

Research on the Role of Government in China’s Regional Industiral Transfer

【作者】 郑春勇

【导师】 杨龙;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治学理论, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 区域产业转移,是当前国内的一个重要经济现象,也是一个为许多学科领域的专家学者们所共同关注的热门话题。本研究的核心旨趣在于从政治学与行政管理学的角度来考察政府在国内产业转移中的作用,总结其规律性,探讨政府干预对区域产业转移所产生的影响以及存在的问题,进而在深入分析的基础上提出一些关于政府如何更好地促进区域产业转移的建议。自建国伊始,政府干预区域产业转移的现象就一直存在。比较典型的是发生在计划经济时期的“三线”建设和转轨时期的“东锭西移”。这两次区域产业转移,虽然时代背景不同、政府干预的方式不同,但均具有强烈的政治色彩,效果不甚理想。而当前国内正在发生的产业转移与以前的区域产业转移相比,有着很大的差异性。因为,现在我国的区域发展战略正在逐步转型,主体功能区规划也正在付诸实践,同时,加快转变经济增长方式、努力破解产业同构和重复建设等难题也是现阶段我国政府已经着手的重点工作。但从国际国内产业转移的形势来看,我国面临的处境并不乐观:一方面,金融危机之后许多发达国家推行制造业再造和产业回归政策,在一定程度上阻碍了我国顺利承接国际产业转移;另一方面,东南亚、南亚一些国家和地区的竞争优势开始凸显,不仅发达国家争相到印度、越南等国进行投资,就连我国沿海省市的产业也纷纷向这些地区转移。由此导致我国陷入了东部地区承接国际产业转移总量减少、中西部地区可能错失发展机遇的困境。就我国区域产业转移的现状而言,呈现出北上、西进和区域整合的基本态势。中央政府、地方政府都不同程度地介入了产业转移,并采取了不少干预措施。在中央政府层面,从国务院、发改委、商务部和工信部的相关举措来看,总体上呈现出一种层次分明的立体式干预特点。同时,在干预方式上,注重树立典型;在干预手段上,偏重政策引导;在领域选择上,突出国计民生重点行业和特殊领域;在产业布局上,突出重点、错位发展;在方向顺序上,从东到西,中部试验、西部推行,中西并举。此外,在中央政府推动区域产业转移的过程中,由于政策传导路径的差异还形成了三种作用机制,大致为:中央政府——央企;中央政府——地方政府——企业;中央政府——社会组织——企业。在地方政府层面,产业转出地政府、产业承接地政府的表现区别较大,即使同为转出地或同为承接地,政府介入产业转移的力度也各不相同,由此,也就形成了四种地方政府的行为模式:主动调整、被动适应、积极引进、消极承接。其中,前两种是产业转出地政府的行为模式,后两种是产业承接地政府的行为模式。但是,地方政府的行为模式又是在动态变化的。随着影响因素的变化,转出地政府的两种行为模式会相互转化,承接地政府的两种行为模式也会相互转化,甚至转出地政府的行为模式在一定条件下都有可能会转化成承接地政府的行为模式。政府干预对我国的区域产业转移产生了积极的推动作用,但同时也造成了一些不良后果。在如何充分发挥政府在区域产业转移中的作用这个问题上,我们可以借鉴美国、意大利、韩国等国政府推动本国区域产业转移的做法。为了更好地推动我国的区域产业转移,应该处理好中央政府与地方政府的关系、政府部门之间的关系、地方政府之间的关系、中央部委与省级政府的关系以及政府与企业的关系。具体来讲就是要分层定位各级政府的职能、促进部际协作、规范地方政府间竞争、加强省部合作、发展良性互动的政企关系。在操作层面,应该根据产业转移成熟度来选择政府干预的时机,在区域产业转移的不同阶段发挥不同的政府作用,同时,要加强转出地政府与承接地政府之间的合作。另外,为了更好地实施区域产业转移战略,还应该适当满足企业和企业家的合理诉求。当然,最重要的是要把握好政府干预的合理限度。

【Abstract】 Regional industrial transfer, which is an important economic phenomenon in China, isa hot topic. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of government in thedomestic industrial transfer from the perspective of Political Science andAdministrative Management, explore the impact of government intervention onregional industrial transfer as well as problems, and then put forward somerecommendations on how to promote regional industrial transfer.Since the founding, the government began to intervene in regional industrial transfer.The "third line" construction in the planned economy period, the "East ingot West" inthe transition period, etc.. However, the two regional industrial transfer effects are notideal. The current regional industry transfer is very special. China’s regionaldevelopment strategy is in transition, the planning of Major Function OrientedZoning is put into practice, the mode of economic growth is changing, and Industryisomorphism problem must be tackled. But China’s international environment anddomestic environment is not optimistic. On the one hand, the limitations of thedeveloped countries; the other hand, the competition from India, Vietnam and othercountries.The status quo of China’s regional industrial transfer, showing the three trends: to thenorth, west and regional integration. The Central Government, including the StateCouncil, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry ofCommerce, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, has taken manymeasures to promote regional industrial transfer, and formed of a number of featuresand the three mechanisms. From the performance of local government, where theindustry roll-out and where the industry undertaking are very different. According tothe local government’s performance, we can sum up the four patterns of behavior.Under certain conditions, these four patterns of behavior will be transformed intoeach other. Government intervention, a positive role in promoting China’s regional industrialtransfer, but also caused some adverse consequences. We can learn from the practicesof the Government of the United States, Italy, Korea and other countries to promotetheir regional industrial transfer. In order to promote China’s regional industrialtransfer, we should handle the relationship between the central government and localgovernment, the relationship between government departments, the relationshipbetween local government, the relationship between central ministries and provincialgovernments, as well as government and corporate relations. The functions ofgovernment at all levels should be determined separately. We should to strengthencollaboration between government departments, control the competition betweenlocal governments, strengthen the cooperation of the central ministries and provincialgovernments, and develop positive interaction relations between the government andenterprise. In addition, to choose the timing of government intervention should bebased on the maturity of regional industry transfer. The government should to play adifferent role in different stages of regional industrial transfer. The cooperationbetween local governments should be strengthened. The reasonable demands ofenterprises and entrepreneurs should be met. Of course, the most important thing is tograsp the reasonable limits of government intervention.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期