

The Study of the Ancient Mongolian Logical Thinking

【作者】 莫日根巴图

【导师】 张晓芒;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 逻辑学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 不同时期、不同地域的逻辑思想是逻辑史研究的重要内容之一。中国古代有丰富的逻辑思想,其中由于中国古代的历史发展本身就是一个不同民族不断融合的过程,其历史的发展演变中当然也包括了不同民族的历史文化的持续融合过程。因此,研究中国古代的逻辑思想,理应包括在不同历史文化背景下形成的不同民族的逻辑思想。逻辑与文化的关系以及逻辑发展方向的转变、“广义论证”、逻辑修正性理论、“大逻辑观”等逻辑学多元发展的理论和观点,为不同民族思维方式的研究提供了可能和理论依据。本文以此为理论前提,将“不同文化群体的说理方式”作为逻辑范畴,以蒙古族迄今为止遗留下来的最早历史文献《蒙古秘史》作为研究对象,用逻辑学的相关理论,分析古代蒙古族的思维特征和思维方式,诠释其中所体现的古代蒙古族的逻辑思想。本文首先采用文献梳理方法,汇总、分类《蒙古秘史》中的人名、地名、部落名和神话传说、诗歌、箴言、格言、谚语,并参考不同版本的《蒙古秘史》进行解析,分析《蒙古秘史》所反映的古代蒙古族风俗习惯和军事思想;然后采用历史分析与文化诠释、非形式论证等方法,分析、阐释了通过《蒙古秘史》所体现出来的古代蒙古族的思维特征和思维方式,诠释了其中所包含的逻辑思想。最后,分析、论述了古代蒙古族思维方式所产生的历史文化背景,指出了其客观存在和必然性。通过研究,关于《蒙古秘史》中所反映的古代蒙古族逻辑思想我们得出的结论是:第一,古代蒙古族的思维方式,在思维形式上,形象思维占据主导地位。第二,在思维趋向上,英雄崇拜是古代蒙古族思维自始至终贯穿的总趋向。第三,在思维性质上,古代蒙古族的思维有一定的原始思维痕迹,主要表现在图腾思维、神话思维、腾格里思维、萨满思维等;辩证思维比较发达,“古列延”(圆形)思维是古代蒙古族独特的思维模式。第四,逻辑思维初见端倪,类概念已经形成,意象性思维方式成为古代蒙古族先民认识事物、表达思想的重要方式和方法;在推理类型上,主导推理类型为推类。第五,古代蒙古族思维方式的形成与草原文化有着密切的联系。

【Abstract】 Logic Thinking is one of the most important contents in logical history researchin different periods and areas. There are so much logic thinking in ancient China.Because of the history of ancient Chinese development itself is a different peopleincreasing integration process, of course, the development and evolution of thehistory also includes the different nationality’s history and culture of the continuousfusion process. So, study on ancient Chinese logic thinking, Should include thelogical thinking of different ethnic groups in different historical and culturalbackground.The relationship of culture and logic, and the changes of the developmentaldirection of logic, the generalized demonstration, the theory of logic can bemodified,the broad view of logic and any other theory or viewpoint of the diversifieddevelopment of logic, offers the possibility and theoretical basis for different nationalthinking way. Based on this, making the ‘Mongolia secret history’ as the researchobject, it is the earliest historical documents founded by Mongolian, With the relatedtheory of logic, analyses the ancient Mongolian thinking characteristics and thethinking way, and interprets the logic thinking in it.At first, combing the literatures, summary and classify the names of persons,places, tribes, and myths, legends, poetries, proverbs, mottos and proverbs,referencing different versions of “Mongolian secret history”, analysis the ancientMongolian customs and military thoughts in “Mongolian secret history”. And then,analyses the ancient Mongolian thinking characters and mode in “Mongolian secrethistory”. At last, this paper discusses the historical and cultural background offorming the ancient Mongolian thinking mode, and points its objective existence andinecitability.Through the study, the conclusion about the ancient Mongolian logic thinking is:First, the image thinking is dominant in thinking form of the thinking mode ofancient Mongolian. Second, hero worship is throughout the ancient Mongolian thinking in thetendency of thinking.Third, the ancient Mongolian thinking has some traces the original thinking. Itmainly displays in totem thinking, mythical thinking, tenggeri thinking, shamanthinking and so on. Dialectical thinking is developed, küriyen thinking is the uniquethought form of ancient Mongolian.Forth, the concept of class is formed, imaging thinking come to be the mostimportant way and method of ancient ancestors of Mongolian to recognize things andexpress their thinking. And “tuilei” is the primary reasoning type.Last, the forming of the ancient Mongolian thinking mode has a closeconnection with the grassland culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期