

Research on Key Technologies of Oily Fe-based Porous Material Slider Type Sliding Guideway in Machine Tools

【作者】 屈重年

【导师】 伍良生;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 滑动结合面常常是机床整个刚度链中的最薄弱环节之一,因此导轨的力学特性直接影响机床整机的动态性能。课题组在结合面方面雄厚的研究基础上,在多孔介质已成功应用于自润滑轴承的启发下,创造性地提出采用铁基多孔含油金属材料为结合面材料研制铁基多孔含油材料滑块型滑动导轨,并对其一些重要的性能进行了理论和实验研究。在以高档数控机床等基础装备和国民经济相关行业所需重大专用装备为重点的发展思路的大背景下,提出用新型功能材料来实现高刚度高阻尼的滑动导轨,对提高机床的加工精度、抑制机床振动与噪声、降低机床故障发生率和提高机床的工作效率等方面具有重要的意义。本文以机床动力学、接触力学、分形理论、渗流力学等相关知识为基础,从多孔含油金属材料固定结合面的基础研究开始,围绕着多孔金属材料内部润滑油的渗出机理,结合面间油膜的挤压特性,多孔含油材料结合面的建模及仿真,多孔含油材料固定结合面参数识别,铁基多孔含油材料滑块型滑动导轨及其实验台的研制,铁基多孔含油材料滑块型滑动导轨特性实验,滑块型滑动导轨的导向精度分析,滑动结合面对机床整机动态性能的影响等关键问题逐步展开研究。论文的主要内容包括以下几个方面:(1)通过对粗糙表面的数学分形描述、流体在多孔金属材料内部的流动分析、结合面狭缝间流体的特性、基于等效单自由度解耦的通用结合面单位面积参数识别等各方面总结与研究,为后续铁基多孔含油材料滑动导轨的研究及滑动导轨性能测试提供理论基础和实验研究手段。(2)采用分形理论和边界润滑的平均流动广义雷诺方程,推导了多孔含油材料结合面法向刚度和阻尼的分析模型。并通过模型对结合面固体接触刚度、液体接触刚度、结合面综合接触阻尼进行了定性仿真分析。分析结果显示,铁基多孔含油材料结合面能够较大幅度地提高结合面的刚度和阻尼特性。这为铁基多孔含油材料滑动导轨的研究提供了重要的理论依据和支撑。(3)通过基于等效单自由度解耦的通用结合面单位面积参数识别方法进行了铁基多孔含油材料固定结合面动态特性的实验研究。完成了固定结合面单位面积参数识别的实验装置设计和制造;开发并完善了基于Labview开发平台的正弦扫频激励的频响函数测量系统;利用此系统对铁基多孔含油材料固定结合面进行了前期实验研究,这也为铁基多孔含油材料滑动导轨的研究提供了重要的实验依据。(4)在前期的研究基础上,完成了铁基多孔含油材料滑块型滑动导轨以及其实验台的设计和制造,并进行了所设计滑动导轨动、静状态下的刚度和阻尼参数识别实验,低速平稳性实验等关键性实验研究。这方面的研究使得铁基多孔含油材料滑块型滑动导轨向实际应用又迈进了一步。(5)进行了铁基多孔含油材料滑块型滑动导轨的具体应用研究方面工作,给出了该类型导轨应用中的几种截面形状以及侧向间隙调整措施。并对滑块型滑动导轨的导向精度进行了建模与仿真分析,提出了滑块型滑动导轨与整体式滑动导轨相比,在导向精度方面的特点,并给出了滑块型动导轨滑块间距的一个确定原则。最后通过实例分析,表述了铁基多孔含油材料滑动导轨在提高机床整机动态性能方面的优势。论文整体从实际应用出发,开展铁基多孔含油金属材料滑块型滑动导轨的关键技术研究。在铁基多孔含油材料结合面的建模与分析、铁基多孔含油材料固定与滑动结合面参数识别,铁基多孔含油材料滑块型滑动导轨的关键性实验、滑块型滑动导轨导向精度建模与分析等方面取得了阶段性成果。

【Abstract】 Sliding joint interface is always one of the weakest links in the whole stiffnesschain of the machine tools; therefore, the mechanical characteristics of the slidingguideway directly affect the dynamic performances of the machine tools. Based on theabundant research foundation on the joint interface of our research group, and basedon the premise and inspiration of the fact that porous media has been successfullyapplied to the self-lubricating bearings, a novel type of slider-sliding guideway wasproposed creatively which using Fe-based oil-soaked porous metallic material as thejoint interface material, and then some researches on its key performances wereconducted theoretically and experimentally. It had great significance to propose thenew kind of guideway under the background of taking the basic equipment, such asCNC machine tools and the major-special-equipments needed in the industries thoserelated to the national economy, as the key and focal point to develop in China.Meanwhile, it had great significance to develop a novel sliding guideway with higherstiffness and damping for improving the machining accuracy, suppressing vibrationand noise of the machine tools, reducing the fault rate and improving themanufacturing efficiency.In the paper, the researches were unfolded gradually begined from the basicresearch of the fixed joint interface consisted by Fe-based oil-soaked porous metallicmaterial, which based on the relevant knowledge including Machine dynamics,Contact mechanics, Fractal theory, and Percolation mechanics and so on. The keyissues were studied step by step, such as the exudation mechanism of internallubricants from the porous metallic material, the extrusion characteristics of oil filmbetween the joint surfaces, the modeling and simulation of the joint surface of theoil-soaked porous material, the parameter identification of the Fe-based oil-soakedporous fixed joint interface, the design of the slider-sliding guideway and its test-stand,the characteristic experiment of the designed sliding guideway, the guiding precisionanalysis of slider-sliding guideway, the impact of sliding joint interfaces on thedynamic performances of the machine tools. The main contents of each part in thepaper were described in detail as follows:(1) By the deeply studies of the mathematical description of rough surface basedon Fractal theory, the flow analysis of fluid in oil-soaked porous material, thesqueezed characteristics of the fluid in the joint surface slits, the universal unit areajoint surface parameter identification decoupling method based on the equivalentsingle degree of freedom (ESDOF), the theoretical basis and experimental tools were provided for the subsequent researches and the performance experiments of thedesigned sliding guideway.(2) The normal stiffness and damping analysis model of the Fe-based porous oilyjoint interface are derived by using the Fractal theory and the generalized Reynoldsequation of average flow under the circumstance of boundary lubrication.Furthermore, the qualitatively simulation analyses were conducted through the modelmentioned above, which included the solid contact stiffness, the liquid contactstiffness, the integrated equivalent contact damping of the joint interface. The analysisresult shows that the stiffness and damping characteristics of the Fe-based porous oilyjoint interface may improve greatly. All of these could provide important theoreticalbasis and support for the study of the designed guideway using Fe-based porousmaterial.(3) The experimental research was carried on through the unit area joint surfaceparameters identification decoupling method based on ESDOF to identify the stiffnessand damping of the Fe-based porous oily material fixed joint interface. The mainworks included the design and manufacturing of the experimental device, and thedeveloping of the software for the frequency response function measurement systemby Labview using swept sine excitation, and many pre-experiments on the fixed jointinterface through the system mentioned above. Meanwhile, these works also providedimportant experimental basis for the development of the slider-sliding guideway usingFe-based oil-soaked porous metallic material.(4) On the basis of previous studies,the design and manufacturing of theFe-based porous material slider-sliding guideway and its test-stand were completed.Furthermore, several key experiments were carried out, which included the stiffnessand damping parameter identification experiment under dynamic and static staterespectively, the low-speed stability experiment of the designed guideway. Theseresearches make the designed guideway step closer to practical applications.(5) Specific application research works about Fe-based porous materialslider-sliding guideway were conducted in this part. Several cross-sectional shape andlateral clearance adjustment measures were presented for better application of thedesigned guideway. The guide precision model of the designed guideway wasestablished. Furthermore, simulation analysis was also conducted using the model,comparing with the overall-contact guideway, the advantages of the slider-slidingguideway was proposed. Meanwhile, one of the principles for determining thedistance between sliders of slider-sliding guideway was proposed. At last, through acase study,the advantages of the Fe-based porous oily material slider-slidingguideway in improving the dynamic performance of the whole machine tool wereexpressed. All the researches in the dissertation were focused on practical application tocarry out the studies of Fe-based porous material slider-sliding guideway and its keytechnologies. Some progressive achievements were acquired in the aspects of themodeling and analysis of Fe-based porous material joint interface, the parametersidentification of the designed fixed and sliding joint interface, the critical experimentsof the designed slider-sliding guideway, and the modeling and analysis of guideprecision of the designed guideway.
