

A Study on the Name of Tang Dynasty People

【作者】 闫廷亮

【导师】 张国刚;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 专门史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 姓名作为一种特殊的语言符号,既是一种广泛而普遍的社会文化现象,又是一种包罗万象的文化载体,蕴藏着极其深厚而丰富的社会文化内涵。通过对某一特定历史阶段代表这一社会个体的特殊符号的研究,可以从多方面揭示这一阶段人们的精神和文化生活。本文以唐代作为姓名研究的特定时段和范畴,从唐代历史文献资料中选择了具有代表性的6部文献为材料支撑,从中采集了41950个唐人姓名样本,建立了一个包含姓名及其相关信息的、基于计算机Access应用数据库管理系统的唐人姓名数据库,作为课题主要研究的依据。利用Access各种操作功能,采取数理统计和计量分析的方法,将定量分析和定性分析相结合,对唐人姓名做了较为全面和系统地考量和研究。重点内容包括:一、通过建立《唐人姓氏频度表》,厘清了唐人姓氏的用字和数量,在此基础上对唐人姓氏中的“大姓”和“小姓”及其姓氏人口数量做了详尽的论述,并结合文献对唐人姓氏中的复姓来源逐一进行了考证;从唐人姓氏这一特殊的文化符号入手,解读了它所反映出的民族关系和社会婚姻特征。二、依据数据库系统建立了《唐人姓氏频度表》,得出了唐代人名的用字和数量,以此为对象,对人名用字的数理特征进行的分析,并对其所反映出社会文化和价值趋向做了具体的讨论。三、通过对某些具体的人名用字(或人名)的微观考察,得出了唐人对玉德的追求、“勇”观念的丧失、士人求美的取名风尚以及中唐后“万岁”名的消失所反映的社会文化及政治观念的变化。四,根据唐代人名及其相关信息,深入分析了唐人取名用字的文化心态,总结了唐人取名用字的特征以及女性名字的一般特点。五、姓名并不是一个简单的符号,不仅反映着社会和时代的变化,而且也是社会控制的一种隐形工具和手段。在唐代,统治者以赐姓、改姓、除名、讳名、追谥等方式,在调整统治秩序、规范权力运作、分配社会资源、强化专制权威等方面显示出极其强大的社会控制的象征力量。六,依据唐人姓名数据库,对唐人同姓名人物进行了辨析和辑录,并对唐人同姓名现象进行了全面分析,揭示了唐人同姓名现象普遍的原因。

【Abstract】 As a special linguistic sign, name is not only a common social culturalphenomenon but also an all-embracing culture load, containing deep and rich socialand cultural implication. A study on the special symbol which represents the socialindividuals of a specific historic period can reveal the spiritual and cultural life of thepeople of this historic stage from many aspects. This article takes Tang dynasty asthe specific stage of name study and uses the following as the main basis of thisresearch by, selecting6representative literatures from Tang historical literatures asthe supporting materials, gathering41950name samples of Tang dynasty peoplefrom the above, and setting up a name database of Tang dynasty people whichcontains the names and their relevant information, based on the management systemof Access application database. Applying the various operation function of Accessand the methods of mathematical statistics and econometric analysis, combining thequantitative analysis and the qualitative analysis, this article makes a comprehensiveand systematic study of the names of Tang dynasty people. The key contents are asfollows. Firstly, building a frequency table of the surnames of Tang people, the usedcharacters and their quantity of the surnames of Tang people dissected, then anelaborate discussion of the aristocratic family name and common family name andalso their quantity made. At the same time a textual research of the compoundsurname origin of Tang people made according to literatures. From the specialculture sign of Tang dynasty people surnames, the reflected national relations andsocial marriage characteristic found. Secondly, according to the database system, thesurname frequency table of Tang dynasty people built and the used characters andtheir respective quantity of Tang dynasty people got. Based on that, themathematical characteristic of the used characters analyzed and a concretediscussion of the reflected social culture and value orientation made. Thirdly,through the microcosmic investigation of the specific names, the change of socialculture and political concept in Tang dynasty people is found, which is reflected bythe pursuit of pure morality, the loss of brave concept, the naming fashion of seeking beauty of intellectual, and the disappearance of name of Your Majesty afterMid-Tang. Fourthly, according to the names of Tang dynasty people and theirrelevant information, the cultural attitude of selecting characters which are used innames deeply analyzed, and the characteristic of Tang dynasty people selectingcharacters for names and the general feature of female names summarized. Fifth,name is not a simple sign, which not only reflects the change of society and age butalso an invisible tool of social control. In Tang dynasty, giving surnames, shiftingsurnames, abolishing names, shying away names and adding meaning names, theEmperor showed mostly powerful symbolic force in adjusting reigning order,standardizing power operation, distributing social resources, and strengtheningarbitrary authority. Sixth, according to the name database of Tang dynasty people,the namesake of Tang dynasty people discriminated and compiled, a comprehensiveanalysis of the namesake phenomenon of Tang people made and the reasons of thisphenomenon revealed.

【关键词】 唐人姓名社会研究
【Key words】 Tang dynasty peoplenamessocietyresearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】K820;K242
  • 【下载频次】760