

Cultural Traces of a Diplomat: the Research on W.W.Yen and the Culture Careers from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China

【作者】 孙增德

【导师】 元青;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 民国元老颜惠庆是著名外交家,他的外交经历和政坛生涯极为显赫,但他更是有名的社会活动家,其文化履迹在二十世纪的中外文化交流史上留下了深刻的印记。学界对于他在文化事业方面的活动少有述及。颜惠庆出生在上海,父亲是基督教华人牧师,还是早期留美生,使得颜惠庆自小有得天独厚的优势接受西方文化的熏陶,后来求学美国,西学的储备更是丰富。与此同时,颜惠庆在发蒙时接受了中国传统文化的教育。颜惠庆早年的文化际遇,为以后的文化履迹奠定基础。颜惠庆本人精通好几门外语,最擅长英语。他在商务印书馆编纂出版的《英华大辞典》,是近代中国第一部百科全书性质的双语工具书,一经问世,便引起巨大反响,畅销数十年。在商务印书馆时期,他还有《华英翻译捷诀》刊行于世,这是他在圣约翰的教学实践积累而成的。颜惠庆不仅对西方文化大力宣传,对中国文化的对外传播也是不遗余力,促成梅兰芳访苏表演就是其大手笔。颜惠庆时任驻苏大使,为演出的成功劳心劳力,堪称是梅兰芳访苏的总管家。由于颜惠庆在民国时期有崇高的社会声望,许多大学都聘请他出任董事乃至董事会主席。著名学府圣约翰、燕京、清华、南开等校都曾获益匪浅。他与圣约翰大学关系最密切。他在圣约翰大学度过自己的童年,后赴美留学弗吉尼亚大学,毕业归国后,执教圣约翰大学,直到1908年跟随伍廷芳使美。结束教师生涯后,开始从政。但是不论身在何处,颜惠庆都没有断绝与圣约翰大学的联系。抗战后期出任圣约翰大学校董和校董事会主席,与圣约翰大学一起度过最艰难的岁月。颜惠庆结识司徒雷登后,随即被拉入燕京大学董事会,出任校董会主席,为燕京大学的发展提供了必要的人脉支持。燕京通过他,在中国社会上争取了不少资金援助。由于他与张伯苓私交甚笃,被张伯苓邀请出任南开学校董事会主席,在任期内为南开的顺利发展保驾护航。至于清华大学,缘起于美国退还庚款,自退款兴学之初,他便有幸参与其中。后来接替周自齐担任清华学堂总办。彼时清华隶属外交部,他执掌外交部,清华几任校长都与他有着密不可分的关系。他对早期清华的发展起了积极的影响。美国第二次退还庚款还成立了中华教育文化基金董事会。颜惠庆出任首任董事长,直到1929年中基会改组后辞职,后来抗战期间再度出任中基会董事,直到抗战胜利。颜惠庆在任期内为中国的文教事业做出了许多贡献。他对基督教在华事业亦多有助力,除教会大学外,他参与创办了上海基督教青年会,先后出任副会长、干事多年。综上所述,颜惠庆是一位学者型的外交家。在长期的外交生涯和社会事业实践中形成了独到的文化观。他对中国传统文化有着精辟的认识,主张积极引进西方先进文化,改良中国文化。他的文化观有着对中西文化兼通的理性自觉,期望世界文化的大同。当然他的文化观并非完美无瑕,有其不足之处。通过叙述颜惠庆的文化活动,把握颜的文化初衷,厘清他的文化归宿,给予颜惠庆在中外文化交流史上的历史坐标。

【Abstract】 W. W. Yen is a famous diplomat of the Republic of China, his foreignexperience and political career is very prominent. But he is more well-known socialactivist, his cultural activities had a profound impact on the cultural exchangebetween China and abroad in modern history. The Academia discourse rarely for hisactivities in the cultural undertakings.W. W. Yen was born in Shanghai. His father was a Chinese Christian pastor, hestudied in America. This allowed him to have the advantage to accept the Westernculture. He then went to studied in the United States to enrich his Western culture. Atthe same time, W. W. Yen received the education of traditional Chinese culture. Hisearly years of cultural experience lay the foundation for the future cultural activities.W.W.Yen is fluent in several foreign language, best in English. He published abook in the Commercial Press. It was <an English and chinese standard dictionary>.It is the first a bilingual dictionary in modern China which was written by chinese, asit published, it caused a tremendous response, selling for decades. He also published"a manual of translation", which is the accumulation of his teaching practice in St.John’s university. He not only vigorously publicized the Western culture, also sparedthe external communication of Chinese culture no pains. He contributed to theperformance of Mei Lanfang visited the Soviet Union.He was ambassador to theSoviet, he played an important role in the success of the performances.He had high social prestige in the Republic of China, many universities havehired him as Chairman of the Board. Many universities had benefits for him, such asYenching, Tsinghua, St.john’s, Nankai. He is the closest relationship with the St.John’s University. His childhood was spent at St. John’s. He graduated from theUniversity of Virginia. Then he taught at St. John’s until1908. He began in politics.But no matter in where, W.W.Yen have not lost contact with the St. John’s University.He served the board of directors of st. john’s university in the Sino-Japanese War, heis the chairman. He got through the most difficult years together with St. John’s University. He acquainted with John Leighton Stuart. He was invited to join theboard of directors of Yenching University. He served as Chairman, provided thenecessary contacts to support the development of Yenching University. He fought alot of financial assistance for Yenching. He and Zhang boling was good friends. Hewas invited to serve as Chairman of the Board of Nankai School. He played a hugerole in the smooth development of Nankai. Tsinghua University is established by theUnited States refund The Boxer Indemnity. He succeeded Zhou ziqi as TsinghuaUniversity Chancellor. Tsinghua University was attached to the Department of State.He was in charge of the Department of State. The Tsinghua several principals has aclose relationship with him. He played a positive impact on the early development ofTsinghua. The second returned to the Boxer Indemnity was established ChinaFoundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture. W.W.Yen served as the firstpresident until1929. He was as a Director in1940until1945. He made manycontributions to China’s culture and education during his term of office. He also gavea lot of help to the business of Christianity in China. He participated in the foundingof the Shanghai YMCA. He had served as Vice President, Director-General for manyyears.In summary, W.W.Yen is a scholar-diplomat. In his diplomatic practice, heformed a special cultural outlook. He had a thorough understanding of traditionalChinese culture, He actively introduce advanced Western culture, He improved theChinese culture. His cultural outlook was together with chinese and western culturein rational conscious. He looked forward to Datong of world culture. Of course, hisculture outlook is not perfect, had its inadequacies.By describing Yen’s cultural activities, I grasp the original intention of hisculture. Then I found his cultural destination, gave to Yen’s position in the history ofcultural exchange.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 07期