

A Study on Development Plans of Science and Technology in Inner Mongolia (1958-2008)

【作者】 么红杰

【导师】 郭世荣;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 科学技术史, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 科技发展规划,是政府对未来科技活动进行资源配置的重要依据,体现了政府对科技发展前景及科技影响经济社会发展程度的战略预期。从1958年内蒙古自治区科学工作委员会成立以来,内蒙古一直不间断地分阶段进行中长期科技发展规划研究制定工作。与国家已经制订和实施了8个专门的科技发展规划基本保持一致,内蒙古至今制定和实施了4个科技发展五年计划,3个科技发展中长期规划,对不同时期科技事业的健康稳步发展起到了指导和推动作用。回顾自治区成立以来内蒙古科技规划编制和科技事业的发展历程,大体上经历了4个阶段,第一阶段主要是自治区成立到改革开放(1947—1978),以“奠定基础,重点发展,迎头赶上”为目标,迅速建立起了强大的科研基础和完善的科研体系,这期间自治区编制了《内蒙古自治区三年规划八年设想(1960-1967)纲要》;制定了《内蒙古自治区1963-1972年科技发展规划》。改革开放后分为三个阶段,每个阶段呈现着不同的发展特征。第一阶段确立了“科学技术是第一生产力”的指导思想和“面向、依靠”的战略方针,努力破除经济与科技脱节的旧体制,先后制定了《内蒙古自治区“七五(1986-1990)”科技发展纲要》;《内蒙古自治区“八五”(1991-1995)科技发展规划》。第二个阶段通过实施“科教兴区”战略,确立“创新、产业化”指导方针,调整科技基础结构,建设区域创新体系。1996年,颁布了《内蒙古自治区科学技术条例》;在国内较早地提出了建设创新型省区的战略目标,出台了《关于增强自主创新能力、建设创新型内蒙古的决定》、《内蒙古自治区中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020)的若干政策》。第三个阶段通过探索具有自治区特色的自主创新之路,努力建设创新型内蒙古,经济增长方式向创新驱动型转变。2006年,自治区党委、政府在《关于进一步加快科技发展的决定》中首次提出建设创新型内蒙古,把向建设创新型内蒙古努力作为面向未来的总体策略。按照“自主创新,重点跨越,支撑发展,引领未来”这一方针,自治区编制了《内蒙古自治区中长期(2006-2020)科学和技术发展规划纲要》。五十年来,在国家宏观科技政策的大背景下,内蒙古自治区科技事业顺应经济发展背景、科技发展面对的主要矛盾、科技发展目标任务以及科技工作指导方针在不同历史时期的的变化,不断深入认识和正确把握区情,始终以制订、完善、实施科技规划作为科技战略发展的载体,引领科技事业持续、快速、健康发展,努力实现科技对经济社会发展由“促进”到“支撑”,由“推动”到“引领”的历史性转变。但在科技规划实施过程中,内蒙古仍然存在重设计决策、轻执行评估;重行政指令、轻市场指导;重省市级层面的科技战略、轻旗县级层面等问题。特别是在科技规划实施绩效评估过程中,由于涉及面广、评价原则、方法较难把握、没有专项资金支持等原因,虽然内蒙古在科技发展规划的编制方面投入了大量人、财、物力,但对于科技发展规划后续的执行、执行过程中的评估、评估之后的改进和动态更新与修正,以及何时以何种方式来终结则关注不够,尤其是缺少对科技规划整体实施效果的评估,使得花费了很大精力制订的规划在指导科技实践和进步方面发挥的效力有限。本文在查阅大量资料、内部辑刊等史料的基础上,开创性地综合回顾与总结了内蒙古科技规划五十年的发展历程,这在西部少数民族地区科技政策史也是前人没有做过的工作,对研究西部少数民族地区科技政策史提供了一定的借鉴作用。同时,本文通过借鉴其他区域科技政策绩效评估的理论与方法,基于DEA方法对内蒙古科技规划进行绩效评价,建立内蒙古科技规划绩效评估的可行性路径选择与方法模型,为决策层今后树立开展科技规划绩效评价的理念提供了科学论证和方法选择。根据绩效评价结果,进而提出通过加强科技评估制度建设,明确评估在管理中的作用;建立健全科技评估规章制度和系列评估专业规范,加强评估方法的研究;加强科技评估环境建设,系统地研究科技评估的组织管理等措施加快内蒙古科技规划评价体系构建步伐的建议。

【Abstract】 A development planning of science and technology is an important basis for a government to allocate resources to the future scientific and technological activities. It reflects the strategic expectations of the government to the development prospects of science and technology, and to the influence level of science and technology to economic and social development.Since its founded in1958,The Scientific Work Committee of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has been sequentially formulated and implemented long-term science and technology development planning, including four five-years plans and three long-term plans for the development of science and technology among others which have been kept correspondence with eight national planning and have played guidance and promotion roles to the healthy and steady development of science and technology in the different periods.The history of the government planning for development of science and technology in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region could be divided into four stages. The first stage from the establishment of the Government of the Autonomous Region in1947to the beginning of "the reform and open" in1978lays the "establish foundation, key development, catch up" as its goal, quickly establishing the scientific research foundation and the scientific research system."The Outline for Three-years planning and Development Idea for eight years (1960-1967) of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" and "The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region science and technology development planning of (1963-1972)" were formulated.There are three stages after "the reform and open" period. Each stage presents different characteristics. In the first stage, The Inner Mongolia autonomous region established the guiding ideology as "science and technology is the first productive forces" and the strategic policy as "facing, rely on", in order to explode the old system that economy disjointed from science and technology. The outlines for the development of science and technology in the region during the7th "five-years"(1986-1990) and8th "five-years"(1991-1995) were formulated respectively. In the second stage, through implementation of the strategy of "prospering the region area by science, technology and education", the guidelines of "innovation, industrialization" was established in order to adjust the infrastructure of organization for scientific and technological researches and construct new regional innovation system. In1996, the government issued "The Inner Mongolia autonomous region science and technology regulations". The strategic goal of constructing innovative province was put forward and "The decision about enhancing the ability of independent innovation, and building the innovative Inner Mongolia" and "The Inner Mongolia autonomous region long-term plan for science and technology development (2006-2020)" were issued. In the third stage, by exploring the road of independent innovation with own characteristic, striving to build a creative Inner Mongolia, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region achieved transformation from the model of economic growth to that of innovation driven. In2006, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region proposed the overall strategy of building the innovative Inner Mongolia in "The decision of Accelerating the Development of Science and Technology further". According to the policy of "the independent innovation, key support and leading over the future","The Outline Plan for science and technology development of the Medium and Long-term in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Regions (2006-2020)" was formulated. In the last fifty years, under the macro background of the national policies of science and technology, the Autonomous Region government has always been to formulate and perfect and implement its science and technology plans and strategy.But in the process of implementation of science and technology plans, there still existed some shortage, such as attaching importance to design decisions, despising execution evaluation; attaching importance to executive order, despising market guidance; attaching importance to the strategy level of province and city, despising the county level, etc. Especially in the evaluation process of the plan implement there were apparent shortage. Due to the wide range related, the difficulties of application of the principle and the method of evaluation, shortage of special fund support and other reasons, little attention was paid to the subsequent execution and evaluation of implementation process, the dynamic improvement or adjustment, and the final summarization, although a large number of manpower, financial and material resources were put in for the implementation of those plans. And therefore, the feasibility and effectiveness of those plans were ignored so that the potency of the plan for guidance to practice and progress of science and technology is restricted.Based on a large number of historical publication materials, internal issues, the present dissertation reviews and summarize comprehensively the planning processes and courses and tries to make a clear historical picture for the last50years and to provide a reference to the study of the history of policy for science and technology. This is not done before in the western national minorities areas of China. At the same time, applying the DEA method of science and technology policy performance evaluation to the "eleventh five-year plan" of Inner Mongolia, the author of the dissertation establishes the feasibility route choice model and method of the performance evaluation of science and technology planning of Inner Mongolia, provides scientific argumentation and valid methods for decision-making executive to set up the concept of performance evaluation in the future. Finally, some suggestions for strengthening technology assessment system construction are put forward. For instance, defining the role of assessment in the management; peed up the pace of The Inner Mongolia science and technology planning evaluation system.

  • 【分类号】D633;G322.7
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】657
  • 攻读期成果