

The Study on Jinhua Literary School

【作者】 罗海燕

【导师】 查洪德;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 浙江金华(古称婺州),是宋以来南方一大学术中心。以“北山四先生”(何基、王柏、金履祥、许谦)为代表的金华朱学,历来被视为朱学嫡脉。入元后,金华之学“流而为文”,一个学派在他们弟子一辈衍变为一个文派,人们称之为金华文派。金华文派成员以金华学派后学为主体,开创于柳贯、黄溍、吴莱等,是为金华文派第一代作家;由其弟子辈宋濂、王袆、胡翰、戴良等人推向高潮,是为金华文派第二代;及明初方孝孺被杀之后走向式微。他们代际之间有着清晰的师承脉络,在为学与为文方面有着很多的共同之处。从元代中后期到明初,这一派持续百馀年,形成了自己的文学主张与诗文特点,在当时文坛上占有显著位置。在中国文学史上,这是一个值得重视的文学流派。对于这一流派,一些学者已有所关注。他们或是从理学方面,或是自地域视角对其进行了观照。本论文以金华文派为研究对象,则从学术与地域的层面对其进行综合考察。除绪论外,全文分为十章,对金华文派的生成、发展和诗文成就及特色加以论述。论文第一章主要阐述金华文派的生成背景。所谓背景,包括社会背景、地理文化背景以及学术背景。本章对这三个方面加以考察,进而为论述金华文派的特色提供重要的前提。第二章旨在理清金华之学流而为文的轨迹及原因,并采用以时间为主轴且参以师承的方法对金华文派的人员构成及发展历程加以梳理。其承传序列由“北山四先生”(何基、王柏、金履祥、许谦)——“金华三先生”(黄溍、柳贯、吴莱)——“金华四先生”(宋濂、王袆、胡翰、戴良)——方孝孺,形成一条继承主线。金华文派在确立以后,其诗文理论与创作有着鲜明的群体特征。论文第三章以金华文派第一代作家“金华三先生”黄溍、柳贯、吴莱等人为中心,对他们的学术与文艺加以考察。他们多数兼官员、学者、文人身份为一身,出仕为宦,退而讲学,游走于京师与金华之间,成为两地之间的重要联结,在某种程度上实现了元代主流文坛与地域文坛的互动。学术取向上则以朱学为主而融通各派之学说。文学主张方面,追求浑成的诗学理想。反映在诗文创作上,则形成其独具的文学风貌。论文第四章至第八章,在考察了元明之际金华文派第二代作家的政治抉择与心态变迁之后,以专题形式,分别对“金华四先生”宋濂、王袆、胡翰与戴良展开论述,并辐射及第二代所有作家。论文第九章主要补充了金华之学被遗忘的重要一支,即王毅及其门人一脉,完善了金华之学的谱系。通过与宋濂等人的比较,论文对王毅及其门人的人格、学术与文艺的特点加以归纳与总结。第十章主要探析金华文派式微的原因,并通过对金华文派多重悲剧的分析,考察了文人参与政治的悲剧根源。最后,在与江西文派、吴中文人以及明初的江西文人集团的比较中,对金华文派的文学史地位与深远影响作一考察。无论是就学术史还是文学史而言,绵延百馀年的金华文派,都占据有重要地位,因而也是应该认真研究的。

【Abstract】 The Jinhua(named Wuzhou in the ancientry)area has been the mainarea to spread Confucianism,where BeiShan school(includes He-Ji,Wang-Bai, Jin-Lvxiang, Xu-Qian) inherits Zhu-Xi’s philosophicalprinciples. In the Yuan Dynasty,Jinhua school changed and formated anew literary school which called Jinhua literary school. This literaryschool whose members mostly born in Jinhua, was created byHuang-Jin,Liu-Guan,Wu-Lai etc.Then be pushed to reach its peak bySong-Lian,Wang-Hui,Hu-Han,Dai-Liang etc.However it declined afterFang-Xiaoru had been killed. Jinhua literary school continuanced morethan100years,and has formed its own unique academic features andliterary ideal.Because of the significant position in the Song dynasty andplaying a key role in the trend of literature thought between the late Yuanand early Ming,we can conclude that it is a very important literary school in the history of the Chinese academic and culture.The paper is divided into three parts ultimately,which inludespreface, text and appendix, while the text is divided into10chapters.The first chapter summarizes the formation background of Jinhualiterary school,which includes social, regional and academic background.The second chapter explores flow of changing track and reason of Jinhualiterary school,then analyzes its members and development course.Themain list is composed of Beishan school(includes He-Ji, Wang-Bai,Jin-Lvxiang, Xu-Qian), Three Confucian scholars in Jinhua(includesHuang-Jin Liu-Guan,Wu-Lai),Four Confucian scholars (includesSong-Lian,Wang-Hui, Hu-Han,Dai-Liang). After establishing,Jinhualiterary school has the distinctive group characteristics of Literary theoryand creation.The third chapter summarizes Huang-Jin and others`academic andliterary. As the first generation of Jinhua literary school,most of them are officials, scholars and literator,and became the tache between the capitaland Jinhua.In the academic orientation,they inherited Cheng-Zhu`sNeo-Confucianism and accept the other doctrines.In the literature, theypursued artless poetic ideal. Most of their poesy are innovative,and beunique in style of their own. In the prose creation, they explore theacademic such as system, history and philosophy,and formed a uniquestyle. The chapterⅣto chapterⅤ,Ⅵ,Ⅶ and Ⅷ separately elaboratedSong-Lian, Wang-Hui, Hu-Han, Dai-Liang and others`academic, literarytheory and literary creation by the topical forms,after summarizingSong-Lian and others`political choice and attitude change.The chapterⅨ supplements a forgotten, important branche of Jinhua’s academic at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, which discusses on thepersonalities, academic and articles of Wang-Yi and his disciples.Wang-Yi, the descendant of Jin hua’s academic,was taught by Xu-Qian.In comparison with Song Lian etc.Wang’s academic sources are purer. They are the indispensable partment of Jinhua literary school.The tenthchapter mainly discusses the reason of the decline of Jinhua literaryschool, and comments on its influence on later generations.At last,comparing Jinhua literary school with Jiangxi literary school andWuzhong intellectual organization to highlight its position in the historyof literature.We can make a conclusion that whether in academic history andliterary history, Jinhua literary school which lats for more than100yearsis one of the important canto. It deserves our attention.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期