

Maritime Empire: the Origin of Zheng Organization’s Relationship with Its Merchants,1625-1683

【作者】 刘强

【导师】 张丽;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 经济史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 15世纪末的大航海开辟了新航线,已有的区域性贸易圈被不断延伸的新航线重新整合在了一起。新联系的建立形成了真正意义上的全球市场,而市场整合使中国商品的需求扩大。面对贸易利润的增加和明朝的海禁政策,以及西方商人的武装贸易竞争,在明政府军事保护缺位的情况下,华商逐渐联合组成强大的武装海商集团。1625年兴起的郑氏集团就是其中的典型代表。1628年郑氏集团利用明清鼎革的机会,接受了明朝的招抚,从而迅速崛起,之后明朝灭亡,郑氏集团继续抗清,直至1683年。郑氏集团建立了一整套包括税收、组织和金融制度来支持商人;面对不断变化的外部环境灵活使用不同的贸易策略以保护和争取商业利益;其强大水师为这一切的实施提供了有力的保障,并在一定程度上直接参与商业利益的争取和保护。正是这一切造就了郑氏集团在远东水域的贸易主导权和制海权,并使一直锐不可当的西方国家在全球范围内的扩张遭遇重大挫折。这种官商关系与明清不积极支持商人的官商关系非常不同,反而与当时的西方国家更为相似。郑氏集团之所以选择如此独特的官商关系,从全球的视角看,郑氏集团是全球经济建立所带来的利润增加效应下产生的商人集团,商人是其最本质的特征,因而积极参与对外贸易并支持商人以获得贸易利润是理所当然的;从地区的视角看明末清初的政局变动在明亡之前为郑氏集团利用公权力支持商人提供了可能,而在明亡之后使郑氏集团面临巨大的生存压力。再加上闽南的地理环境和郑氏集团自身反清复明的政治理想所带来的生存压力。郑氏集团为了缓解军事和财政压力,选择了对商人提供保护和支持。

【Abstract】 In the late16thcentury,The Great Navigations established new tade routes, andreintegrated the existing trade circuits. The establishment of global market increasedthe demand for Chinese goods. Facing the soaring profit of maritime trade,thearmed trade of western merchant,and Coastal Prohibition of Ming government, theChinese merchants gradually united and formed some powerful armed trade group.The Zheng Organization is a famous one of them. It was established in1625and riserapidly since1628Zheng Zhilong received an amnesty from the Ming governmentand was appointed as a military officer. After the collapse of Ming, ZhengOrganization continued to resist the Qing until1683.The Zheng Organization established a set of system including tax, organizationand finace to support its merchants; applied different trading strategies in a flexibleway to protect and expand the trade interests. Its powerful navy provided a strongguarantee for the implementation of the above measures, and protected or fought forthe trade interests.directly some time. All of this made Zheng organization’s tradedominance in the Far East seas and gave a setback to the Western countriesworldwide expansion. Unlike the Ming and Qing government’s policy towardsmerchants which was neither encouraging nor restrictive, Zheng organization’srelationship with its merchants was similar with that in Western Europe.Why the Zheng chose to practice that kind of relationship with its merchants?From a global perspective, Zheng is group that based on the soaring profit ofmaritime trade which is caused by the establishment of the global economy,so it is amerchant group in essence. Then it is for granted that Zheng actively involve inforeign trade and support its merchants. From a regional perspective,The political changes in the late Ming and early Qing made it possible thatZheng gain some public authority and also gave Zheng tremendous pressure tosurvive. And plus the pressure which resulted from Minnan’s geography and environment and Zheng’s political ideals, Zheng had to choose to support and protectits merchants in order to relief the military and financial pressure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期