

The World Capitalist Mode of Agricultural Production Dominated by Monopoly Capital and Food Crisis

【作者】 王帅

【导师】 张俊山;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 粮食问题受到国际社会的关注以及保障粮食安全成为国际社会共同追求的目标,源于1972年至1974年爆发的世界范围内的粮食危机,而2008年一场严重的粮食危机再次袭击了整个世界,小麦、玉米、稻米和大豆的农场价格较2005年分别上涨了98%、103%、120%和76%,37个国家面临严重的粮食短缺,全球饥饿人口不断增加,2007年为9.23亿人,2008年9.63亿人,2009年上升到10.2亿,全球许多地区爆发动乱。2011年初联合国粮农组织再次发出警告:2010年粮食价格指数跃增至214.7点,超过了2008年6月创下的213.5点的历史最高纪录,并预测2011年全球粮食价格可能进一步高企,世界可能面临新一轮全球性粮食危机。关于粮食危机爆发原因的探讨是近两年国际学术界关注的热点,但理论界大多数学者都是从分析引起粮食供给与需求变化的角度去考察,认为是世界粮食供求之间出现的结构性矛盾引发了此次粮食危机,并举出了若干导致粮食供求变化的因素。本文认为这些因素只是粮价上涨的直接导火索,是在发展中国家农业生产系统面临被摧毁、世界粮食体系存在诸多不合理等长期问题的大环境下出现的,而造成这一局面的根本原因是垄断资本主导的世界资本主义农业生产方式。垄断资本为了扩大资本输出积极推动农业领域自由化,成功地打开了广大发展中国家的农业市场,进而凭借其强大的垄断实力逐渐控制了发展中国家的农业,并将工业化农业生产方式扩散到全球形成了有利于垄断资本在世界范围内攫取剩余价值的世界资本主义工业化农业生产方式,最终对全球农业格局造成了破坏性的影响,而粮食危机爆发的因素即孕育其中,供求矛盾不过是全球农业格局变迁这一生产关系运动的外在表现。本题目的研究以马克思主义为指导,在阅读整理大量文献资料基础上,遵循马克思主义政治经济学的研究传统,从农业生产力与生产关系的变化入手,具体考察经济全球化背景下农业垄断资本的活动内容,并上升到理论,提出相应的理论观点。研究过程中,注意吸收借鉴西方马克思主义、激进学派以及其它左派学者的思想,努力运用马克思主义科学抽象法分析资料,以分析生产关系及其制度表现和活动表现为线索,揭示经济全球化背后农业垄断资本对全球农业的主导及其活动规律。本论文注重运用揭示本质的抽象研究方法的同时还注重数量分析以探寻反映农业跨国公司及跨国垄断势力变化的数量表现。通过本论文的研究在理论上充实了有关“国际垄断资本”在农业领域的研究内容,提出垄断资本对农业的控制区别于以往的垄断资本对工业的控制,对垄断资本主导的世界资本主义农业生产方式的形成、发展、特征及弊端进行较全面的分析,为科学地理解此次粮食危机提供了理论依据。实践上,在对农业跨国公司投资我国农业的战略布局进行分析后,提出针对垄断资本投资我国农业的政策建议,并立足我国农业发展状况提出恢复生态农业以确保农业可持续发展的观点。本研究按照以下八个方面展开。第一章是导论。通过对粮食危机的分析提出问题,并列出论文研究思路、研究框架及创新与不足;第二章沿着历史的脉络剖析以英美为代表的发达国家资本主义农业发展的历程,指出资本介入农业的根本逻辑,即资本主义农业生产是以利润最大化为唯一目的。第三章是第二章所分析的资本介入农业的新的发展阶段。以美国为例分析垄断资本如何借助国家垄断资本主义农业政策通过对农业产业价值链条中农资产品投入、农产品加工、农产品终端销售的控制从而实现对农业生产的控制。第四章考察新自由主义在世界农业领域尤其是发展中国家的广泛推行如何改变了全球的农业格局,并形成了有利于垄断资本的世界粮食体系。并以拉丁美洲为例分析在这一过程中发展中国家原有的自给自足的粮食供应体系如何纷纷崩塌并致使粮食安全的命脉掌控在垄断资本手中。第五章具体对垄断资本全球扩张的驱动力及垄断方式的建立进行考察,并剖析垄断资本主导的世界农业生产方式的性质和特征,指出世界资本主义农业生产方式导致的全球农业格局变迁中孕育着粮食危机爆发的因素。第六章在分析世界粮食危机的发展过程及特征的基础上,对世界粮食危机爆发的根本原因进行剖析,指出世界资本主义工业化农业生产方式对世界粮食供求的长期和短期因素影响的累积效应是此次粮食危机爆发的根本原因。第七章指出发展中国家成为此次粮食危机的最大受害者的根源即在于发达国家垄断资本所主导的不公正的世界粮食贸易体系,并对工业化农业生产方式的不可持续性进行批判,肯定传统农业生产方式的历史合理性及生态可持续性。第八章从剖析农业跨国公司对中国农业战略布局入手,分析农业跨国公司活动给中国粮食安全的破坏性影响,并提出政策建议,同时提出中国农业应根据自身实际情况恢复生态可持续性农业,以确保我国粮食安全。

【Abstract】 Food security caused the international community’s attention and became thecommon goal of the international community because of the worldwide food crisishappened in1972-1974. Another serious food crisis in2008attacked the entire worldagain. The farm prices of wheat, corn, rice and soybean rose by98%,103%,120%and76%compared to2005,37countries suffered serious food shortages, thepopulation in hunger continued to increase in global,923million people in2007,963million people in2008,1.02billion people in2009, many regions of the worldoccurred turmoil. Early2011, FAO warned again: The world may face a new globalfood crisis because the food price index jumped to a record high. The discussionabout the reason of the food crisis caused a widespread concern in theoretical circlesin the last two years, but most economists considered the structural contradictionsbetween supply and demand as the reason of the food crisis and cited a number offactors leading to the changes of the supply and demand. This paper thinks that thesefactors are only direct trigger to the food crisis which happened in the long-termproblems such as the destroyed agricultural production systems in developingcountries and the unreasonable global food system. The fundamental reason for this situation is that the monopolies opened the agricultural markets of the developingcountries successfully by promoting the liberalization of the agricultural sector, andmanipulated the agriculture of the developing countries with its increasingly powerfulmonopoly power, eventually leading to a devastating impact to the global agriculture.The agriculture multinationals made it by promoting the liberalization of theagricultural sector, and gave birth to the factors leading to the food crisis. Thecontradiction between supply and demand is the manifestation of the movements ofthe production relations.This thesis take Marxism as the guiding ideology, follow the tradition of Marxistpolitical economy, start with the changes in the agricultural productive forces andproduction relations, specifically study activities of the transnational agriculturalmonopoly capital in the context of economic globalization and rise to the theory, putforward the corresponding theoretical point of view on the basis of a large number ofdocuments. In the process of the study, I pay attention to absorbing the ideology ofWestern Marxism, radical school as well as other left-wing scholars, strive to usescientific abstract method of Marxism to analyze data, reveal the activity patterns ofthe agricultural monopoly capital on the basis of analyzing the production relationsand the system performance. This thesis not only focuses on revealing the nature, but focuses on quantitative analysis to reflect the varieties of the agriculturalmultinational corporations and transnational monopoly power. The study theoreticallyenriches the “monopoly capital" in the field of agriculture, proposes the differencesbetween the control of monopoly capital in agriculture and the control of monopolycapital in industry, makes a more comprehensive analysis of the formation,development, characteristics and drawbacks of the world capitalist mode ofagricultural production, provides a theoretical basis for understanding the food crisis.In practice, this article analyzes the strategic layout of the agricultural multinationalcompanies in China’s agriculture, checks the devastating impact to China’s foodsecurity, and provides the policy recommendations. At the end, I point the view ofrecovering ecological agriculture to ensure the agricultural sustainable developmentbased on the fact of China’s agricultural development.This article includes eight chapters. The first chapter lists paper ideas, researchframework innovations and shortcomings through the analysis of the food crisis. Thesecond chapter analyzes the processes of the development of capitalism in agriculturein the developed countries, and points out the fundamental logic of the capitalinvolved in agriculture, the capitalist agricultural production is to maximize profitsfor the purpose. The third chapter is a new stage of development of the capital involved in agriculture. This chapter analyzes the monopoly capital how to achievethe control of agriculture with the aid of the agricultural policy of state monopolycapitalism, achieves its control on agricultural production through the control to thefood production chain from seed,purchasing and storage. The fourth chapterexamines the neo-liberal implemented in developing countries how to change theworld’s agricultural patterns, and forms the world food system in favor of monopolycapital. In this process, the self-sufficient food supply system in developing countrieshave collapsed, the lifeblood of the food safety is controlled in the hands of monopolycapital. The fifth chapter analyzes the driving force of the expansion of monopolycapital and the way of the establishment of monopoly capital., then analyzes thenature and characteristics of the world capitalist mode of agricultural productionwhich dominated by monopoly capital, at last pointed out that the process of thechange dominated by the world capitalist mode of agricultural production gives birthto the factors leading to the food crisis. The Chapter sixth essentially points out thereason of the food crisis which is the cumulative effect of the long-term andshort-term factors caused by the monopoly capital-led world capitalistindustrialization mode of agricultural production. The Chapter seventh points outthe fact that developing countries had become the biggest victims in the food crisis because of the unjust world food trade system dominated by monopoly capital, thencriticizes the unsustainable industrialization mode of agricultural production andagree with the ecological sustainability of the traditional mode of agriculturalproduction. The chapter eighth analyzes the strategic layout of the agriculturalmultinational companies in China’s agriculture, checks the devastating impact toChina’s food security, and provides the policy recommendations. At the end, I pointthe view of recovering ecological agriculture to ensure the agricultural sustainabledevelopment based on the fact of China’s agricultural development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】F313;F316.11
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】355
  • 攻读期成果