

Study on Countering Off-board Interference for Radar Seeker of Anti-ship Missile

【作者】 来庆福

【导师】 陈永光;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 雷达导引头是反舰导弹末制导阶段最重要的制导设备之一,其抗干扰能力直接影响反舰导弹的作战效能。海战场电磁环境的日趋恶劣,对雷达导引头抗干扰能力提出了更大的挑战。深入开展雷达导引头抗干扰技术,提高雷达导引头适应复杂战场环境的能力,是当前迫切需要解决的军事前沿问题,具有重大的军事意义和应用价值。论文针对反舰导弹雷达导引头在搜捕、跟踪阶段面临的典型箔条、舷外有源诱饵等干扰开展相关对抗技术和方法的研究,完成了一系列工作。雷达导引头面临的舷外干扰分析,总结了导引头面临的箔条、角反射器和舷外有源诱饵等舷外干扰,为抗舷外干扰技术开展的基础。主要工作包括:分析了箔条干扰的雷达回波特性,冲淡干扰和质心干扰的战术使用以及箔条干扰发射系统装备情况;总结了角反射器的有效RCS、方向性、频率特性等基本特征以及角反射器基本装备情况;对于舷外有源诱饵分析了其基本干扰原理、应用特点和典型装备情况。同时,文中对舷外干扰的发展趋势进行了分析。雷达导引头搜捕阶段抗干扰方面,深入研究了导引头最佳开机距离的确定和抗冲淡干扰的搜捕技术,提高了导引头的搜捕效率。主要工作包括:①针对反舰导弹搜捕单目标和多目标的情形,分别提出雷达导引头最佳开机距离的确定方法。综合考虑导弹自控终点误差和目标散布误差,在建立搜捕范围模型基础上,保证一定搜捕概率条件下,通过仿真获得不同参数下雷达导引头的最佳开机距离;针对搜捕多目标情形,根据多目标编队模型,建立编队目标散布误差表示方法,获得不同参数下的雷达导引头最佳开机距离,并对影响最佳开机距离的因素进行分析。②针对反舰导弹搜捕阶段面临的冲淡干扰的影响,提出TOM匹配的抗冲淡干扰方法。该方法将反导作战中TOM概念引入到反舰导弹搜捕中加以应用,建立TOM匹配方法和目标选择准则,在受到箔条冲淡干扰的情况下,可以实现对多目标中的预定目标的有效捕获。雷达导引头跟踪阶段抗干扰方面,分别从信息处理应用角度和技术战术综合应用角度开展研究,提出了多种有效的抗舷外干扰方法。主要工作包括:①利用舰船目标和箔条干扰的极化特性差异,提出两种基于极化信息处理的对抗箔条质心干扰方法。箔条质心干扰初形成,舰船目标和箔条干扰不可分辨时,利用GLRT方法检测到存在箔条质心干扰,基于斜投影极化滤波技术抑制箔条质心干扰,减小雷达导引头对舰船目标的测角误差;当舰船目标和箔条干扰可分辨时,基于舰船目标与箔条干扰的极化角统计特性差异,设计识别算法对舰船目标和箔条干扰进行识别,并通过仿真和实测数据对两种抗箔条质心干扰方法的有效性进行分析和验证。②利用惯导信息的短期高精度特性,提出惯导信息辅助的雷达导引头抗舷外干扰方法。在对利用惯导信息辅助的反舰导弹雷达导引头抗舷外干扰处理方法的可行性的分析、探讨的基础上,通过EKF滤波抑制随机测量误差获得较准确的目标位置、速度信息和利用在GLRT检测方法基础上改进的双门限检测方法实现对舷外干扰存在性的有效检测,分别为利用惯导信息辅助抗舷外干扰方法提供前提条件和启动条件。通过计算机仿真和惯导数字/半实物仿真演示验证系统对惯导信息辅助抗舷外干扰方法的有效性进行分析和验证。

【Abstract】 Radar seeker is an important guidance system used in anti-ship missile (ASM), thewarfare efficiency of ASM could be directly affected by the anti-jamming performanceof radar seeker. As the electromagnetic environment of sea battlefield is getting morecomplex, the anti-jamming ability of radar seeker is facing a bigger challenge.Therefore, the problems, such as studying the anti-jamming techniques of radar seekerand enhancing its capacity of adapting complex warfare environment, are needed to besolved urgently. And these works would have important signification and applicationvalue in military. This dissertation is dedicated to the anti-jamming technologies ofASM terminal guidance, which would face the typical jamming, such as chaff andoff-board active decoy, during its acquisition and target tracking phase.On the analysis of off-board jamming faced by the radar seeker, the foundationof anti-jamming techniques is proposed by summarizing the chaff, corner reflector andoff-board active jamming. The content of this part is as following:Firstly, the property of chaff echo is analyzed. The tactical application and weaponequipments of dilution and centroid jamming are reviewed. Secondly, the basicproperties of corner reflector, such as effective RCS, directivity and frequency property,are discussed. The typical weapon equipments of corner reflector are also concluded.Finally, the basic principle, usage specialty and typical weapon equipments of off-boardactive jamming are discussed. The development tendency of off-board jamming isanalyzed.On the anti-jamming technologies of radar seekers in acquisition phase, thedetermination of the optimal starting distance of radar seeker, and the target acquisitionstrategy to encounter dilution jamming is deeply studied. By using these approaches, theseeker acquisition performance will be effectively enhanced. The content of this part isas following:①The method of determining the optimal starting distance of radar seeker isproposed in the single target and multiple targets situation respectively. By consideringthe termination error of auto-control flying missile and target scattering error, theoptimal starting distance of radar seeker, which can ensure the given acquisitionprobability, is obtained by simulation in some typical situation based on the model ofacquiring zone. For the multiple targets situation, the expression method of scatteringerror of the formation targets is built based on the formation targets model. The optimalstarting distance of radar seeker for different parameters is then obtained. And thefactors that impact the optimal distance are discussed.②A novel method to eliminate the dilution jamming is introduced based ontarget-object map (TOM), after the analysis of dilution jamming effection on ASM target acquisition. This method, which apply the TOM concept into the ASM targetacquisition phase in the missile defense application, establish the TOM mapping modeland the corresponding target selection rules. It is shown by simulation that the radarseeker can effectively acquire the designated target in the multiple targets situation byusing this method, especially in the condition of chaff dilution jamming.On the anti-jamming method of radar seeker in the tracking phase, severaleffective off-board jamming discrimination methods are proposed for anti-jammingapplication during the target tracking phase of radar seeker. The major work of this partis studied from the points of view of information processing and tech-tact applicationrespectively. The content of this part is as following:①Two countering methods of chaff centroid jamming are introduced based on thedifference of the polarization characteristics of the warship target and the chaff jamming.At the beginning of chaff centroid jamming evolvement, the warship target and thechaff jamming can not be discriminated by radar seeker. The existence of chaffjamming can be determined by using the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT). Thenthe centroid jamming can be suppressed through the oblique projection polarizationfilter. The measuring error of target angle of radar seeker can also be reduced throughthis processing. For the situation that these two targets can be discriminated, aneffective jamming discrimination algorithm is designed by consideration the diversityproperties of the polarization angle statistical of the warship target and chaff jamming.This method is testified by simulation and field test.②An INS-aided off-board jamming countering method for radar seeker isproposed using the short-term high accuracy character of inertial navigation system(INS). Based on the analysis of the feasibility of the off-board jamming counteringmethod based on the INS information aiding, an extended Kalman filtering (EKF)algorithm is proposed to reduce the random measuring error of radar seeker and obtainmore accurate estimation of target location and velocity. On the Basis of the GLRTdetection algorithm, an enhanced double-threshold detection method is proposed toeffectively detect the off-board jamming, which can offer the precondition to start-upthe INS information aiding. Its effectiveness is validated by both computer simulationand hardware-in-the-loop simulation.
