

A Research on Yunnan Reclamation Organization from Structural-Functionalism and Involution Perspective

【作者】 董向芸

【导师】 沈亚平;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 行政管理学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 农垦组织是我国边疆区域长期存在并发挥着重要作用的组织,对边疆地区的经济带动与辐射作用举足轻重。本选题立足于云南农垦组织的发展与改革历程研究,运用调研、问卷、访谈以及文本、数据统计等方法,对农垦总局、分局、农场不同层面的具体情况进行分析,以结构功能主义和“内卷化”作为理论工具,阐释农垦组织在改革和发展过程中所发生的整合与分化现象。选题的创新在于:“特殊公权力组织理性”设定,组织学理论疆域和农垦研究视域的拓展,“组织内卷化”概念创新,以及“宏观-中观-微观“的立体实证结构等。从理论角度来说,作为西方政治学的基本研究方法之一,结构功能主义集中于研究系统承载的功能以及实现这些功能的结构,强调分析每一特定系统中结构和功能的相互关系,试图通过剖析政治结构和政治功能揭示政治系统运转的规律。文中拟将组织视为一个系统,从而可以通过组织的结构、功能以及两者之间互动关系三个方面,来分析和研究组织及其发展。另外,还引入了“内卷化”概念来对农垦组织改革状况进行描述。“内卷化”是一个可以用来回应、分析和解释许多层面现象和问题且尚未统一界定的概念,文中分别从经济层面有增长无升级,管理层面有汲取无控制,文化层面有惯习无突破来具体定性这一概念,归纳出基本的共性要素来进行相应的组织研究,使之成为本研究审视组织的重要理论工具。以上述结构功能主义与“内卷化”为基本理论支撑,两者在农垦组织的实证研究过程中最终达成有机契合,奠定了本研究的重要基础。本研究借鉴和使用结构功能主义的一些概念,如整合、分化、利益结构,制度学中的一些界定,如制度环境、非制度环境、成本效益的分析等,同时,将社会结构功能主义对系统的理解引入组织理论的理解之中,综合融通形成了三个层次的基本理论逻辑框架,研究整体思维进路为:组织的产生和发展与组织所处的环境是紧密相联互为影响的,总要随时空的变化而变化,在这个变迁过程中,当资源与利益分配失序时,组织的相关利益主体不能在现有组织结构功能体系下获得利益诉求的满足,就产生新的获利需求,进而推动组织变革以重获新的利益结构。具体到相应的变迁过程,则本研究试图通过对不同的利益相关主体在利益结构的解构与重构行动分析,如组织的成本收益比较、相关主体利益属性的多元性、利益博弈中的取舍动机、组织资源依赖等,来辨析宏观环境变迁下的组织变化情况,以及组织结构功能转型过程中的内卷化约束条件。即农垦组织作为一种特殊公权力组织,它的结构功能转型与内卷化是以特殊公权力组织理性为前提,在既有区域资源禀赋的条件限制下,以渐变的方式呈现出组织整合与分化的演进过程,这个过程亦展示了组织变革结果与最初期望的悖离性,同时,相关的研究命题为下文的研究铺垫了理论基础。在实证方面,主要是从组织的形成环境与发生机制——组织结构功能演进——组织结构功能扩展过程来剖析云南农垦改制的组织变迁过程。云南农垦组织作为一种特殊的公权力组织,是建国之初特殊的国际和国内政治背景下的产物,它作为国家边疆管理的特殊手段,肩负着对地方整合与国家认同等政治社会功能。随着社会转型与发展,农垦组织也开始进行了相应的改革,其内容主要是改革传统的国有制和集权控制的资本组织形式,调整传统的国有所有制结构,使组织能够逐渐适应市场经济并转化为相应市场主体。这段时期农垦组织从结构与功能方面都发生了较大变化,本研究选取云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州农垦作为相应的实证样本。在其后的发展过程中,组织的发展实效却往往并不符合其发展预期,农垦组织的演进过程就证明了组织发展的这一困境。随着宏观制度环境的变化,组织原有的优势随之解体,组织逐渐陷入“内卷化”困境,表现为组织结构层面的行政取向与部门复制化,以及组织功能层面的目标模糊与劳动收益的人均递减。自2007年末开始,组织再现重构的端倪,云南省政府相继出台一系列政策,使组织重构步入了探索阶段。而这种组织结构功能重构的探索由于其关注点的不一致,使得云南农垦组织未能完全摆脱内卷化困境,获得组织结构功能的现代性。随着云南区域的经济社会的变迁,农垦组织需继续维持组织结构功能的比较优势,客观上要求进一步改革阻碍生产力发展的相关结构体制、功能机制以及组织的社会影响力,满足区域民众日益增长的经济发展需求,建构农垦组织与当地发展的新场群关系。文章最后主要从内部与外部两种视角来探讨农垦组织的建设与发展,分别就新形势下农垦应有的功能与作用的进行讨论,从国家以及区域经济社会发展层面,来寻求界定组织未来改革与发展的方向;继而深入组织内部,讨论组织本身的结构功能的逻辑形塑与安排,以及在今后发展中的完善途径;转向组织的外部环境建设,以组织发展的资源依赖与社会支持为对象,扩展分析组织与政策介入、与区域既有资源之间的互动机制和策略选择。

【Abstract】 This dissertation, based on the development experience research of Yunnanreclamation organizations, applies approaches such as investigation study,questionnaires, interviews, as well as detailed text study and statistic data, aims toanalyze the situation in each bureaucratic level of the reclamation organizations. Theresearch uses “structural-functionalism” theory as theoretical methods to explain theintegration and differentiation of reclamation organizations in the course of developand reform. The creativity and originality of this research is that it brings a newconcept: special public authority organization, which both expands the theoreticalfield of organization development and reclamation research, and serves to explain thenew phenomenon of organization development.From a theoretical perspective, as one of the basic research methodsstructural-functionalism theory primarily focuses on the functions and the structure tosupport them, along with the mutual relationship of function and structure within acertain organization. Structural-functionalism tries to uncover the operating rules ofpolitical system by analyzing political structure and functions. The dissertation triesto observe organization as a system, and discusses its development by analyzing itsstructure, function and their interaction. Besides, this research brings “involution”, aconcept that could be used to respond, analyze and explain many phenomenon andissues, to describe the reform status of reclamation organization. The research definesthis concept from economic, administration and culture perspectives, respectively, asaccumulation without upgrading, abstraction without controlling, habitation withoutbreaking-through, concludes their common features to apply to relative organizationresearches, and makes the involution concept an important theoretical tool for thisresearch to analyze organizations. Structural-functionalism and involution havereached organic consistency in the empirical study of reclamation organization, whichis a significant foundation of this research, because the study of Yunnan reclamationorganization is based on the theoretical frame of structural-functionalism andmentioned above. This research also takes several more concepts used by structural-functionalism theory, such as integration, differentiation and some conceptsfrom institutionalism such as institutional environment, informal institutionalenvironment, and cost-benefit analysis. Besides, the research introduces someinterpretations of system from structural-functionalism. The basic theoretical andlogical framework of this dissertation is made up by the concepts mentioned above.The general approach of this research is: since the generation and development oforganization is inseparable from and interdependent with its surrounding environment,and will always change correspondingly with time and space, when the allocation ofresource and interest becomes disorderly in this process, relative interests and claimsof actors will not be realized with current functions and structures of the organization,and will generate new interest demands and will finally promote organizationaltransition to obtain new interest structure. This research aims to discuss the changeorganizational preferences and the restricting conditions of involution by analyzingthe behaviors of different interest groups, such as the cost-benefits analysis, interestdifferentiation of relative actors, their motives in each game and the resourcedependence of organizations. As a special public authority organization, the structureand functions of reclamation organization are based on the rationality of specialpublic authority organization, and displays a gradually transitional process oforganizational integration and differentiation within the restrictions of currentresources and natural conditions. This process also exhibits the dispersion oftransitional outcome from original expectation, which functions as a theoreticalfoundation for the next part of this dissertation.The empirical study of this research focuses on the generating environment andoperating mechanism of organization, its functional progress and structural-functionexpansion process, to analyze the organizational transition process in Yunnan. As aspecial public authority organization, reclamation organization was set up against theparticular domestic and international political background at first. As a specialadministration agency, reclamation organizations in Yunnan shouldered a lot ofsocio-political functions from local integration to national identification, andcommented responding reforms with social transition and evolution. The basic stepsof these reforms are to adjust traditional state ownership and change the centralized controlling of capital organization to gradually make organizations more competentmarket actors. The structure and functions of reclamation organizations haveprofoundly changed during this period. This research chooses reclamationorganizations in De-hong, Yunnan province as empirical case to prove that the effectof organizational development does not always meet its expectation during initiativereforms, and the evolutional process of reclamation organizations illustrates thisdilemma. As the broad institutional environment changes, the original advantagesbegin to disintegrate and those organizations gradually slipped into “involution”, aphenomenon displays as administration orientation, department duplication,ambiguous objectives and average labor benefit progressively decrease. From the endof2007, reconstitution began to reappear in reclamation organizations as the localgovernment published a series of policies, but this exploring strategy has not deliverreclamation organizations out of involution difficulties or help them acquiremodernity either.Reclamation organizations have to maintain the comparative advantage ofstructure and functions of organization with the regional socio-economic transition,which demands a more thorough reform of the relative structural institutions,functional mechanisms and even the social influence of organizations to meetpeople’s requirement of economic development and to construct a new relationshipbetween local business and reclamation farms. The final part of this dissertation takesboth perspectives from inside and outside in order to discuss the construction anddevelopment of reclamation organization, and tries to find the direction for the reformand development in the future. The author observes from inside to discuss the logicalshaping and arrangement of the organization and how to improve them in the future.Finally the dissertation takes an outside perspective to discuss the resource dependentand social support of development of organization, and expands the analysis to theinteracting mechanism between policy intervention and the present regional resourceas well as its strategy choice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期