

Firms’ Location Choice and Spatial Agglomeration

【作者】 倪方树

【导师】 郝寿义;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 空间集聚是区位理论、区域经济学、城市经济学、经济地理学和新经济地理学等学科研究的重要领域。在这一领域中,由于各学科的切入视角不同,所以在研究集聚问题时所关注的焦点也不一样。不过,在仔细梳理后我们发现,这些学科所探讨的问题,大致可以归为三类:一是对为什么集聚和影响集聚原因的探讨;二是对集聚形成机制的探索;三是“哪里集聚”的问题。迄今为止,对前两个问题解答,虽未穷尽但进展很大,而对第三个问题的解释,目前,只能用历史性和偶然性这样的原因来回答。然而,城市沿江沿海兴起、人口沿河沿水集聚的现象说明,在历史性和偶然性的背后,“哪里集聚”的问题一定存在更深层次的原因。从企业区位选择与博弈分析相结合的角度研究空间集聚的形成机制问题,既是我们对“更深层次原因”的挖掘,又是对古典区位理论思想的深化和拓展,同时,从企业区位选择角度研究空间集聚的形成机制问题,还可为现实中促进企业集聚和产业集聚的形成提供一个新的思路。论文第一章,通过三节来展开,前两节主要阐述了论文选题的相关背景、研究意义、研究思路,以及所采用的基本研究方法。而在第三节对本文拟创新之处进行了高度提炼,这主要包括两个“尝试”:一是尝试从区位选择与博弈分析的角度推演空间集聚形成的机制;二是尝试回答集聚发生在哪的问题。第二章为文献回顾部分。空间集聚问题进入经济学视野的时间较为久远,相关研究成果颇为丰富,因而在综述时,涉及的文献数量多,范围广。本文依据为什么要集聚、集聚的影响因素、集聚的形成机制等这样一条线索来展开,具体是:从获得优势资源禀赋、获得外部性、共享基础设施、获得规模经济、降低交易成本、获得竞争优势等六个方面来阐述集聚的缘由;从自然资源、中间投入共享与劳动力共享、知识溢出、规模经济、本地市场效应、多因素等角度来梳理影响空间集聚的因素;从古典区位论、空间竞争理论、区域科学、新兴古典经济学、新经济地理学等学科角度来梳理空间集聚的形成机制问题。第二章的最后一部分,则是在上述梳理工作的基础上,从三个方面对现有文献作了简要评述,即哪里集聚的问题、空间属性的问题、区位主体与研究方法的问题。第三章围绕上一章所提出的疑问,意在提出一个新的分析前提和框架思路。因而,第三章首先分析了区位与区位的本质特征;其次深入探讨了区位与区位选择的基本含义、区位主体、区位的空间属性、影响区位选择的因素等内容;再次对均质空间分析的困境、区位主体与区位的关系作了细致梳理;最后,在上述工作的基础上,文章提出,在均质空间与非均质空间相统一、区位选择与博弈的分析框架下,尝试推演空间集聚的形成机制。沿着第三章所搭建的分析框架和思路,第四章和第五章,分别在完全信息静态、完全信息动态、不完全信息静态和不完全信息动态等基本博弈框架下,深入探讨了不同条件下相互影响的两个企业怎样选择区位,以及通过区位选择能否实现空间集聚和空间集聚实现概率等问题。最后,关于不同决策下的企业收益、不同区位上的区位因子与集聚因子对集聚条件的影响等结论分别放置于相应分析框架的最后部分。前面几章内容,均属于理论研究范畴,其研究结论是一种理论上的推测,正确与否,则需要用现实中的经验数据来证明。因此,在第六章的分析中文章选用了天津经济技术开发区东区(母区)和逸仙工业园这样两个案例,首先就园区内企业的选址情况、园区内企业发展情况、园区的发展情况等问题进行了分析,而后,基于问卷调查数据,并运用因子分析法对影响企业区位选址的关键因素,构成集聚因子的关键部分等进行提取和分析。分析后发现,确实可以通过改善上述提取出的因素来影响企业的区位选择决策,进而影响集聚形成的概率。此外,从实际问卷中提取出的接近同行竞争者、避开同行竞争者、竞争者成本等因子与不完全信息博弈中抽象出来的集聚意愿、信号等不可或缺的博弈因素相吻合。因此,可以说天津经济技术开发区东区和逸仙工业园这两个案例,较好地佐证了理论分析所得到的结论。第七章是文章的最后一部分,主要阐述两方面内容:一是基于前六章的分析,提出能够促进集聚形成的对策措施,实际上就是促进工业园区发展的一般性对策措施和促进逸仙工业园区、开发区母区发展的专项对策措施;二是总结本文的研究结论、不足和下一步的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Spatial agglomeration is a major field for the study of location theory, regionaleconomics, urban economics, economic geography, new economic geography andother subjects. In this field, each subject has its own focus of attention due to theirdifferent perspectives. Studied thoroughly, the issues being discussed can beclassified into three categories: first, reasons for agglomeration and the influencingfactors, second, research for the formation mechanism of agglomeration; third,location for agglomeration, i.e.“where to agglomerate”. Up till now, as for the formertwo issues, we have made great progress. But for the third one, only the historicityand contingency can account for.However, the fact that cities sprawl along rivers and coasts and people gatheraround lakes indicates there must be deeper reasons for the issue “where toagglomerate” besides historicity and contingency. To study the formation mechanismof spatial agglomeration by combing enterprise location selection and game analysisis not only an exploration for “deeper reasons”, but also an extension and deepeningfor classical location theories. At the same time, to study the formation mechanism ofspatial agglomeration from the view of enterprise location selection can also providea new idea for contributing to the formation of enterprise agglomeration and industryagglomeration.Chapter one consists of three parts, first two of which mainly illuminate therelevant background, research significance and the basic research methods, while partthree concentrates on its innovative points which contains two “attempts”, one ofwhich is to deduce the formation mechanism of spatial agglomeration by combinglocation selection and game analysis, the other is to solve the issue “where toagglomeration”.Chapter two is literature review. The study of spatial agglomeration came intothe field of economics for a very long time and it has achieved abundant researchresults. Thus, the references are of large quantity and wild range. This paper develops in a way as the following: reasons for agglomeration, factors influencingagglomeration and formation mechanism of agglomeration. That is, to elaborate thereasons for agglomeration through obtaining the advantages of resource endowment,externality, shared infrastructure, economics of scale, competitive strengths andlowing trade cost, to expound the factors influencing spatial agglomeration from thepoint of view of natural resources, shared intermediate input and labor force,knowledge spillover, economics of scale, local market effect and multifactor, etc, tocaption the formation mechanism of spatial agglomeration through classical locationtheory, spatial competition theory, regional science, new classical economics, neweconomic geography, etc. On the basis of the above, the last part of Chapter tworecapitulates the present references from three aspects, the location of agglomeration,spatial attribute and the main body of location and research methods.Focused on the issues in Chapter two, Chapter three aims at propose a newanalytical premise and thought of framework. Firstly, it analyzes the location and theessential characteristics of location. Secondly, it discusses in depth the basic meaningof location and location selection, main boy of location, the space attribute, factorsinfluencing location selection, etc. Thirdly, it elaborates the difficulties inhomogeneous space analysis and the relationship between location and its main body.At last, based on the above study, it attempts to deduce the formation mechanism ofspatial agglomeration under the integration of homogeneous space and heterogeneousspace and under the analytical framework of location selection and game theory.Under the analytical framework and thoughts of Chapter three, Chapter four andfive will discuss in depth how the two enterprises influencing each other select theirlocations under different conditions, whether the spatial agglomeration can berealized through location selection, and its realization probability. This discussion isunder the framework of static game of complete information, dynamic game ofcomplete information, static game of incomplete information and dynamic game ofincomplete information respectively. At last, at the last part of correspondinganalytical framework are the influences of business profits caused by differentdecision and the location factor, agglomeration factor of different location on theagglomeration conditions. All the above belongs to theoretical research, the conclusion of which is just atheoretical conjecture. We need to prove its trueness by using actual empirical data.So, in the analysis of Chapter six, we take two examples, Tianjin EconomicTechnological Development Area, east section (main section) and Yixian IndustryPark. First, analyze the enterprise locations, the development of enterprises in the twoareas and its own development, then on the basis of the questionnaire data, use factoranalysis to extract and analyze the essential factors influencing enterprise locationselection and the vital parts constituting agglomeration factors. At last, we reach aconclusion that improving the extracted factors mentioned above can influenceenterprise location selection, and then influence the probability of agglomeration.In addition, Factors extracted from questionnaire are consistent with theindispensable game factors drawn from game of incomplete information. The formerfactors include the closeness to competitors, distance from competitors and costs ofcompetitors while the latter include intention to agglomerate and the signal, etc.Therefore, the two examples, Tianjin Economic Technological Development Area,East section and Yixian Industry Park, can well justify the conclusion drawn from thetheoretical analysis.Chapter seven is the conclusion chapter. It mainly expounds two parts, one ofwhich is to come up with the countermeasures which can promote agglomerationbased on the analysis above, including general countermeasures to boost the industrypark development and special ones to further the development of Yixian IndustryPark and the main area in the development zone, the other is to summarize theresearch achievements, the shortcomings of this paper and the further research issues.

【关键词】 区位空间区位选择博弈论空间集聚
【Key words】 locationspacelocation choicegame theoryspatial agglomeration
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】F270;F224.32
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】810
  • 攻读期成果