

The Perception of the Sacred in Simple Society and Its Significance for Literary Theories

【作者】 石文颖

【导师】 刘俐俐;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 “神圣”意指神秘而又令人敬畏的力量之性质,人们相信它处于某些经验对象之中。世俗就是神圣性质的匮乏,所有非神圣的现象都是世俗的。神圣总是与世俗相对而言,神圣作为世俗的对立面而存在。本文的研究对象是简单社会的神性观念。神性观念有别于宗教信仰,其所指范围也远远超出了神话思维。它具有足够的包容性,足以容纳所有围绕超验的精神存在所形成的意识和所进行的思考。笔者主要参考近现代人类学家所提供的经验材料,借鉴众多西方学者的观点学说,描述简单社会神性观念的多样形态:神力、灵魂、鬼魂、精灵和神等等,归纳概括其基本特征,即超验性、具象性、混融性。当然,笔者在此并非要做纯粹的人类学、宗教学研究,而是以文艺学为立足点,进一步考察简单社会神性观念对于文艺理论研究的启发意义。事实上,今天文艺学的许多重要命题,包括文学艺术的产生,文艺创作过程中的灵感,拟人、变形、象征等艺术手法,以及文学艺术的社会功能等等,都可以在神性观念中寻找到一个逻辑方面的起点,或者说是上溯到一种深刻的神性渊源。然而,在审美上给予肯定和赞赏,并不等于在伦理上毫无保留地认同。以我们今天现代人的眼光来看,简单社会的神性观念是非伦理性的,也就是说,是非反思性、非个体选择性、非普适性的。这种在审美评价和伦理评价上的迥然不同,是神性观念遭遇现代社会的结果,是现代社会中真、善、美等精神价值相互分化及各自独立的反映。与此相关的是世俗现代性与审美现代性之间的矛盾,“硬规则”领域里的理性祛魅和“软文化”范围内神圣复魅的张力。事实证明,政教分离、自由民主的社会框架是传统文化复兴的必要前提;我们只有在制度规则上追求普适的公正,而在文化选择上保持差异和多元,才可以实现“美美与共”、“和而不同”的美好世界。

【Abstract】 The Sacred means the nature of being mysterious and awesome, which is moreoften derived from an overwhelming supernatural power, and it is believed to beexisting in some experiential objects. Being devoid of the sacred is the Profane,which stands in contrast with the Sacred or serves as the opposite of the Sacred.This paper focuses on the definition of the Sacred ideas in simple society. TheSacred ideas mean far more than the religious beliefs or mythical thoughts in thecommon sense, and it is so inclusive that all ideas and thinking about transcendentalspiritual presence can be incorporated into it.Drawing upon real-life materials provided by many modern and contemporaryanthropologists and borrowing theories and ideas from numerous western scholars,the author aims to give a description of various manifestations of the Sacred in simplesociety, which include mana, soul, ghost, spirit, god, etc. and summarize the basictraits of the Sacred, namely, its being transcendental, idolatrous and mutuallyparticipating.But basing himself on the literary standpoint, the author intends to study how theSacred ideas throw light on literary theories, rather than pursue anthropological orreligious research. As a matter of fact, many topics of today’s literary theories can trace back to a sacred starting point or find their root in the Sacred ideas, such as theorigination of literature, the inspiration in the creation of literary works, the socialfunction of literature and literary techniques like personification, deformation andsymbolization.However, the aesthetic appreciation of the Sacred ideas does not equal theagreement with those ideas from ethical point of view. From a modern perspective,the Sacred ideas of simple society are non-ethical, that is to say, they are irrational,non-individual, and non-universal.The difference between aesthetic evaluation and ethical evaluation results fromthe sacred ideas encountering the modern society, and it is also a reflection that thethree pole values, namely, truth, goodness and beauty, evolve separately and becomeindependent of one another in the modern society. Relevant to this is the contradictionbetween civil modernity and aesthetic modernity and the tension between the rationaldisenchantment in “hard rules” and the sacred re-enchantment of “soft culture”. Ithas been proved that democracy and freedom, especially the separation of church andstate, becomes the precondition for revival of traditional culture. Only if we performuniversal justice in social rules, and allow differences and diversity in culturalselection, can a wonderful world of “sharing universal beauty” and “harmony but not sameness” becomes a reality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期