

A Study on the Quality of Foreign Direct Investment in China

【作者】 张振华

【导师】 冼国明;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界经济, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 自20世纪90年代以来,FDI作为国际资本的重要流动形式,在世界范围内得到了广泛地发展,逐渐成为诸多发展中东道国经济社会发展的助推器,对东道国经济社会发展产生了深远影响。正因如此,大力招商引资便成为了发展中国家政府工作的重点。在我国,利用外资是党中央根据经济发展规律和我国国情制定的一项重大政策,是中国对外开放基本国策的重要内容,是建设有中国特色社会主义市场经济的伟大实践之一。对外开放30多年来,中国利用外资取得了举世瞩目的成就,逐渐成为了世界吸引外资最多的国家,创造了发展中国家引进和利用外资的“奇迹”。然而,伴随着经济转型和发展,我国利用FDI呈现出明显的数量扩张特点,片面追求FDI数量和规模,而严重忽视FDI的引进和利用质量及安全,多年来给中国经济社会发展带来了诸多负面影响。为了提高FDI引进质量和水平,我国政府和相关部门出台了诸多政策和规划,表明我国利用外资已进入更加注重质量的新阶段。为了进一步深化改革和扩大对外开放,促进产业调结构经济转方式,转变引资模式和提高FDI利用质量,系统研究我国FDI质量问题,正确认识和评价我国FDI情况,以为国家和地方政府更合理地引导和利用FDI促进经济社会发展提供政策依据,便成了当前一项重要研究课题。对中国FDI质量进行正确的分析和评价,不但对FDI相关理论有重要的拓展意义,对FDI进行科学合理的引导和利用,促进引资模式的转变,提高FDI利用质量,实现招商引资工作的科学发展,促进经济社会持续发展也都具有重要的政策指导和现实意义。FDI是促进东道国经济发展和社会进步的一种手段,它服从于国内经济和社会发展的战略目标。因此,本文在结合我国引资政策和目的的情况下,首先对FDI质量的概念进行了探讨,根据FDI对东道国潜在影响和实际影响,将FDI质量问题分为引进质量和利用质量。再对国内外有关FDI质量效应的文献进行分析研究和综述,并以其为基础分别从FDI的利用质量和引进质量两个方面对中国FDI质量进行理论分析和实证研究。由于引进和利用FDI的质量评价视角较多,故无论是分析中国FDI的引进质量还是利用质量,都重点抓FDI对中国的主要潜在影响和实际效应,并结合理论基础,利用中国引进和利用FDI及经济社会发展的相关数据,从FDI质量的不同层面逐个进行了实证研究。然后,在理论分析和实证研究的基础上定义了中国引进和利用FDI质量的评价指标,进而构建了一套中国FDI质量的综合评价指标体系,并结合中国近年来的相关统计数据对1998-2009年间各年份中国FDI质量和2006年各地区的FDI质量分别进行评价研究。最后,根据评价结果,结合当前新形势下我国引进和利用FDI过程中所存在的主要问题,从保持外资政策相对稳定和进一步转变利用外资战略的角度探讨了提高FDI质量的对策建议。当然,本文的研究尚有许多不足之处,一方面,囿于目前学术界对FDI质量的研究和关于FDI统计数据相对缺乏,文中所构建的指标体系还比较粗糙;另一方面,本文研究的内容实际上是总结了30多年来中国利用FDI情况,涉及面广,且主要基于宏观视角,暂未涉及微观层面的分析;此外,本文侧重于从时间角度对我国引进和利用FDI的整体质量演变进行综合性分析研究,而本文缺乏对某些角度的单一深入研究,这也是后续研究的重点所在。随着对外开放程度的提高和利用外资的发展以及人们对FDI质量的重视,需要研究的问题将会更加广泛、更加深刻。因此,只能将本文作为研究中国FDI质量问题的一个新起点,今后还需继续完成已经开始但远未结束的探讨。

【Abstract】 Since the1990s, FDI which is an important form of the international capitalflows has a great development in the world and has gradually become the mostimportant booster of many developing host country’s economic and socialdevelopment and has had a profound impact on the host country’s economic andsocial development. For this reason, attracting foreign investment has become thefocus of the government work of the developing countries.The using of foreign investment in China is a major policy formulated accordingto the laws of economic development and national conditions of China, is the mostimportant part of China’s basic national policy of opening up, and is one of the greatpractices of building socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. Openingup more than30years, China has made remarkable achievements in utilizing foreigninvestment and is becoming the country of attracting the most foreign investment andcreating a miracle of introduction and utilization of foreign investment of developingcountries.However, along with economic transition and development, using of FDI inChina shows the characteristics of expansion, pursuit of FDI number and size andserious neglecting of the quality of the introduction and utilization of FDI and safety,and has brought a lot of negative impacts on China’s economic and socialdevelopment. In order to improve the quality and level of introduction of FDI, ourgovernment and relevant departments have issued many policies and the work ofusing foreign investment in China has entered a new stage with more attention toquality. In order to further deepen the reform and opening wider to the outside world,promote the adjusting of the structure of the industry and economy, change the formof attracting foreign investment and improve the quality of FDI, it that the correctunderstanding, evaluation of FDI situation and systematic study are for the state andlocal governments to provide a more reasonable guide of the use of FDI to promoteeconomic and social development has become an important research topic. Correct analysis and evaluation of the quality of the Chinese FDI, are not onlyimportant to expand FDI theories, but also have important policy guidance andpractical significance to the scientific and rational guidance and use of FDI topromote the changes in the pattern of foreign investment and the quality of FDI topromote sustained economic and social development.FDI as a means to promote economic development and social progress in thehost country is subject to the strategic objectives of the domestic economic and socialdevelopment. Therefore, this dissertation, with the combination of China’s foreigninvestment policy and purpose, first discuss the concept of FDI quality which isdivided into the quality of introduction and the quality of using according to thepotential impact and actual impact of FDI on the host country. After the study of thedomestic and foreign literatures on FDI, we did theoretical analysis and empiricalresearch on the quality of FDI in China. Because the evaluation of the quality ofintroduction and utilization of FDI has many perspectives, so we only seize the mainpotential impacts and actual effects of FDI on China to do empirical research.Then we, on the base of the theoretical analysis and empirical research, built aset of index on quality of FDI in China to evaluate the quality of FDI of China for1998-2009year and of China’s regions in2006with using of the relevant data Finally,based on evaluation results, combined with the main problems in the process ofattracting and using FDI, from the prospective of making the foreign policy relativelystable and further changing the strategy of using FDI, the dissertation anlysized andprovides some suggestions on how to improve FDI quality.In this study, of course, there are a lot of inadequacies. Limited to the lack ofresearch and data of FDI, we only built a rough indicator system. And this studyactually is a summary of more than30years of FDI situation involves a wide rangeand is mainly based on the macro perspective, not yet involved in the micro-levelanalysis. Addition, this article focuses on the evolution of the overall quality of FDIfrom the point of comprehensive analysis, and it has the lack of a single in-depthstudy of certain angles, which is the focus of follow-up study. With the improvementin the level of opening up and the use of foreign investment and emphasis on FDIquality, the questions which are need to study will be more extensive and more profound. Therefore, this dissertation is only as a new starting point of the research ofthe quality problems of China’s FDI, and we, in the future, still need to continue tocomplete discussion which has begun but is far from the end.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】F832.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】554
  • 攻读期成果