

Inquiry into View of the Ruling of the Rite on Comments on Laws of Tang Empire

【作者】 乔福龙

【导师】 于语和;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 人类的政治实践史表明,国家统治与管理是政治生活中的重大问题,也是政治学研究的重要内容。由于环境与文化的差异,近代以前中西在国家统治与管理上,有不同的关注重心与演化路径。这种不同表现为,中国古代侧重于以礼治国,通过以礼为主要手段并结合法等其他方式对国家与社会进行管理,以实现政治统治;而西方一直侧重于以法治国,通过法律途径以及相关制度对国家与社会进行管理,以期达到民主政治的目的。这种比较深刻地反映在中国古代的国家治理中,礼发挥着与法一样的作用,因而,它一定具有其内在的优势与特色。基于家国同构的社会格局,礼的道德意义与政治原则相联系,具有了集规范、制度与观念为一体的特征。它才既能培育人的道德品质,又能规范人的外在行为,从而使人的“心”与“行”能合于道。正是礼的这种特性,适合了中国传统政治统治的需要,成为国家治理实践活动的指导原则。在国家政治实践中,道德意义的礼上升到治国的高度,这在人类政治史上是极为罕见的。因而,礼治是中国传统政治的特色,也是中国传统政治文化的核心。礼的基本精神是“亲亲”与“尊尊”,在于维护等级社会关系与宗法制度。随着社会的发展,经过西周的礼治——秦的法治——汉初的道治的治国模式转换,礼的内容逐渐扩展并愈加突出尊君的色彩,到西汉时期,礼治在与法治的博弈中胜出,为统治阶级所选择而确立为国家治理的基本模式。与政治实践相适应,礼治思想于春秋时期获得理论化形态,之后经过先秦儒家的发展与完善,特别是荀子的“隆礼重法”思想初步形成了礼治思想的基本架构,到汉武帝时,董仲舒对礼治思想加工与改造,使其成为一个兼容礼、法、道等内容的思想体系,并不断整合其他思想成分,从而适应了大一统君主专制统治的需要而上升为治国思想,并影响中国古代国家治理实践,一直到清末。中国传统政治文化以儒家思想为主体,而礼治思想就是儒家思想的核心内容,它的精髓在于维护等级社会秩序与实现君主专制统治。作为治国思想,礼治思想的影响是广泛的,特别是汉代以后的法律儒家化使礼逐渐渗透于法之中,使得传统法律具有伦理化特征,而礼法结合也是礼治思想的基本特征,是礼治思想制度化的表现。《唐律疏议》是中华法系的典范,代表了中国古代政治法律文化和立法技术的水平,特别是其中礼与法结合圆融成熟,代表了古代礼治思想的成熟形态,即“德礼为政教之本,刑罚为政教之用”的礼治思想。这既是中国古代治国经验与思想的系统总结,又是唐代政治法律文化的集中表现,因而,以《唐律疏议》为对象,研究其中的礼治思想,是进行传统政治文化研究不可或缺的内容。本论文以《唐律疏议》为对象,利用政治文化研究方法,对《唐律疏议》中蕴含的礼治思想进行全面、系统、深入地考察,既从政治看待传统法律,又从法律折射政治,体现了文化与制度相统一的研究视角。论文在认真吸收和充分利用已有的研究成果的基础上,将礼治思想放在传统社会的历史长时段进行系统地分析与考察,阐释了礼治思想得以形成的历史过程,分析了这一政治文化现象的特色与它的基本思想精神,并进一步揭示礼治思想与古代法律制度的关系,指出“德礼为政教之本,刑罚为政教之用”是中国古代礼治治国思想的基本原则,也是古代法律制定的指导和实施的标准。在此基础上,论文重点分析了《唐律疏议》中的礼治思想。指出《唐律疏议》中的礼治思想是经过历史发展的流变,已经成熟并成为一个有着内在逻辑结构与基本内容的思想体系,即君权至上观是礼治思想的政治价值取向,家族本位主义是礼治思想的社会伦理基础,等级差别论是礼治思想的基本内核,人本主义是礼治思想的外部特征,礼刑兼用思想是礼治思想的实现途径,这些内容相互联系、相互影响共同构成一个整体。分析了《唐律疏议》中礼治思想之后,结合唐代政治社会实际状况与唐律的历史地位,对礼治思想的实践效果、社会影响进行了阐释,以达到较为全面地了解中国古代的礼治思想。最后,论文对中国古代礼治思想进行了现代解读,指出礼治思想是一定的社会-历史-文化的产物,它是与古代中国经济、政治相结合的政治文化模式,但对现代社会建设也有一定借鉴意义。礼治思想不仅为古代政治统治提供了合法性,使其适应了小农经济基础,还具有巨大的传承性和稳固性,致使古代大一统的君主专制政治实践始终未变。因而,礼治思想作为古代政治实践的指导思想,在历史上为维护专制政治统治发挥了十分重要的作用。尽管如此,礼治思想的历史局限性也是非常明显的。礼治思想本质上是地主阶级的统治文化,是为维护地主阶级统治服务的,对广大人民而言,它是压迫工具和奴役手段,属于落后的政治文化。就礼治思想在国家治理实践中而言,以道德方法来解决政治问题,显然,复杂的政治问题简单化,政治权力深入社会各个方面,制约了社会的活力。从礼治思想与西方法治思想相比较看,礼治思想与伦理政治相关,法治思想与法理政治相关,即使在礼治思想指导下的政治统治能够获得价值合理性的认同,但是也要使这种统治具有工具理性的认同和形式上的合法(即大家普遍认可和承认的统治),而礼治思想中,显然缺少法治思想中的现代精神。尽管如此,礼治思想与法治思想一样,也蕴含有一些超越时空、超越种族、宗教信仰和文化背景差异的共同价值,诸如规范认同,礼让精神,人与自然的和谐相处,德法互补等,这些对当前建设社会主义政治文明与构建和谐社会仍然有一定的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Political practice of human history shows that state ruling and management aremajor issues in political life, They are also important subjects in political scienceresearch. China and western countries have a different concern and evolution path onthe state ruling and management because of their environmental and culturaldifferences. The difference manifested as following:Ancient China focused onrunning the country with the rite. It managed the state and society by rite as theprimary means with combining law in order to achieve the benevolent politics,however ancient western countries emphasized on ruling the country by law, theymanaged the state and society by law and related political systems as the main meansin order to achieve the democratic politics. In Ancient China, the rite played thesame role with law, it had its inherent strengths and characteristics. Basing on thepattern of home and country is isomorphic to the society, the moral significance ofrite which was associated with the political principles developed a characteristic ofsetting norms, systems and concepts together. It not only cultivate a person’s moralquality, but also standardize people’s external behavior, thus it made the "heart" and"action" together. It was suitable for the needs of China’s traditional political rule andbecame the guiding principles of governmental practice of the state because of thischaracteristic of rite, In the country’s political practice, rite with the moralsignificance rose to the height of the state ruling. Thus rule of rite became not onlythe China’s traditional political characteristics, but also the core of traditional cultureof China’s politicsThe basic spirit of the rite is to safeguard the hierarchical social relations andPatriarchal system Rite was gradually expanded and became more prominent respectfor the monarch by mode of governing changing from rule of rite of the WesternZhou dynasty, rule of law of Qin dynasty to the Taoism ruling of early Han dynastywith the development of social. Rule of rite beat the rule of law after a long timecontest. Rule of rite was finally selected by the ruling class to establish the basic ruling pattern of the national governance. Coinciding to the political practice, rule ofrite thinking gained the theoretical form from Spring and Autumn Period and afterthat was developed and improved by Pre-Qin Confucian. The basic framework ofrule of rite thinking was initially formed from Xunzi’s thinking of “advocating ritesand emphasizing on Devoting Much Attention to Propriety and Law. Until the periodof early Han dynasty, rule of rite was processed and reformed by Dongzhongshu andwas made as a thought system which combined with rite, law and Taoism and so on.It was integrated constantly with the contents of other ideological ingredients inorder to adapt to the requirement of the absolute Great Unification monarchy. Then itbecame the dominative thought of the country. Its impact on the national governancepractices of Ancient China lasted until the late Qing Dynasty.The subject of the traditional Chinese political culture is Confucianism. Thecore of Confucianism is rule of rite which essence is to maintain a hierarchical socialorder and to achieve ruling of the absolute monarchy. As the thought of ruling thecountry, the influence of the rule of rite is widespread. Especially the Confucianthought penetrated in the law gradually after the Han dynasty. It made traditionallegal have ethics feature. The combination of rite and law is the basic characteristicsof rule of rite thinking and also is institutionalization performance of rule of rite.Comments on laws of Tang Empire was a model of the Chinese Legal System and itrepresents the political and legal culture and legislative level of Ancient China, Inparticular, rite and law combined with harmony mature and it also represented themature form of rule of rite thinking of Ancient China, that was rule of rite thinkingwas the base of the political and religious and the penalty was the purpose ofpolitical and religious”. This was System Summary of the country’s rulingexperience and thinking in Ancient China and was also the concentrated expressionof the feudal political and legal culture in the Tang dynasty. So making Commentson laws of Tang Empire as researching object and researching rule of rite thinkingfeatures became an indispensable content in researching on the traditional politicalculture.This thesis uses the political and cultural research methods, to do acomprehensive and in-depth study of rule of rite thinking in Comments on laws of Tang Empire From the politics to look at a traditional law, and from the law torefract politics, reflected the perspective of cultural and institutional unity. Based onthe full use of existing research results, rule of rite thinking was systematicallyanalyzed and inspected on the basis of a long history period of traditional society andthe article illustrates the historical process that how it was established and it alsoanalyzed the basic spirit of this political and cultural phenomenon, and further morerevealed the relationship of rule of rite thinking and legal system in Ancient China. Itpoints out that "rule of rite thinking was the base of the politics and religion,however penalty was the purpose of politics and religion " which was the basicprinciple to govern state in Ancient China, also was the guidance of the ancient lawsand implementation of standards. On this basis, the article focuses especially on ruleof rite thinking among Comments on laws of Tang Empire This article points out thatrule of rite thinking of Comments on laws of Tang Empire had developed with thedevelopment of history and had become an intrinsic logical structure and basiccontent of the ideological system, that was, the view of royal supremacy was thevalue of its political orientation, and family selfishness was its social ethical basis,realism concept was its political values, the grade difference was its basic kernel,ethical humanism was its external features and the combination of ceremony andpunishment was the way of realization. These contents interrelated and influencedeach other to form a whole system. After analyzing in the rule of rite thinking ofComments on laws of Tang Empire, combining with the historical status ofComments on laws of Tang Empire and the actual situation of political society ofTang dynasty, the article interprets the practical effect and the social impact on ruleof rite thinking, to do all these in order to achieve a more comprehensiveunderstanding about rule of rite thinking in Ancient China.This article gave a modern interpretation to rule of rite thinking of AncientChina and points out that rule of rite thinking are the product of certain society,history and culture. It is political and cultural patterns which combining with AncientChina’s economy and politics.We can learn something from it in constructingmodern society. Rule of rite thinking not only provided legitimacy for the ancientpolitical rule and made itself adapt to the small-scale peasant basis, but also had a great heritage and solid character that made the absolute monarchy political practiceof the ancient unity remain unchanged. So rule of rite thinking which guided theancient political practice played a very important role in maintaining authoritarianpolitical rule. However, rule of rite thinking had very obvious limitations, it was therule culture of the feudal landlord class in nature, it was an instrument of oppressionand slavery means for people, it existed just for upholding the interest of the feudallandlord class. It was the backward political culture. It used ethical way to solvepolitical problems and to simplify the complex political problems, but it actuallyrestricted social development. To compare rule of rite thinking to western legalthought, we found that rule of rite thinking was related to the ethical politics andlegal thought was related to legal politics. It had more ethics political color,obviously it was lack of the spirit of the modern legal thought and the latter wasmore involved in legal political ideas. Nevertheless, as same as the rule of lawthought, it also contained some common values that transcended time and space,racial rreligious. beliefs and cultural differences, such as norms agree, sprit ofcoming, harmony between human and nature, complementary of moral and law.These ideas still have some degree of reference to build socialism politicalcivilization and a harmonious society, they are worth our study and attention.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期