

Research on Motivation and Synergistic Effect of Chinese Regional Industrial Transfer

【作者】 刘英基

【导师】 张文杰; 杜传忠;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 产业经济学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 现阶段,在我国区域经济梯度差异持续扩大的情况下,积极实施“西部大开发”、“中部崛起”和“东北老工业基地振兴”等发展战略是实现中西部地区和东部沿海地区的经济协同发展的重大战略举措,推进区际产业转移是推动我国各区域产业结构优化升极,促进东、中、西和东北地区经济的协同发展,加快经济发展方式转变的重要内容和根本途径;有助于发挥中西部地区的资源和劳动力优势,推动中西部地区在承接区际产业转移过程中实现经济跨越式发展,从而实现区域经济协同发展;也是推动中国经济保持快速、健康和可持续发展的关键所在。区际产业转移包括扩张性产业转移和衰退性产业转移两种类型,扩张性产业转移主要是指发达地区企业为追求更大的发展空间前提,积极向其他地区投资的过程;衰退性产业转移一般是基于发达地区产业结构优化升级而促使边际产业向欠发达地区转移的,东部沿海地区在市场与资源允许发展新兴产业从而调整提升区域产业结构的情况下,推动部分产业向中西部地区转移。本文的研究重点是如何有效推进东部沿海地区向中西部地区的以衰退性为主要类型,但也包括部分扩张性的区际产业转移,这是中国区域经济中最具有典型性和研究价值的区际产业转移。在对区际产业转移的理论研究方面,本文运用复杂系统理论分析区际产业转移的特征,运用博弈论和新经济地理理论等方法从区位选择、要素流动、产业集聚和产业政策推动等方面分析区际产业转移的实现机制。从资源配置优化、产业结构升级和区域经济增长三个方面分析了区际产业转移的协同效应,认为区际产业转移是实现区域协同发展的重要途径。在对中国区际产业转移的实证研究方面,一是运用因子分析法和区位商对中国的区域经济梯度差异、产业结构梯度差异现状和中国产业区际分布的变化趋势进行分析。认为中国区际产业转移已经开始发生,但大规模区际产业转移的现象还未呈现,中国区际产业转移是中国经济发展的必然要求,推进中国区际产业转移具有现实必要性和紧迫性;二是对中国区际产业转移的影响因素分析。在运用区位商、面板分析模型等对中国产业区际分布的变化趋势,中西部承接区际产业转移的促进因素和东部进行区际产业转移的障碍性因素进行实证分析的基础上,对影响中国区际产业的因素进行了梳理和分析。区际产业转移的影响因素中既包括动力因素,也存在障碍因素;三是对中国区际产业转移协同效应的实证分析。在对中国区际产业转移协同效应实现机制进行理论分析的基础上,以安徽省承接长三角地区的产业转移为例,运用实证分析方法对中国区际产业转移协同效应进行了分析,区际产业转移有助于推动产业转出地与承接地经济的协同发展。综合上述研究内容可见,区位优势、资源禀赋等对企业进行区际产业转移产生重要的作用,区际产业转移的机制主要包括以生产要素为主体推动产业转移的要素流动机制、以企业为主体带动区际产业转移的区位选择机制、区位选择主体企业与产业承接的企业一起作用的产业集聚推动机制和地方政府通过优惠政策对区际产业转移的推动机制。区际产业转移动力机制表明,政府通过配套设施建设、税收减免等优惠政策和补贴措施也能够因有助于增加区际产业转移企业的收益而拉动企业进行区际产业转移。中国东部沿海地区向中西部地区的区际产业转移已经开始并逐渐明显,但目前尚未出现大规模的从东部沿海地区向中西部地区进行区际产业转移。区际产业转移有助于促进东部地区产业升级和加快中西部的经济快速发展,从而实现各区域经济的协同发展。区际产业转移与承接地的区位条件、区域产业集聚、生产要素等资源禀赋、消费购买力与市场需求水平呈正相关关系,与产业转移转出地的技术、资金、劳动力供给水平及市场容量等呈负相关关系。东部沿海地区的依靠要素投入的经济增长模式,资本、劳动和技术等生产要素以及产业集聚效应等因素成为区际产业转移的障碍性因素。本文提出了系统化的和具有可操作性的对策建议。

【Abstract】 At this stage, as the difference degree of industrial development between theeast and the central and western regions is becoming more and more significant. It isvery important to promote the collaborative development of the central and westernregions and eastern coastal regions economy. It is necessary to actively promote theregional industrial transfer from the developed regions to the central and westernregions during the process of actively implementing the economic developmentStrategies of " great development of the western regions","Rising of Central China"and " Revitalization of the northeast old industrial base”. Regional industrial transferis an objective requirement of optimizing and upgrading the regional industrialstructure and collaborative development, and it has become an important way torealize economic interaction and collaborative development between the regionswith different development levels. In the context of the development of economicglobalization and regional economic integration, it has important theoretical valueand practical significance to actively promote China’s regional industrial transfer andpromote the collaborative development of eastern, central, west and northeastregional economy. It is an important and fundamental way to promote theoptimization of regional industrial structure and accelerate the transformation ofeconomic development model. It also helps to give full play the resource and laboradvantages of central and western regions of China, and to promote the central andwestern regions to realize leaps and bounds, so as to achieve the collaborativedevelopment of regional economy. It also is the key to promote the Chineseeconomy to keep rapid, healthy and sustainable development.There are two types of regional industrial transfer that the central and westernregions undertake from the developed eastern regions, which are expansionaryindustrial transfer and declining industrial transfer, the expansionary regionalindustrial transfer is an investment process of the enterprises in developed easternregions to seek more favorable profit margins, and this kind of regional industrial transfer is the process of enterprises actively investing in other regions based on thepursuit of greater space for development premise; The declining industrial transfer isoften promoted based on the industrial structure upgrading of the developed easternregions, the developed regions can adjust and upgrade the regional industrialstructure to promote some industries transfer to the central and western regionsbased on developing some new emerging industries in the condition of the marketand resources allowing. The study focuses of this dissertation is how to effectivelypromote regional industrial transfer be happened from the eastern coastal areas to thecentral and western regions, so as to realize the collaborative development of variousregions. It is the most typical research value in China.The dissertation uses the complex adaptive system and synergetic theories toanalyze the collaborative development of regional economy, uses factor analysis,game theory and new economic geography theory to do theoretical analysis ofmotivation and realization mechanism of regional industrial transfer. The essence ofthe regional industrial transfer is a market behavior, an enterprise whether carried outregional industrial transfer or not is always affected by location advantage, resourceendowments, etc. The implementation mechanisms of regional industrial transfermainly includes elements flow mechanism, location select mechanism, industrialagglomeration mechanism to promote enterprises to be gathered and industrialpolicy mechanism to promote the industrial transfer. Regional industrial transfer is asource to maintain regional economic vitality and enhance the competitive advantageof regional economic subsystem. The synergies mechanism of regional industrialtransfer in the process of regional economic development mainly reflected therational flow of factors and will bring about collaborative effect of enterprises,industries and regions.In empirical analysis of regional industrial transfer in China. First, this thesisanalyzes the inevitability of regional industrial transfer. The dissertation analyzedChinese regional economic gradient differences, the status of the industrial structureand social development with factor analysis and location quotient statistics, theregional industrial transfer.is the inevitable requirement to achieve collaborativedevelopment of regional economy. Second, the thesis analyzes the spatial factors to regional industrial transfer. Based on the empirical analysis of the distribution trendsof Chinese regional industry, the impact factors of the central and western regionsundertaking regional industrial transfer, and the obstacle factors of regionalindustrial transfer from eastern developed regions on the basis of location quotientand the panel analysis model, and the conclusion is that the regional industrialtransfer in China has been happened, but the phenomenon of large-scale regionalindustrial transfer has not yet been rendered; Third, the empirical analysis to theregional industrial transfer and the synergistic effect. Take Anhui provinceundertaking regional industrial transfer from Yangtze River Delta region for example,this dissertation analyzes the synergistic effect of regional industrial transfer withempirical analysis methods. The inspection confirmed that the regional industrialtransfer can help promote collaborative economic development between the regionsof industry roll-out and undertaking.Through the study, we draw the following conclusions: the regional industrialtransfer can help the industrial upgrading of eastern areas and accelerate the rapideconomic development of the Midwest areas, so as to achieve the collaborativedevelopment of regional economy. The regional industrial transfer from Chineseeastern regions to the central and western regions has already begun and graduallyaccelerated. But the large-scale regional industrial transfer has not yet appeared. Theregional industrial transfer is positively correlated to the location conditions, theregional industrial agglomeration, the resource endowments, consumer purchasingpower and market demand levels. At this stage, the manufacturing industry inChinese eastern coastal areas is still not completely get rid of relying on the factorinputs. It is still more significant that capital, labor, technology and other factors ofproduction contribute to the growth and development of manufacturing sector, whilethese factors become obstacles to Chinese regional industrial transfer. Finally, thisdissertation offered some systematic and workable suggestions to promote regionalindustrial transfer and the collaborative development of regional economy accordingto the above conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期
  • 【分类号】F124;F279.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】962
  • 攻读期成果