

Research on Component-based Risk Management System for High-tech Virtual Enterprise

【作者】 王晓明

【导师】 高长元;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨理工大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 技术更新频率加快和产品附加值提高使高技术企业面临着前所未有的危机。为了应对全球化的竞争格局,高技术企业就要快速地实现高技术产品的开发和产业化,因此需要亟待整合各方的资源优势,来分散高技术企业的各种风险,并提高创新效率。组建高技术虚拟企业(High-tech Virtual Enterprise, HTVE)不仅有利于培养高技术企业持续核心竞争力,而且还有助于整合高技术企业局部竞争优势,使我国的高技术企业在规模上以及研发能力不足的情况下,也能够进行相应的技术创新及新产品的开发。HTVE成员为了实现共同的目标,获得利润,就会承担相应的合作风险,而且所得收益也会不同。因此,HTVE须制定合理的风险管理体系,来保证成员企业在承担风险的同时,也能因合作而获得相应的收益,否则成员企业为了追求自身利益的最大化,做出影响HTVE正常运营的决定,从而影响HTVE的收益水平,甚至被迫解散。基于构件的HTVE风险管理体系与HTVE的组织结构、HTVE各成员构件的核心能力、风险管理方式等因素都具有很大的关联性。因此,HTVE风险管理体系的研究就要与HTVE的实际背景联系在一起。论文在分析了传统的HTVE的组织结构的前提下,提出了基于构件的HTVE组织结构,并在此基础上提出了基于构件的HTVE风险管理体系。接下来按照HTVE生命周期的顺序,对各个成员构件所面临的风险因素进行识别,并利用ISM分析了各构件风险因素之间的内在联系。第四章在界定了HTVE成员构件投入资本价值和分析所有成员构件投入资本可能形成沉没成本的比例后,建立了衡量HTVE风险大小和风险损益值模型,并且用资本资产定价模型估计出HTVE的期望投资回报率,最后应用可拓理论对HTVE风险进行了评价。并在第五章中,根据衡量与评价的风险大小和风险收益值,设计了相应的基于构件的HTVE风险控制体系。在第六章利用可拓理论设计了基于构件的HTVE风险预警策略生成系统。最后,论文以黑龙江大有农业生物技术有限企业发起的生产生物信息素项目为背景,展示了实施风险管理的关键过程,验证了风险预警策略生成系统的可行性和有效性。把HTVE的成员细分为一个一个的构件,是为了更好地分析每个成员构件所可能发生的风险,并且及时地发现,识别出来。对各个成员构件投入到HTVE中的成本(有形和无形)进行界定,以及分析这些成本中可能形成沉没成本的比例,是为了更好地衡量与评价风险,使之更切合实际。利用可拓拓展规则等设计的风险预警策略生成系统,为决策者更加及时、方便、快捷地进行风险管理提供强有力地帮助。通过本论文的研究,希望能够对我国HTVE风险管理问题的研究起到积极的促进作用,并且在实际应用中,对促进我国高技术企业及高技术产业的发展,起到积极的推动作用。

【Abstract】 The accelerating frequency of technology updates and the improving of value-added products make high-tech enterprises face an unprecedented crisis. In response to global competition, high technology enterprise has to quickly achieve high-tech products development and industrialization, so the demand to integrate the all the resources, to disperse various risks of high-tech enterprises,and to increase innovation and efficiency is urgent. The formation of High-tech Virtual Enterprise (High-tech Virtual Enterprise, HTVE) can not only help to develop core competitiveness of high-tech enterprise, but also help to integrate high-tech enterprises local core superiority, so that our high-tech enterprises can also carry out technology innovation and product development under in the lack of whole scale and R&D capabilities situation. In order to achieve a common goal, profit and collaboration, HTVE members will bear the corresponding risks, and the proceeds will be different. Therefore, HTVE need to formulate a reasonable risk management system to ensure that member companies to take risks, but also can benefit from cooperation and obtain the corresponding receipts, otherwise member enterprise will be in the direction of their own to maximize profits, make decisions affecting the normal operation of HTVE, thus affecting the level of HTVE income, or even forced to dissolveHTVE component-based risk management system and HTVE’s organization structure, core capabilities of HTVE member companies, risk management mode and other factors have a strong correlation. Thus, the research of risk management system has closely link to the background of HTVE. After analyzing the traditional organization structure of HTVE, this thesis proposed component-based HTVE organization structure and HTVE risk management system. According to the HTVE life cycle order, this research identified risk factors of each member components and analyzed the interaction between risk factors of each component by using ISM. In chapter four, after defining the value of invested capital of HTVE member components and analyzing the ratio of all member components invested capital to sunk costs, this research established a model which can measure the size of HTVE risk and the value of risk profit and loss, and used the capital asset pricing model to estimate the expectation investment return rate of HTVE, used extension theory to evaluate the risk of HTVE at last. In chapter five, according to the size of risk measurement and evaluation and risk return values, this research developed the corresponding component-based risk control system for HTVE. In chapter six, this research designed component-based HTVE risk warning strategy generating system by using the extension theory. Finally, this thesis taken biology pheromone project which is sponsored by Heilongjiang Dayou Agricultural Biotechnology Co., Ltd. as empirical background, showed the key processes of risk management, proved the feasibility and effectiveness of risk warning strategy generating system.In order to better analyze the possible risks of each member components, find and identify these risks immediately, this research subdivided HTVE members into components. By defining the cost (tangible and intangible) of each member component invested into HTVE, and analyzing the ratio of sunk cost, we could better measure and evaluate risk, also make the risk more practical. Risk warning strategy generating system which is designed by extension rules could provide more timely, convenient, prompt and powerful help for decision makers. The research could play a positive role in HTVE risk management issues in China, and also play a positive role in promoting China’s high-tech enterprises and high-tech industry dcvclopment in practical applications.
