

The Eastern Miscellany and the Birth of Modern Chinese Literature

【作者】 王勇

【导师】 李锡龙;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国现代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 《东方杂志》是商务印书馆刊行的一份综合性杂志,被称作是中国近现代文学的资料宝库。目前学术界对《东方杂志》的研究多从思想史、传播史、法律史、经济史、教育史等角度入手,而对其文学世界的研究非常薄弱。本文对《东方杂志》与现代中国文学关系的研究在一定程度上弥补了这个缺憾。论文共七部分,除绪论和结语之外,正文分五章。绪论主要介绍论文选题的意义、研究现状、研究方法以及创新点。第一章介绍商务印书馆的发展概况以及《东方杂志》的创刊、改版、编辑更迭、办刊宗旨的演变等基本情况。第二章考察编辑与《东方杂志》文学的关系。文章认为,在孟森与杜亚泉主编时代,文体新旧杂陈,文言白话并存,翻译作品为主,创作为辅,文学的种类和地位呈现出逐渐丰富和提高的趋势,文学的现代化的步伐已经悄然启动。钱智修胡愈之主编时代是《东方杂志》文学最为繁荣的时期,无论是文学栏目的设置,还是文学作品的种类、数量和质量都达到了前所未有的程度,此时的《东方杂志》成为新文学的重要阵地,《东方文库》的编辑以及新年梦想的征文都在文学界产生了重要影响。在李圣五及以后时代,文学越来越被边缘化,文学作品数量和质量都明显下降。由此可见,《东方杂志》的文学面貌与编辑的知识背景、审美趣味以及组稿能力等密切相关。第三章探讨《东方杂志》与新文化运动的关系。本文突破学术界以《东方杂志》在东西文化论争中的表现来判定其保守文化身份的简单作法,将《东方杂志》和新文化运动的关系放置在一个较长时段中进行动态的综合考察,认为《东方杂志》与新文化运动的关系经历了由思想先导到论战对手再到新文化建设者的角色转换,同时在白话文运动中《东方杂志》也发挥了不可忽视的作用。第四章讨论了《东方杂志》的翻译与现代中国文学发生的关系。文章全面梳理了《东方杂志》文学译介的概况,认为《东方杂志》的译介注重为新文学发展树立目标和榜样,加强对世界文学的综合性研究和世界文坛信息的介绍,全方位拓宽新文学的接受视野,为中国新文学的发展提供广泛的借鉴资源和新颖的文学观念,从而推动了新文学的发展。第五章讨论《东方杂志》的文学创作和批评与现代中国文学的关系。认为《东方杂志》是发表新文学作品的重要阵地之一,是向各个文学流派开放的公共空间。《东方杂志》最早倡导建立现代中国的文学批评学,注重运用批评力量,加强对新文学的创作方法、题材、艺术手段的引导,同时加大对文学新人的扶持,为新文学的发展提供人才支持。文章在结语部分归纳了《东方杂志》之于现代中国文学的重要价值,一是作为一个综合性刊物,《东方杂志》包容了中国近现代文学中各式各样的文学流派、理论思潮、作家作品,见证和记载了20世纪上半叶中国文学现代化进程的全过程,构成了一部中国近现代文学的发展史。二是《东方杂志》在现代中国文学的发生期,不仅为新文学的作品提供了发表阵地,而且通过翻译、批评为新文学在创作方法、作品题材、艺术手段、文学思潮等方面都提供了正确的引导和扶持,为新文学的健康发展做出贡献。三是《东方杂志》在见证和记录中国近现代文学发生发展的全过程的同时,也为中国近现代文学研究保存丰富的史料,提供了原生态的历史背景资料。本文的创新之处在于:首先,运用统计分析的方法对《东方杂志》的文学世界进行了全面的梳理,将以前被人们忽视的《东方杂志》的文学世界第一次呈现出来。其次,运用文学社会学和文化学的研究方法,把《东方杂志》中的文学纳入到中国文学现代化的进程中来考察,在期刊与社会、编辑与作者、批评与翻译、创作的互动关系中探究其发生、发展、演变的轨迹,揭示其丰富的文学世界对于中国近现代文学的作家群体、创作走向、文学生态等方面所做的贡献。第三,从发生学的角度,重点探讨《东方杂志》的文化转型、文学翻译、文学批评等对现代中国文学的影响及其作用。

【Abstract】 The Eastern Miscellany, a comprehensive magazine of theCommercial Press, is a treasure house of modern Chinese literature. Nowin academic circle, The Eastern Miscellany is researched and approachedfrom historical angles of thought, communication, law, economy,education and so on for the sake of its comprehensive nature, but literaryresearch and approach are relatively poor. And this dissertation fills thisgap to a certain extent.This dissertation is divided into five chapters, excluding Preface andConclusion. Preface introduces the significance, present researches,research methods and innovative points. The first chapter introduces thehistory of the Commercial Press and something about The EasternMiscellany, such as its starting of publication, face-lift, editors, evolutionof publication idea and so on.The second chapter investigates the relationship between The Eastern Miscellany and literature. This dissertation thinks that whenMeng Sen and Du Yaquan were editors-in-chief, old and new literarystyles were mixed; classical and colloquial languages coexisted;translated works were more than literary writings, showing that modernliterature was coming with more literary varieties and higher position. Inthe time when Qian Zhixiu and Hu Yuzhi were editors-in-chief, TheEastern Miscellany was the most prosperous, for literary type, column,number and quality reached an unprecedented degree. The compilation ofthe column “Eastern Literary Records” and New Year solicited essayshad important influences on literary circle. When Li Shengwu waseditor-in-chief as well as in the period after him, literature wasmarginalized with declining number and quality. It can be seen thatliterary column is closely related with literary situation, editors’background and knowledge, aesthetic taste, ability to solicit contributionand so on. The third chapter explores the relationship between The EasternMiscellany and New Culture Movement. This dissertation gives adynamic investigation to the magazine in a longer time instead of the pastsimple judgement that this magazine is conservative of cultural identityin the eastern and western controversy, and thinks that their relationshipundergoes three stages of thought forerunner, controversy opponents andassistants. And in the meantime this magazine plays a role that can’t beignored in the Vernacular Movement.The fourth chapter explores the relationship between the translatedliterary works of The Eastern Miscellany and the birth of modernChinese literature. This dissertation sorts out the literary translated worksand thinks that this magazine sets an example to the development ofmodern literature, such as comprehensive studies on world literature andintroduction to the literary situation in the world, enlarging the literaryscope of reception, providing wide reference resources and new literary ideas, thus pushing ahead modern Chinese literature.The fifth chapter discusses the relationship between literary writingand modern Chinese literature. This magazine, open to various literaryschools, publishes many works of modern literature. In addition, thismagazine is the first to advocate modern criticism, which values theapplication of criticism, guides the writing way, subject matters, artisticmeans and at the same time cultivates new authors for the developmentof modern literature.Conclusion discusses the value of The Eastern Miscellany inmodern literature. First, this magazine accepts the various literary schools,theory, thought, writers and works, a witness and recorder of the wholehistory of modern Chinese literature in the first half of the20th century,which may be called a development history of modern literature. Second,this magazine publishes many translated literary works and articles ofliterary criticism, through which writing way, subject matters, artistic means, and theory, thought and so on are guided and supported, thushaving made contributions to the sound development of modern literature.Third, this magazine witnesses and records the whole process of modernChinese literature and also keeps rich historical materials andbackgrounds.The innovative points of this dissertation cover three aspects. First,statistical method is applied to research the literary field of The EasternMiscellany and reveal those ignored in the past. Second, the methods ofliterary sociology, culturology and sort research are applied to explore thebirth, development and evolution in the mutual reaction of magazine andsociety, editor and author, criticism, translation and writing, and reveal itsdevotions of literary works to the writer community, writing tendency,literary ecology and so on. In the perspective of genealogical theory, theinfluences of cultural transformation, literary translation and literarycriticism on modern Chinese literature are explored as key points.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期