin Rebellion, served as prime minister, and wasendowed dukedom, a title difficult for a person of Han nationality to acquire at thattime when the country was reigned by Manchu, another nationality in China, thusZeng became one of the most powerful men. In his later years, he initiated theWesternization Movement in China, opening up the door for learning from the westin the modern history of China. In this sense, Zeng, if judged by the virtue standardof the Confucianism, can be viewed as a greatly successful figure in history. So itproves that the idea of “inner sageliness and outer kingliness” can be realized in thetraditional society.To be specific, Zeng’s success is mainly related to the following two factors,one is to cultivate oneself and form the personality of perseverance on the basis ofthe Confucian virtue system, and the other one is to unite the scholar-bureaucratsaround him. But viewing the success of the bureaucratic scholars represented byZeng at the level of the whole traditional society, it can be said their success ismainly attributed to the wholeness of the traditional society, which provides three basics for the realization of the idealistic personality: firstly, the firm belief ofHeavenly way in the Confucianism, secondly, the existence of the Confucian elites,and thirdly, the traditional clan system. These three fundamental social-culturalfactors guarantee the self-realization of the Confucian individual.Although the three factors have already been on the verge of extinction, yet, bymeans of theoretical reconstructions, we can transform the idealistic personality forthe modern intellectuals, and henceforth keep its existence. Contemporarily, Chinaneeds to construct its own theoretical system for the intellectuals, and firmly supporttheir spiritual independence and independent personality. In this process, we canassimilate the traditional Confucian thought, and take it as one of the theoreticalresources. What deserves inheriting most from the Confucianism is theconsciousness of responsibility among the Confucians, which should serve as thefoundation for reconstructing the values and beliefs for the current scholars. In thissense, it is of great importance to re-read and re-interpret Zeng, and to analyze hisidealistic personality, not only for our ability to be self and to interact with the world,but also for the reconstruction of the societal order. At the political level theConfucianism has lost its practical value, but it still bears significant effect andinfluence on the social-cultural life at a broad level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期