

Key Technologies of Autonomous Operation for Navigation Satellite Constellations Using Inter-satellite Tracking Data

【作者】 陈忠贵

【导师】 廖瑛;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 航空宇航科学与技术, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 从提高导航战能力和解决我国区域监测网跟踪局限性的实际需求出发,建设有星间链路支持下的具有自主运行能力的导航星座是新一代全球卫星导航系统发展趋势。本文主要针对全球卫星导航系统自主导航功能,系统分析了有星间链路支持下的导航星座自主运行关键技术,设计了基于星间链路的自主导航算法,提出了一种导航星座自主星历更新的方法,研究了导航星座构形演化与自主维持技术。论文的主要研究内容和创新点如下:导航星座的星间链路及应用研究。(1)对多层星座中的星间链路进行了分类,分析了各种星间链路的特点,分析了星间链路的空间几何模型,研究了星座的连通性和链路管理策略。(2)分析了有星间链路支持下自主导航精度的影响因素,并结合定位原理给出精度估计方法。星地联合整网定轨的集中式估计算法研究。(1)研究了基于整网EKF算法的星地联合定轨方法,引入简化的Sage-Husa自适应滤波,在线估计量测噪声方差矩阵,以提高导航星座中卫星的定轨精度。(2)提出了基于UKF的星地联合定轨算法,避免了线性化过程中的精度损失,丰富了卫星轨道“联合估计”理论,仿真结果表明该联合定轨方案能显著提高定轨精度。星载分布式EKF定轨算法和基于地面锚的星座自主导航策略研究。(1)提出了星载分布式EKF算法,通过滤波过程中状态解耦,仅处理与本星相关的观测数据,可大量缩减计算量,以适应星载计算机性能,有利于工程实现。(2)研究了基于地面锚的星座自主导航策略,通过少量锚固站支持,解决仅依靠星间链路自主导航时的星座整体旋转问题,克服了导航星座自主定轨的秩亏问题。导航星座自主星历更新技术研究。(1)研究了基于无奇异轨道根数的广播星历参数的星上自主拟合算法,解决了参数拟合过程中法化矩阵奇异的问题,可以用于小偏心率轨道的广播星历自主拟合;研究了基于GPS18广播星历参数的星上自主拟合算法,可以提高导航卫星星历长期预报精度,有利于导航星座自主导航的工程实现。(2)研究导航卫星钟差参数的星上自主拟合算法,提出了基于广义卡尔曼滤波器的钟差参数估计与预报方法。导航星座构形演化与自主维持技术研究。(1)研究了导航星座的构形演化问题,分别从单个导航卫星轨道演化、星座空间几何构形演化及区域覆盖星座地域性结构演化三个方面分析了导航星座自主运行过程中星座构形演化对星座性能的影响机制。(2)提出了分段离散序列的控制策略,并根据星座构形控制序列等时间间隔分布的要求。该策略通过对轨道半长轴和倾角的协调控制来实现星座构形沿航迹保持,以保证导航星座构形自主维持任务的完成。论文研究了基于星间链路和地面“锚”固站的导航星座自主运行一些关键技术,在该领域取得了一些探索性研究成果,得出了有益的研究结论,对于我国全球卫星导航系统建设具有参考和借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In order to enhance the ability of navigation battle and meet the requirement ofsolving the restriction of the regional monitoring station network, it is a generaltendency to build Inter-Satellite Links (ISL) in the next generation of the globalnavigation satellite system (GNSS). Bsed on crosslinks the autonomous navigationtechnology is carried out. This dissertation analyzes a variety of technology ofnavigation satellite constellation autonomously operation, proposes the autonomousnavigation algorithm based on inter-satellite link technology, designs the algorithm ofautonomously updated broadcast ephemeris, studies autonomous control technology ofnavigation satellite constellation structure evolution and constellation configuration.The main research contents are as follows:The conceptual design and analysis for navigation constellation with ISL arecarried out.(1) The architecture of multi-layer links of navigation constellation isstudied and designed, and a geometric model of link in constellation is built.(2) Afteranalysing the dynamic topological structure of ISL, a method of estimating autonomousnavigation error is proposed based on the satellite positioning principles.The research on the algorithm of integrated estimation based onSpace-Ground combined orbit determination of navigation constellation.(1) Themethod of combined orbit determination based on the EKF is studied. In order toimprove the accuracy of the navigation constellation, the simplified Sage-Husa adaptivefilter is introduced to estimate the covariance matrix of measurement noise.(2) Themethods of Space-Ground combined orbit determination of navigation constellation arepresented based on UKF, which enhance the accuracy on linearization process andenrich the theory of “joint estimation” of the satellite orbit. The simulation results showthat the method can improve the accuracy of the orbit determination obviously.The research on the algorithm of the space-borne distributed orbitdetermination based on EKF and the strategy of the constellation autonomousnavigation based on ground-based “anchor”.(1) The algorithm of the space-bornedistributed orbit determination based on EKF is presented. The algorithm utilizes statedecoupled in filtering and deposes the observation data which is only related to thenavigation satellite itself. So it reduces the computation largely to meet capability of thespace-borne computers.(2) The strategies of the constellation autonomous navigationbased on ground-based “anchor” are introduced. And the strategies solve the navigationconstellation orbit determination by only using inter-satellite crosslink measurementsduring auto-navigation period and overcome the datum mark deficiency problem of thenavigation constellation autonomous orbit determination.The research on the ephemeris autonomously updated technique of navigation satellites.(1) In order to solve the singularity of the normal matrix in the process offitting, the algorithm of broadcast ephemeris parameters autonomously fitting ispresented based on the non-singular transformation of the orbital elements, which canbe applicable for the orbital eccentricity equaled to zero approximately. Theautonomously fitting algorithm of18parameters of GPS broadcast ephemeris is alsostudied, which enhances the precision of the secular predicting of the navigationsatellites and can be engineering realizable.(2) The fitting algorithm of clock errorparameters of the navigation satellites is studied, and the method of the estimation andprediction for clock error is designed based on generalized EKF.The research on analysis methods of the navigation satellite constellationstructure evolution and the technology of constellation configuration autonomouscontrol.(1) Considering the constraint relations between the configuration evolutionand the autonomous operation of satellite constellation, the analysis methods are studiedon the evolution of the single satellite orbital, the evolution of the constellationgeometry configuration and the configuration evolution of the regional coverageconstellation.(2) The optimization criterions of the most superior constellationconfiguration transformation are established that considers the constellationconfiguration autonomous control sequences to meet equal time length distribution. Andthe criterions also adopt the coordinated control between the semi-major axis andinclination, which enhance the long term stability of the satellite constellationconfiguration.The dissertation investigates some key technology of autonomously operation ofthe navigation satellite constellation based on the ISL and ground-based “anchor”,which exploratory research resulits would avail to pave the way for further researchesand experiments, and also would have certain reference values for the global navigationsatellite system construction.
